How long is the program and when are classes?
This graduate certificate is designed with the professional in mind. The program is offered in three intakes Spring (May start), Fall (September start) and Winter (January start). All intakes are offered over two consecutive semesters. The Spring Intake starts in May and runs until December. The Fall intake starts in September and runs until the end of April. The Winter intake starts in January and runs until the end of August. Classes are normally scheduled for the entire day however are usually in the late afternoons, evenings.

Are classes online or in person?
This program uses a variety of learning formats specifically classroom delivery and in-class projects including a client-facing assignment (a consulting project). None of our courses are taught online.

Classes may be scheduled at any time in the day. However, they are frequently scheduled in the late afternoon or evening to accommodate the working schedules of our part-time faculty who work in industry.

Can I work while doing this program?
Most students need to work to supplement their education. The class times and condensed two-semester format help students complete the certificate efficiently so that they can begin their career in the field of international business.

What are the students like who usually take this program?
This program is designed for college or university graduates looking to advance their career in international business management. Students have a wide variety of work and/or volunteer experiences. There is often a mix of international students from different countries and cultures, which brings very dynamic and interesting discussion to the classroom.

What will I learn?
Students learn how to manage international business activities and expand global networks. Through a creative, flexible and client-focused approach students develop an understanding of international trade regulations, international market research, market access strategies, and the impact of emerging technologies on international business. Students acquire creative and critical analytical expertise to evaluate, generate plans and advise businesses on international markets.

Are there any certifications that I can earn?
The program provides a pathway to the following designations upon completion of their additional requirements and exams:

  • Certified International Trade Professional (CITP®) designation

The CITP® is not awarded by Algonquin College. Students will meet the academic requirements for application to the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) designation granted by the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT), other criteria apply. For more information on obtaining the credential after program completion refer to the website: www.fittfortrade.com.

Do we work with real-world clients?
In the second semester, students complete an international market entry project for a real-world client. Students apply their learning to develop an international business plan and international market entry strategy presentation.

Who teaches the courses?
The professors come from diverse and international backgrounds, and are active practitioners and educators, some owning their own businesses in the field of international business development and sales.

What Accreditation and Certification fees are mandatory?
Students are required to purchase the course materials for the Forum of International Trade Training (FITT) courses and completion of three FITT project for a cost of $550.00. This fee is mandatory and in addition to the student’s tuition.

Do I need specialized software or computer?
Students are required to have a mobile computing device that meets program specifications. Please note that it is mandatory to have a Windows based system. More information can be found here https://www.algonquincollege.com/byod/programs/better/.