Letter of Accommodation (LOA)
The Letter of Accommodation (LOA) is a confidential document that provides a written statement of the academic accommodations to which a student registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning is entitled. The LOA describes both in-class accommodations and test/exam accommodations. The accommodations are intended to equalize students’ opportunity to meet essential program and/or course requirements.
The accommodations listed on the LOA are based on specific disability-related academic needs. For example, a doctor or psychologist may recommend that a student receive extended time on exams, or that the student may need note-taking assistance. Students will talk about these needs with their Disabilities Counsellor during their appointment and together they will develop the LOA.
Clinical/Lab/Placement LOA: Please discuss your clinical/lab/placement accommodation needs with your Disabilities Counsellor.
Students are responsible for ensuring their professors receive a copy of the LOA each term if they are seeking accommodations for that course.
Steps for Sending Your Letter of Accommodation (LOA) to Professors (for On-Campus Students)
- Visit the CAL Student Portal
- Click on the Letter of Accommodation icon
- Click the Accommodations tab
- Log in with your Algonquin College network username (ex. nick0001) and password
- Select Term: e.g., Winter 2025
- The list of your courses is showing: Go to the first course and click Request (dark blue)
- The list of your accommodations will show on the left side of the page and the list of your courses/professors will be on the right. Note: This may appear different if you’re using a mobile device.
- Click on the courses associated with a professor or click Check All
- Click on the bullet “○” to confirm that your accommodations are correct
- Click to agree to the Terms
- Click Submit
- Way to go! Your Letter of Accommodation has been sent!
Click here for a PDF of these instructions.
Steps for Sending Your Letter of Accommodation (LOA) to Professors (for AC Online Students)
AC Online students need to send their LOA to their Course Facilitators and the AC Online Exam Coordinator. Course Facilitator emails can be found on Brightspace and the Exam Coordinator can be emailed at OLexams@algonquincollege.com.
If you need help sending your LOA, please reach out to your Disabilities Counsellor.
View a sample Letter of Accommodation.