Student Experience

What to Expect

Algonquin College is proud to provide a diverse and dynamic student experience. Check out the highlights below to get a sense of what to expect as a student in the Business Development and Sales program.

Student Success and Testimonials

female graduate“As a recent graduate, I find that the skills and knowledge I gained have set me up for success. The program focuses on high-demand skills and real-world projects, such as developing a comprehensive marketing plan, conducting market research, and creating a sales strategy. It has equipped me with the tools and expertise to drive business growth, build strong relationships with various stakeholders, and excel in a fast-paced sales environment. I am grateful for the experience and would highly recommend this program to anyone looking to launch a career in business development.”
– Angelique Herdan, Graduate

“As a manufacturer we are seeing a shift in the sales roles. There is a high need for strong business development and lead generation skills. Sellers that use analytics and business acumen to develop and execute their sales strategy will be successful in this changing market. We require individuals that can use technology, market research and data to help support their customer development, account planning and mapping.”
– Shannon Hall, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Dustbane Products Ltd.

Canadian Sales Educator’s Symposium
Group shot of Sales Symposium participants Sales Symposium professionals around tableAlgonquin College was proud to host the Canadian Sales Educator’s Symposium in June, in partnership with Conestoga School of Business.

This event provided an invaluable networking opportunity for students, while bringing those in the industry together to discuss ideas, trends, technology, and more.







Work-Integrated Learning

  • Conceptualize, create and implement a sales plan to support the development of business-to-business marketing activity

  • Learn the guiding principles of professional selling and complex negotiations, as well as strategies for customer relationship management, global selling, and strategic account management success, including an in-depth study of data analytics.

  • The program is accredited by the CPSA Institute, and provides all 35 hours of pre-requisite education toward the Certified Sales Professional designation, the second level of the Graduated Certification Framework.