Before you book…

Students, before you book a test, there are few things to know!

1. Share your letter of accommodation with your professor at the beginning of each term.

To see your letter of accommodation, visit the CAL Student Portal, select the “Accommodations” tab and follow the instructions.

2. Book only supervised tests through CAL Test Services.

For unsupervised tests, your professor will provide accommodations as outlined in your letter of accommodation.

3. Know that all tests are supervised.

Tests are written at CAL Test Services. Go to the CAL Student Portal and look under “My Upcoming Events” to find your test location.

4. Know the deadlines before you book a test.

Booking deadlines for students:

  • Tests/Quizzes – must be booked at least seven (7) days in advance.
    • Count backwards 7 days from the day of the test. When counting, include the weekend, the day on which you’re booking the test, and the day of the test. For example, if you want to take a test on Friday, you would have to book it on the previous Friday before midnight.
  • *NEW* Midterms – all midterms/tests being written February 18 – 21 must be booked by Monday, February 3.
  • Final Exams – all exams/tests being written April 12-21 must be booked by Wednesday, March 19.

We cannot accept late requests. If you feel there are special circumstances that apply to your situation, please contact your disabilities counsellor through the Welcome Centre. Email or call 613-727-4723 ext. 7200.

Cancel or change your booked test:

If you’re ill on test day, please do not come to campus. If you cannot write a test for any reason, it is very important to cancel as a lot of work is put into preparing and delivering tests. Go to the CAL Student Portal and use the cancellation button to cancel the test.

To reschedule your test, please cancel the booking in the CAL Student Portal. Then contact your professor before the deadline for booking to try to find another agreeable time. Last, go to CAL Student Portal and rebook your test.