Assistive Technology Services
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Priority Equipment
What is Assistive Technology (AT)?
What types of services does the Assistive Technology Team offer?
What is the role of an Assistive Technologist (AT)?
What types of tools does an AT Team support?
How do I book an appointment with someone on the AT Team?
What is the Assistive Technology Lab?
How do I request a physical accommodation in the classroom?
What are the hours of operation of the AT Lab?
What are Accessible Print-Based Services (APBS)?
What resources does the AT Lab provide to Faculty?
Assistive Technologists
Assistive Technology On Campus
Students can access various Assistive Technology software options. Examples include:
- Read & Write – Download the trial version from
- Under ‘Products’ choose ‘Try Read & Write Now’, then select your operating system and version of English.
- When it asks you to sign in, use your email (this is a Microsoft account). Using your Algonquin College email will unlock the full version on all Operating Systems.
- Zoomtext – Screen magnification with reading
- JAWS – Screen reader
- Inspiration – Mind-mapping
Make an appointment with your Assistive Technologist to explore your assistive technology options.