Mobile Device – Bachelor of Technology (Business Systems Development) or (Digital Health) (Honours)
PC Windows Laptop – ‘Better’ Model – i5 is required for your program.
Specifics required for your program are listed with an asterisk (**)
- Intel 10th-generation Intel Core i5 – i7 ( or better )**
- Minimum 16 GB of RAM (32G is better) **
- 1TB or larger HD **
- DVD R/W, (optional – Blu-Ray disc Reader)**
- High-end graphics video card with 1GB of RAM
- 12 inch screen or larger**
- At least 1 full size USB port
- USB 3.0 **
- Wireless ethernet 802.11ac **
- Wired ethernet port (optional)
- Windows 11 (Home, Educational, or Pro versions). Note: Windows 11S is not recommended for use at Algonquin College.
Your program has determined that a Windows based PC is required.
If you intend to use a Mac, you will be required to have your Mac laptop configured to run Windows based software.For more information visit our Parallel software page.
For a list of recommended laptops sold through our Connections: The Campus Store that meet these requirements, see this page. You may choose any laptop as long as it meets the requirements listed above.