Student Experience

What to Expect

Algonquin College is proud to provide a diverse and dynamic student experience. Check out the highlights below to get a sense of what to expect as a student in the Bartending program.

Success Stories and Testimonials

Bartending graduate, smiling

“This program is the perfect mix of practical and theory based learning on aspects from mixology to customer satisfaction.”
– Liam Bevington, Graduate, Assisting Bartender, St. Louis Bar and Grill




“It’s just like the work environment but in class. It’s fun to connect with everybody; it’s the type of environment that promotes growth.”
– Mathieu, Graduate

“I learned so much more than I thought I would… every faculty member is so knowledgeable in every area of hospitality and they are very approachable.”
– Rebecca Blatz, Graduate

“It’s an awesome program that gives you a lot of great skills and knowledge to give you the boost you need to be a great bartender. The tasting in class is fun too.”
– Matthew Dawson, Graduate

“The Bartending program taught me how a bar runs from every aspect… from the legal side to dealing with customers and everything in between. The instructors definitely helped me grow as a bartender and as a person.”
– Shauna Heath, Graduate

Work-Integrated Learning

Learn to mix in our newly renovated bar lab.

Gain applied skills in cocktail artistry and beverage service in our fully stocked, multi-station mixology and wine-tasting labs. Through sampling and tasting, expand your palate and develop an appreciation for the complexity and diversity of spirits, liqueurs, beers and wines.

The program focuses on the professional development and practical dexterity skills required for obtaining employment as a creative bartender. Students are given the opportunity to complete their Smart Serve certificate, and gain real-world experience through a field-placement component.

Expand your real-world experience with a field placement in an Ottawa bar, restaurant or nightclub. This placement gives you the opportunity to network with industry contacts.