How is this program structured?
It is a comprehensive, full-time journey spread over 42 weeks, starting in September or January and concluding 12 months later.

Are classes online or in person?
There is flexibility to attend classes in-person or virtually, with a multi-modal delivery format, designed to accommodate your personal and professional commitments.

What will I learn?
The program prepares students to work in accounting. Students focus on accounting practices that incorporate technology in various business environments. Students gather and analyze financial information and prepare financial reports using financial accounting software and spreadsheet applications.

Through financial scenarios and practical exercises, students develop in-depth knowledge of financial accounting, managerial accounting, taxation, audit, and finance and acquire the skills, terminology, concepts, and tools required in accounting. The program concludes with a capstone course that allows students to consolidate the knowledge and skills applied and practiced throughout the program.

Are there any certifications or designations?
Students interested in pursuing a professional, recognized accounting designation are advised to check with the relevant accounting body website, and to continue to check these websites on a regular basis for updates. Chartered Professional Accountants Canada (CPA)

Will I need to purchase textbooks, a computer or specialized software for this program?
This program requires a laptop that conforms to your program’s specifications please see www.algonquincollege.com/byod for details. You will have access to college issued software and some course have an eText which is included in the cost of your tuition. Other courses may require you to purchase textbooks.