
6 Tips and Tricks for New College Students

New college student

The toughest thing about starting college is knowing how to make wise choices – critical decision that lead to success. These 6 tips and tricks can help to set you up for a strong first-year experience.

  1. Go to class. There is a reason this is number one. College is an amazing experience, but you can’t stay if you fail your courses. Missing class is one of the worst things you can do. Remember: your ultimate goal is to graduate and get the career you always dreamed of. How are you going to do that if you can’t even make it to class regularly?
  2. Participate in events early on — especially during Orientation. Let’s be honest: not all events aimed at first-year students are super exciting. Tours of the library and silly-sounding mixers may not be your thing. But they connect you to the campus, help you meet people and network, and prepare you for academic success. So roll your eyes if you must, but go.
  3. Take risks. Do things that are outside of your comfort zone. Never participated in a club? Never tried a kind of food that’s available in the cafeteria? Never introduced yourself to a complete stranger? Step outside of your comfort zone and take some risks. You’re going to college to learn new stuff, right?
  4. Learn how to say “no.” This may be one of the most challenging skills to learn when you’re first in school. But saying “yes” to everything that sounds fun, interesting, and exciting will lead you to trouble. Your academics will suffer, your time management will be horrible, and you’ll burn yourself out.
  5. Ask for help before it’s too late. Algonquin is a very welcoming and nurturing place; no one there wants to see you do poorly. If you’re struggling in a class, ask your professor for help or book an appointment with your Student Success Specialist. If you’re having a hard time adjusting, talk to someone in Counseling Services. Fixing a smaller problem is almost always easier than fixing a big one. We are all “Here 2 Help” but you need to self-advocate!
  6. Stay on top of your finances and financial aid. It can be easy to forget that appointment with the Financial Aid Office or that deadline by which you had to submit a simple form. If you let your finances slip, however, you can quickly find yourself in a lot of trouble. Make sure you stick to your budget throughout the semester and be aware of the status of your financial aid.
Here 2 help sign
Remember be proactive, self-advocate and most importantly have fun. Welcome to the School of Business!
What are your tips and tricks for new college students? Do you have any stories about when you were a new student? Please share your thoughts.


Flugtag Anyone?

The Algonquin Airborne Aces – Red Bull Flugtag Challenge

Algonquin Airborne Aces Logo

The School of Business’ very own Alex Mahon, a current Business – Management and Entrepreneurship student is serving as team leader for The Algonquin Airborne Aces, in this year’s Red Bull Flugtag Challenge.

Alex, along with his ace team members, Akil Alyacoubi, Vincenzo Marcantonio, and Kevin Randing, are facing the Flugtag with heads held high as it “challenges the brave and the brainy to design, build and pilot homemade flying machines, and launch themselves off a 22-foot high flight deck in hopes of soaring into the wild blue yonder…or more often than not, plunging into the waters below.”

The challenge takes place on Saturday, July 27 at the Canadian Museum of Civilization here in Ottawa. Teams will be judged based on three criteria:

  1. Flight distance
  2. Creativity of the craft
  3. Showmanship

The Aces researched the most effective glider designs for distance and concluded that the canard design would create the most lift with minimal acceleration and speed. Flight distance – check!

Flying Machine

Creativity of the craft – check!

The team has also chosen to deck their flying machine out in a camouflage design to showcase the College’s support for the Canadian Armed Forces. Team member Vinnie is a service member in the artillery. Showmanship – check!

“A couple of us came together and said it would be really awesome if as an entry from the College, we could participate in this competition. The majority of the team members are Mechanical Engineering students in the 3-year Mechanical Engineering program. They’ve got skill sets from welding to framing to design work and the amount of actual computer design work that has gone in to this aircraft is crazy,” said Mahon.

This is one of the many ways for the School of Business students to get out there and flex their entrepreneurial spirit, skills and passion. We wish the best of luck to the Algonquin Airborne Aces as they complete the build and count down the days to the event!

  1. Check out Part One: Mission Report >>
  2. Check out Part Two: Construction Report >>
  3. Check out Part Three: Meet the Team >>
  4. Check out Part Four: The Results >>

Do you think you have the courage to build a flying machine?

Spotlight: Algonquin Accounting Club

Life on campus isn’t all about studying and homework, there are many ways to get involved, make new friends and network.

Algonquin College has many clubs on campus for students in all faculties, including the School of Business.

This article shines the spotlight on one of these clubs.

Accounting - Businesspeople working on charts and graphs

Name of your club: Algonquin Accounting Club

Who is your club for?

The Algonquin Accounting Club is for Algonquin College students that are currently taking Business Accounting, Business Administration-Accounting Major, Professional Accounting, and students that plan on taking an accounting course in the future.

What is your club about?

The goal of the club is to educate students on everything related to accounting and build networks with each other and Ottawa area professionals.

What types of activities and events does your club do?

The club will be holding events at the college throughout the year, such as, info sessions given by CGAs (Certified General Accountants) and CMAs (Certified Management Accountants).

How do I get involved with your club?

The way to get involved in the club is to send a message regarding your interest in the club to the president. Being involved in the club you can stay up to date on events being held by the club, learn more about the career paths available in the accounting profession, raise awareness around campus about the AAC, or apply to become one of the clubs officers and have a direct influence on the direction the club takes and the events and activities held by the club.

What opportunities do you offer for meeting alumni or professionals in your field?

Currently the club offers chances to meet professionals in the field through the events that we hold at the college, which would mainly be information sessions held by CGAs and CMAs. The club does have contact with past presidents of the club, and alumni and will be working on developing these relationships so that we can offer opportunities to meet and learn more from them as well.

For more information, contact Matthew:


Advice to New Algonquin College Students from an Alum

Looking back to when I started at the School of Business at Algonquin College it seems like time flew by so quickly during those years.

I made some amazing memories and of course had my ups and downs, but now I just focus on all of the good memories I’ve made. I wouldn’t change my college experience for anything and want to share some of my tips for success.

new college students

Get Involved

Part of the learning during your time in College happens outside of classes. By getting involved with the various clubs on campus, such as the Accounting Club, you develop leadership skills that are valuable to future employers. You also can put into practice some of the skills you are learning in class. For example, you could join the Algonquin Entrepreneurs Club and learn how to build your own profitable company.

Meet New People

College is a great place to make life-long friends who share the same passions and interests as you. It’s also an opportunity to meet people who are different from you and share an alternative perspective on things. Take time for others and work on your friendships; these are what really matter at the end of the day!

Take Time for Yourself

Studying and holding down a part time job can get overwhelming, especially during exam time! Be sure that every once in a while you take a “personal day”. Take a break from every day tasks and relax. Have a pjs/jogging pants day and lounge while reading a book for pleasure. Taking these mental breaks will actually help you focus better on your studies. Just be sure not to take too many days off! 🙂

Study Hard

College can be difficult! Classes are harder than high school. It seems like you have more free time but that can be deceiving. While you should take some personal time (see above) it’s equally as important to be serious about your studies. You’ll be much happier graduating college with job offers, than your peers who skipped class and are sitting around on their parents’ couch.


Above all, have fun! Get involved and meet new people, take time for yourself but balance that with serious studying. Enjoy every moment and look for opportunities to grow personally and professionally.