Disabilities Counsellor Appointment Follow Up

Key Information Following Initial CAL Appointment

Thank you for accessing services with the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL). We look forward to working with you in your studies at Algonquin College! Important reminders about the services you can access as well as information that was reviewed during your initial CAL appointment can be found below.

Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) Services

Safety Information

Useful Algonquin Services Links

  • Any questions you may have about OSAP, bursaries or the financial aid process can be sent to the Financial Aid Office.  
  • To register your disability status with OSAP, you will need to have the OSAP Disability Verification Form completed by a health professional – ask your Disabilities Counsellor or Financial Aid Officer for the form. 
  • Be sure to access other Algonquin College services and keep track of important dates in the Academic Calendar. 
  • Visit the Current Students website to find various links you may need to access as a student at Algonquin including ACSIS, Library resources, Brightspace, Live@AC email account, etc. 
  • Peer Tutoring: Access peer tutoring sessions.  
  • Coaching Lab: Use free coaching appointments that are available in subjects like English, Computers, Math and more! 
  • Counselling Services: Access professional, confidential support for mental health, academic, and career concerns. This is not an immediate response service. If urgent, please contact these Canada-wide mental health resources.

Summary of Information from your Initial Disabilities Counselling Appointment

Letter of Accommodation 

If you agreed to create a Letter of Accommodation (LOA), please keep in mind the following:

  • You are responsible for ensuring your faculty get a copy of your LOA each semester if you are seeking accommodations for a course. Your LOA will not be sent to your teachers automatically.
  • Best Practice: Send out your LOA at the beginning of each semester to make sure your instructors are aware of your accommodation needs!
  • If your accommodation needs ever change or your LOA needs to be updated, please contact the Welcome Centre to book an appointment with a Disabilities Counsellor (613) 727-4723 ext 7200 or welcomecentre@algonquincollege.com.

Sending Your Letter of Accommodation 

On-Campus Students:

  • On-campus students are responsible for sending their LOA to faculty themselves, using the CAL Student Portal.
  • You can find easy-to-follow steps, as well as the link to the portal here.
  • Remember: You will need to share your LOA with each professor you have. If your professor changes mid-semester, the new teacher will need to get a copy of the LOA in order to know that you require accommodations. Reach out to your Disabilities Counsellor if you require assistance.

Online Students:

  • Online students are responsible for sending LOAs to Course Facilitator(s) and the Online Exam Coordinator (if applicable). Your Online Student Success Specialist can also send your LOA to your course facilitators on your behalf. You can reach these key contact people via email at the following addresses:

If you need help sending your LOA, please contact your Disabilities Counsellor.

Accommodation Details 

Accommodations are provided based on your supporting documentation. Please refer to your Letter of Accommodation (LOA) to see the specific accommodations to which you are entitled. Key accommodations and associated explanations are outlined below. Note that not all of them may apply to you.

Reduced Course Load

  • This accommodation is available to students with permanent disabilities. If you qualify for it and completed the required paperwork for this accommodation, be sure to connect with your program coordinator/advisor to finalize your reduced load before the 10th day of each term. Make sure to approach them at least one month before future terms to ensure your schedule is loaded on time.
  • You may need to opt-in to receive your U-Pass. You can do so by following this link.
  • If you need to, you can print a letter from ACSIS confirming your full-time status.

Peer Notetaker

  • If you discussed a peer notetaker accommodation, you and the Peer Notetaker must sign the Peer Notetaking Services Contract.  It is your responsibility to find a notetaker, with the assistance of professors and the Disabilities Counsellor, as needed. Students are encouraged to ask a peer, or request from their professor that an anonymous announcement be made to the class indicating the request for a notetaker.
  • It is your responsibility to read and complete the form with the notetaker to start the service. The contract is valid for one semester.

Recording Lectures

If you are eligible for lecture recordings, you signed the Recording Lectures Accommodation Contract with your Disabilities Counsellor. You can meet with an Assistive Technologist to determine what tool is best suited to your needs as well as to receive training on that tool for recording purposes.

Flexibility with Deadlines

If your Disabilities Counsellor approved access to some flexibility with assignment deadlines for disability-related reasons, please review this assignment extension resource for more information and a template to use when requesting an extension. Please note that for extensions that are not related to disability, refer to Policy AA21 – Deferred Evaluation.

Flexibility with Attendance Policies

If your Disabilities Counsellor approved access to some flexibility with attendance policies/procedures for disability-related reasons, please be sure to reach out to your instructors if deadlines for assignments, tests, exams, or labs are missed to negotiate alternative arrangements. You are still expected to meet attendance requirements as much as possible, but may request some alternative arrangements as per this accommodation. Please note that for absences that are not related to disability, refer to Policy AA21 – Deferred Evaluation.

Physical Classroom Accommodations

If you are eligible for physical classroom accommodations, you will be sent an email with a request for more information to clarify what you need put in place. You will then be contacted every term thereafter to ask about your needs for the upcoming term.

Memory Aid

  • If your Disabilities Counsellor approved your access to a memory aid, it is encouraged that you meet with a Learning Strategist to learn how to generate Memory Aids for tests. You can find out more about the requirement for memory aids here:
  • You must send your instructor your Memory Aid at least 7 days in advance of a test for approval.

Formula Card

  • If your Disabilities Counsellor approved your access to formula cards for testing, remember that these contain only formulas for math-based tests. They cannot contain any worked-through problems or explanations.
  • A formula card must be sent to your instructor at least 7 days in advance of a test for approval


If you have a medical condition, your Disabilities Counsellor may have notified Security Services, as requested. You can reach out to them to provide additional details as desired.

Access to CAL-Approved Playlist

  • If your Disabilities Counsellor approved your access to this accommodation, this applies only to situations when you are writing your tests with CAL Test Services. 
  • Students requiring access to music during tests/exams can access CBC Music Playlists. Students can access these playlists outside of CAL Test Services on their personal devices to familiarize themselves with the music. If students require support in accessing the playlist, the AATs can provide assistance. Please visit the Assistive Technology Lab in Room E303. 

Reading/Writing Software

If you were granted access to reading and/or writing software as an accommodation, your next step will be to meet with an Assistive Technologist to determine what tool is best suited to your needs as well as to receive training on that tool. Please be sure to book a meeting with an Assistive Technologist to access this software by contacting the Welcome Centre.

Test Accommodations 

Visit the CAL Test Services Website for more information on your test accommodations.  

  • On-Campus Students: Notify your professors and book your quizzes/tests/exams with CAL Test Services through the CAL Student Portal at least 7 days in advance for each quiz/test/exam and by the final exam booking deadline identified on the CAL Test Services website.
    • Please review CAL Test Services’ Guidelines and Processes for specific information on test bookings, writing tests with CAL Test Services, and missed tests or exams.
  • AC Online Students: It is recommended that students confirm their test/exam accommodation requirements with their Course Facilitators at least 7 days prior to the scheduled test/exam date. Additional clarification on testing/exam details can be obtained from the AC Online Exam Coordinator: OLexams@algonquincollege.com.

Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD)/Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment – Students with Disabilities (CSG-DSE) 

  • If you are on OSAP and have uploaded your OSAP Disability Verification Form, you can apply for the BSWD/CSG-DSE. If you are eligible for this, it can be used to cover the cost of certain disability-related expenses. Please find more information at OSAP’s BSWD/CSG-DSE website.   
  • You need to apply to the BSWD no later than 60 days before the end of your study period. Please let your Disabilities Counsellor know if you wish to apply.