Cheryl Dowell
First Name: Cheryl
Last Name: Dowell
Extension: 7438
Room: B347d
Title: Professor
School/Department: Business - Management and Entrepreneurship
Campus: Ottawa
Love what you do and it’s not work.
I am very fortunate to love what I do. After teaching at Algonquin College for 10 years, I still am excited to walk into each new class.
The next 15 years must be about innovation NOT imitation. By working side-by-side with our future entrepreneurs and managers, we have weekly discussions and applied learning in my Business Management and Retail Management classes where we begin to tackle the concerns of today and brainstorm ways of making business efficient, effective and sustainable; all while ensure that each student begins to find their place in this exciting future.
“A very charismatic individual with a great understanding of how to connect with her students and get everyone to participate.” – B-ME Alumni