Chris Castillo
First Name: Chris
Last Name: Castillo
Extension: 7159
Room: B237a
Title: Professor
School/Department: Business - Management and Entrepreneurship
Campus: Ottawa
Entrepreneur – Educator – Author
Chris is a full-time professor in the Business Management and Entrepreneurship (B-ME) program who thrives on teaching his students who have the goal of owning or managing a small business. “Entrepreneurial students are in a different class all by themselves” says Castillo, “they are leaders, not followers, and they take the steps necessary to learn how to succeed in their chosen field; it’s a privilege to help them do that!”
As a seasoned professor, serial entrepreneur, investor and published author (Knowles/Castillo), Chris shares his entrepreneurial experiences and knowledge, giving the students in the program the added bonus of having the author of their textbook standing at the front of their class!
Chris has started over 10 businesses ranging from restaurant, coffee shop, jean manufacturing, internet business to currently a mechanic shop and international entrepreneur coaching/consulting company. He is also an early stage investor in local and international businesses.
Chris is a highly sought after entrepreneur consultant/coach, educator and conference speaker and has gained the reputation of being “One of Canada’s Finest Entrepreneurship Instructors” and was awarded to represent Canada in a World Trade University Global Conference on Youth Entrepreneurship in 2006 in Sao Paolo, Brazil.
Chris is also a philanthropist having worked with Street Kids International in Ecuador and Peru helping and coaching street kids to start businesses that were not harmful to them and ultimately leading them to getting off the street. Chris also assisted in the start-up of Jade’s KIDS Foundation in British Columbia.