student success

Top 5 Job Searching Strategies for Students and New Grads

Are you wrapping up your time at Algonquin College School of Business and thinking about your future?

It’s probably time to start thinking about looking for a career related to the business program you’ve spent so much time studying.

job search strategies

Job searching can be tough. In many ways it’s almost like a full-time job! You need to invest time into research and preparing for interviews.

But there are ways to make the job search process less tedious.

Here are the top 5 job searching strategies:

Job Boards

Job boards are a great to place to start looking for a job. But, don’t depend solely on this method; see the other strategies.

There are many websites where you can search for companies looking to hire. Here are a few of the most popular ones:

For most of these websites, you can (and should!) set up job alerts based on specific criteria that applies to you. For example, you could search for Ottawa jobs in Marketing, Business Administration, Law Clerk, etc.


Many jobs that are available are not even posted online. These jobs are usually filled through word-of-mouth and connections.

To find out about these jobs, you need to network with your connections.

  • Send around resume with a brief description of yourself
  • Tell your network what you want
  • Join LinkedIn and start building connections
  • Take part in LinkedIn groups for your industry
  • Join associations in your field

The more people you know and the more people who know you are looking for a job, the better!!

Cold Calling

In some cases, a cold calling approach works. However, use this approach carefully and really do your research in advance.

Research organizations you want to work for and send your resume and cover letter. Be sure to specify why you are contacting them and what type of position you are suited for.

Places to look:

  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Associations

Informational Interviews

Informational interviews are an excellent way to learn more about a career and how that person got to where they are.

Meet with people in your industry to learn more about their experience and what they look for in employees.

Always research the person and company before your meeting. Come prepared with specific questions that can’t be found by a search of their site.

Be sure to send a thank you letter, card, or email to the person you met with.

Note: Do not expect a job out of the interview and don’t ask for one. The point is to gather information and build a connection.


Volunteering is another way to build connections and gain more experience in an industry and career.

Organizations that promote volunteer opportunities:

Or, see if a company you are interested in will take you on as a volunteer or intern.

Don’t give up!! Keep up with all these strategies and something great will happen!

3 Time Management Tips for Students

Time management is an easy concept to understand and hugely beneficial if properly undertaken. But like anything else, it’s easier said than done.

time management tips

Do you feel like your productivity levels can be improved? Organization plays a huge role in that. Do you sometimes get so overwhelmed that you don’t know which task to even start with? Don’t worry, every Algonquin College business student experiences this at some point or another. The good news is, there are measures that you can implement to put you in the right track.

1. Prioritize

Don’t be a procrastinator! Prioritizing your responsibilities is very important to your academic success. If you know you have a busy week coming up with important academic deadlines, it might be wise to limit your social events etc. Remember, there are plenty of other social events throughout the year, so you won’t be missing out on anything!

2. Be organized

First off, if you do not use a calendar/agenda of some sorts – start now. If you have a hard time organizing yourself, a calendar can save your life. From projects, to midterms to finals, school functions, social events…your life can get pretty hectic!

If you are a visual person like me, buy a large scale calendar and color coat your different activities (and highlight important deadlines!). If you are not a paper person, use an online calendar (ex. Google Calendar) to help you out! By having a calendar you will be able to pin point where you were wasting time and be able to improve upon that.

At the beginning of the semester, you are also given a day planner/agenda. Use this too. It is portable and if you are on the go and have to jot down something quick, it is at your disposal.

3. Don’t overload yourself

If you’re like me, then you like overloading yourself with a bunch of work and getting done as much as you can as fast as you can. But this method raises issues. Ever heard of the saying ‘Quality over Quantity’? This is a perfect example of that. Yes, school can be overwhelming and stressful – but overloading yourself is not the answer. Split up your work into time segments. So, look at what deadlines you have to meet first, which tasks are more important…and allocate your time accordingly.

Once scheduling becomes a second nature to you, you’ll be able to adjust your tasks accordingly. It is easier to find something to do with extra time then to find extra time to do something. It is wise to be cautious at first and then base your future time management decisions off of that.

What other time management strategies work for you?

Advice to New Algonquin College Students from an Alum

Looking back to when I started at the School of Business at Algonquin College it seems like time flew by so quickly during those years.

I made some amazing memories and of course had my ups and downs, but now I just focus on all of the good memories I’ve made. I wouldn’t change my college experience for anything and want to share some of my tips for success.

new college students

Get Involved

Part of the learning during your time in College happens outside of classes. By getting involved with the various clubs on campus, such as the Accounting Club, you develop leadership skills that are valuable to future employers. You also can put into practice some of the skills you are learning in class. For example, you could join the Algonquin Entrepreneurs Club and learn how to build your own profitable company.

Meet New People

College is a great place to make life-long friends who share the same passions and interests as you. It’s also an opportunity to meet people who are different from you and share an alternative perspective on things. Take time for others and work on your friendships; these are what really matter at the end of the day!

Take Time for Yourself

Studying and holding down a part time job can get overwhelming, especially during exam time! Be sure that every once in a while you take a “personal day”. Take a break from every day tasks and relax. Have a pjs/jogging pants day and lounge while reading a book for pleasure. Taking these mental breaks will actually help you focus better on your studies. Just be sure not to take too many days off! 🙂

Study Hard

College can be difficult! Classes are harder than high school. It seems like you have more free time but that can be deceiving. While you should take some personal time (see above) it’s equally as important to be serious about your studies. You’ll be much happier graduating college with job offers, than your peers who skipped class and are sitting around on their parents’ couch.


Above all, have fun! Get involved and meet new people, take time for yourself but balance that with serious studying. Enjoy every moment and look for opportunities to grow personally and professionally.

4 Tricks to Study Better

We all hate it, but we all have to do it. There are many ways to study. No single way is completely the right way as every person has different learning styles and preferences. Some people prefer memorizing chucks of text, rather than understanding it (it is not the good way of studying as you won’t remember anything after, but that’s how some students get by).

college study tricks

Here are some tricks you can use to help you study more effectively and efficiently.

1. Create mnemonic devices when studying

  • It’s a memory technique to help your brain better encode and recall important information. You can do this in the form of acronyms, rhymes etc. (ex. SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound)

2. Have an appropriate study environment

  • This can be different depending on the person. Usually it is better to study in a quiet area where you can’t be distracted
  • Some students prefer studying with music, as they can remember certain things if they recall the song that was played (particular song will trigger a memory)
  • Turn off your phone, iPod, social media accounts, YouTube etc – they can be very distracting!

3. Concentrate

  • Studying may seem overwhelming at times, but it is never a good idea to bounce back and forward between topics. You won’t retain information as well by doing that. Focus on one area first and know it well.
  • Split up your studies into smaller, more manageable chunks
  • When you read a chapter, try to understand the content rather than just plowing through to the end. Highlight important points in your textbook (if allowed), and take those points and type them in a document. Writing key points out with also help with memory retention, and you will only have a few pages to review rather than an entire textbook!

4. Organize yourself

  • When you receive your syllabus at the beginning of the semester, make sure you record all of your test/exam dates and highlight them in a calendar
  • Don’t wait and study the night before an exam. Your memory won’t retain much of that information
  • If you have study sessions – go to them.
  • During class, if you are unclear about something – ask questions! Your professor will take notes of who participates, prepared and punctual to his/her class

What’s the number one study tip that works for you?

How to Apply for College

September seems so far away when we just celebrated the New Year, but it’s already time to start thinking about applying for college!

A key deadline for applications is February 1. This is the equal consideration date to apply for programs that start in the fall.

Why is February 1st Important?

If you want to be considered on an equal basis with other applicants, your application and application processing fee must be received at the Ontario Colleges office by February 1st.

After this date, applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis, providing there are still vacancies in the program(s) of your choice.

This is particularly important if you are applying to college programs that are considered highly competitive; a program for which the number of qualified applicants exceeds the number of seats for the fall term.

Don’t miss out! Be sure to apply before February 1!

Application Process

Step 1: Explore your college options

You can explore your options in a many ways!

  • Attend a College Information Program event
  • Take a college campus tour

Book a campus tour of Algonquin College
Take a virtual tour of Algonquin College

  • Review college websites and programs

Check out the Algonquin College School of Business programs
See what other programs Algonquin offers

  • Research program admission requirements

Step 2: Apply at

  • Click the “Sign Up Today” button and complete all required fields
  • Check your email account for an account activation link and complete the steps
  • Login, review and accept the Privacy Statement
  • Record your username, account and application numbers. (Keep your password confidential)
  • Complete your application including program choices

Step 3: Make your payment

For your application to be processed, you must pay the $95 non-refundable application processing fee must be paid in Canadian funds.

Unfortunately, there are no exemptions from the application fee. Depending upon the type of applicant you are, other fees may apply.

You can pay online using Visa, MasterCard, or American Express or directly from your bank account with online banking. You can also pay by phone or mail (money order or certified cheque only). All fees are non-refundable.

Step 4: Verify your information

  • Check your email inbox for a message from with your account information.
  • Return to your account and verify that the grades forwarded by your high school are correct.

Step 5: Make your final decision

The colleges will let you know directly of their admission decision. When you receive an offer of admission and have decided what school and program you will accept:

  • Log back into your online application/account
  • Click on “View Offers”
  • Confirm your offer of admission (If after accepting an offer of admission you do not receive a confirmation email, contact immediately.)

Need help with the college application process? has some helpful resources for you, including a “Live Help” (real-time website feature) where you can chat with one of the Customer Contact Centre staff.

You can also email the Customer Contact Centre at or call the Customer Contact Centre at 1 888 892 2228 (toll-free within Canada) Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST

IMPORTANT! and the colleges use your email address to send you information about your application. Be sure to check your email regularly!

What Algonquin College program(s) are you thinking about applying to?