The information below is meant to answer prospective or recently admitted students’ frequently asked questions. If you are a currently enrolled student, you can find FAQs specific to your situation in the Brightspace homeroom you are automatically enrolled in each semester.

Why should I choose the Business Administration program over others? What makes it unique?
The robust three-year Business Administration advanced diploma program offers significant advantages over two-year business diploma programs. Though a program such as the two-year Business diploma provides students with a solid foundation of general business knowledge and skills, a Business Administration program takes you a step further with a specialization you can choose halfway through the program from among seven available Majors, see this page.

Whereas all Business Administration advanced diploma programs at colleges throughout Ontario require you to choose your area of business specialization at the outset when you apply for your program, Algonquin College’s Business Administration program has you start off taking general business courses in the first half of the program, called “Core,” then allows you to choose your specialization in the middle of your third semester (of six active semesters, not including spring-summer break semesters) as you sample courses related to each available area of specialization. This way, you can enter the program without having committed to any specialization and make an informed selection about which Major to pursue in the second half of the program when you discover which specialization most aligns with your interests and career goals.

The three-year Business Administration advanced diploma program also offers co-op opportunities in half of its specializations. Employers highly value graduates who have already developed employable skills through paid work experience.

Finally, the Business Administration program allows you to ladder into a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Nipissing University by taking an additional 12 or 16 months of courses at Algonquin’s Ottawa campus and online, so you can stay in Ottawa rather than go to North Bay to do this. We offer a similar laddering pathway if you would like to pursue Algonquin College’s own Bachelor of Commerce (BComm) degree specializing in Supply Chain Management. Whereas going to university can be quite expensive, completing your BComm degree entirely at college is a much more cost-effective way of achieving a credential highly valued (and even required) by many private- and public-sector employers, thus improving your employability upon graduation.

How is the program structured?
This three-year advanced diploma program is divided into two halves: a Core half where you take courses of a general business nature for three levels (or active semesters or terms), and a Major half where you take a further three levels of courses (Levels 4-6) in an area of business specialization that you choose in Core Level 3. See the available Majors for details.

You can start the program in either the Fall or Winter semesters. If you start the program in the Fall semester (September-December), you will have break semesters during the Spring semesters (May-August) between Core Levels 2 and 3, as well as between Levels 4 and 5 of your Major. If you start in the Winter semester (January-April), you will have a break semester during only your second Spring semester (between Levels 4 and 5 of your Major). If you choose one of the three Majors that include a co-op option, you will do your co-op work term during the Spring break semester between Levels 4 and 5.

Program Progression for a Fall Start


Fall Term

Winter Term

Spring Term

Year 1

Core Level 1

Core Level 2


Year 2

Core Level 3

Major Level 4

Break or Co-op

Year 3

Major Level 5

Major Level 6



Program Progression for a Winter Start


Fall Term

Winter Term

Spring Term

Year 1


Core Level 1

Core Level 2

Year 2

Core Level 3

Major Level 4

Break or Co-op

Year 3

Major Level 5

Major Level 6



What jobs can I get after graduating from the Business Administration program?
Depending on which Major you choose to pursue in the second half of your Business Administration program from among the seven available, you will be on your way toward one or some of the following careers upon graduation from the program:

  • Accounting technician or bookkeeper
  • Accounting clerk
  • Finance or insurance supervisor
  • Financial auditor or accountant
  • Financial manager
  • Banking, credit, or other investment manager
  • Human resources professional, including recruitment officer or manager
  • Advertising, marketing, or public relations manager
  • Retail or wholesale trade manager
  • Business development officer or marketing researcher or consultants
  • Other business or administrative services manager
  • Purchasing manager
  • Supply chain tracking or scheduling co-ordination occupations or supervisor

You can use this resource to determine the job prospects for each of the above occupations as part of your job market research.

When can I start the program?
Students can enter the program in either the Fall or Winter semesters. Please check the Program Availability page for details.

Check the Academic Calendar for important dates related to application, registration, and tuition-free payment.

How do I get into Business Administration’s co-op program?
Paid co-op work placements are available in the following three (of seven) Majors in the second half of the three-year Business Administration advanced diploma program:

For information specific to each Major’s co-op program, click on the “Co-op” link beside “Work Integrated Learning” in the Program Summary section of the Major’s website linked above, then follow the link in the pop-up.

For general information about co-op at Algonquin College, visit the Co-op & Career Centre website.

For answers to your specific questions about co-op in the Business Administration program, please contact either Erika Bryan-Clayton or the Major coordinator identified on the Contact page of the Major website linked above.

I just got accepted to the program! How can I prepare for the first day of classes?
Congratulations on your acceptance and thank you for choosing Algonquin College’s Business Administration program!

Between now and your Fall or Winter semester start, you will continue to receive information via email (to the address you indicated in your program application) about beginning your studies at Algonquin College, including setting up your @algonquinlive.com email account, information about what to expect, and what you need to do to get set up for being successful in your studies.

In the meantime, you can find some of this information on the following pages:

For key dates, see https://www.algonquincollege.com/ro/academic-calendar/. Select “Ottawa” for campus and the appropriate term for your start.

To learn more about the College’s services and resources, as well as plan for how to be successful in your studies, check out AC Café and the Student Survival Guide:

All this information and more will be spelled out for you during your Program Orientation on AC Day 1, so prioritize registering for and attending that event.

Keep checking the email address you used to apply to the program for information about how to set up your Algonquin email because this will eventually be the primary way Algonquin College sends you information about paying tuition fees, AC Day 1 registration, how and where to buy your textbooks, etc.

If you have any questions not covered above, please contact your Program Coordinator using the contact information below.

When and how do I choose my classes? Where can I see them?
Relax, you will not have to choose your classes because the College will set you up with all the courses you need for the Core half of the program, but you can preview them here.

Once you have paid your tuition deposit, you will be able to see your class timetable in ACSIS about a month before classes begin. It will show your weekly schedule, plotting out when each class is scheduled and what classroom to go to.

After your first semester, you will be automatically enrolled into the courses you need for each level of the program. If you fail or withdraw from any courses along the way, you must reach out to your Program Coordinator to discuss when to retake those courses and get re-enrolled in them.

Once you choose your Major in October of Level 3 (third active semester or term), you will take an additional three active semesters (Levels 4-6, plus a break between Levels 4 and 5) in that Major. See the seven Majors to choose from here.

Do I graduate with my diploma after completing Business Administration (Core)?
That would be nice! However, Business Administration (Core) is only the first half of this three-year advanced diploma program, not a program unto itself. Core is only the first three (of six) academic levels (active semesters). The second half involves taking a Major of your choice from among the seven Majors available (https://www.algonquincollege.com/business-hospitality/program/business-administration/student-experience/#what-to-expect), which is another three academic levels.

If you follow the program progression schedule, you will enter the Major of your choice in your second Winter semester and graduate from the program after completing your third Winter semester.

What does “Core” mean in “Business Administration (Core)”?
“Core” refers to the first half of the three-year Business Administration advanced diploma program. There are 18 Core courses spread out evenly across three academic levels (active semesters). They provide a solid foundation of general business knowledge and skills that help prepare you for the second half of the program as well as for your career in business.

After you complete the Core half of the program, you take more specialized courses in the Major of your choice from among the seven available. The Major is three more academic levels.

Think of Core as being like a tree trunk that you climb along with everyone else in the program. When you get to the top of trunk, the tree splits into seven major branches. You must choose to continue up only one of those branches. Some of your classmates will join you up that same branch, but most will choose one of the other six, so your cohort splits up after Core Level 3 and begins its Major in Level 4.

Can I take this program online?
Yes, the program is available in both on-campus/in-person and online deliveries. You can find information related to the on-campus program throughout this website and information related to the online version here.

You can do the program entirely in the online version or entirely in the on-campus/in-person but cannot do a combination except for in very limited circumstances such as if you have CAL accommodation requiring it.

Note that you can pursue only the Accounting, General Business, and Human Resources Majors full-time or part-time online after you complete your Core courses online; the other four Business Administration Majors are available only on-campus.

Can I do this program as a part-time student?
Yes, just tell your Program Coordinator (see the contact information below) what specific courses you want to take part-time in the upcoming semester. They will register you for those courses, and you will officially be a part-time student as soon as you pay your tuition deposit.

Part-time status simply means that you are taking fewer than four courses per semester, whereas a full course load in the Core half of the Business Administration program is six 42-hour courses.

Note that you do not qualify for the U-Pass or OSAP when you are a part-time student.

Are there break semesters in this program?
If you enter the Business Administration program with a Fall start, taking Level 1 classes starting in September, you will have a scheduled break in the Spring semester (May-August) between Levels 2 and 3 of the Core half of the program. You will then have a second break semester the following Spring semester between Levels 4 and 5 of the Major half of the program. (You will enter your Major in the second Winter semester and complete the program after your third Winter semester.)

If you enter the program with a Winter start, taking Level 1 classes starting in January, you will have only one break semester between Levels 4 and 5 of the Major half of the program. This means that you will have a full courseload in your first Winter semester (January-April), the Spring semester (May-August), Fall semester (September-December), and second Winter semester, which is the first term of your Major (Level 4 of the program). Like students who enter the program with a Fall start, you will enter your Major in the second Winter semester and complete the program after your third Winter semester.

See the FAQ above on the program structure for its progression tables.

If you fail or withdraw from courses in the early levels of the program, however, you should retake those courses during break semesters. Otherwise, you must add a semester or more to the end of your program to complete outstanding courses, which will be expensive.

How can I complete this program as fast as possible? Is there an “accelerated” version? Can I take more than a full course load?
Though there is no official accelerated stream of the program, you can arrange with your Program Coordinator (see contact information below) to take courses from advanced levels of the program during your break semester(s) so that you do not have a full course load when you arrive in that level according to the normal program progression schedule.

For instance, if you start the program at Level 1 in the Fall (September-December), you will have a break semester in the first Spring semester (May-August) between Levels 2 and 3 but can take some (or even most) Level 3 courses during that break so that you have fewer than the usual full course load of six in your second Fall semester.

Though you are advised against taking more than a full load of courses (i.e., more than six 42-hour courses) in a semester, it is technically possible. You must get approval from your Program Coordinator and pay an overload fee as part of your tuition. Generally, you must have a high GPA for your Program Coordinator to grant overload approval.

There are no accelerated courses—i.e., courses compressed into 7 or 8 weeks instead of the usual 14 or 15—in the Business Administration program.

I’m an international student. Where can I get help specific to my situation?
All international students requiring assistance regarding admissions, fees, work permits, etc., must contact the International Education Centre (IEC). You can also book an appointment with an International Student Advisor here.

What can I do if I am an international student and am still learning English?
The level of English comprehension required for success in the program is the same as that of the average graduate of an Ontario secondary school (high school). If you are not confident in your ability to understand spoken English at a normal conversational pace, you have the option of an alternative first-semester English course to help you get here.

Within the first week of studies, request that your Student Success Specialist (see contact information below) transfer you from ENL1813B Communications I into ENL1813i, which is a variation on the first-semester English communications course designed for international students who are still working towards English proficiency. ENL1813i is taught by a dedicated TESL instructor and provides an additional hour of course instruction per week to work on English fundamentals.

Where do I find my textbooks? Can I get by without them?
Even though textbooks are a great expense on top of your tuition fees, they have been assigned because you will not be successful in each course if you do not purchase them and complete the assigned readings for each class.

You can find and purchase your textbooks through the Connections bookstore search tool.

In each course, you can discuss with your instructor alternatives to the assigned textbook such as second-hand copies or discounted previous editions. Some textbooks are also available for three-hour loan in the Library. Be careful downloading pirated copies of textbooks online, however, because hackers often use these as trojan horses to plant viruses and malware in your computer.

What computer should I get for classes?
Generally, you are advised to use a Windows-based computer for all coursework because (1) class demonstrations of how to use productivity software for assignments will be conducted using Windows-based PCs. (2) Most businesses and organizations use Windows-based PCs, so you can expect that they will demand proficiency with Windows-based software such as Microsoft Office as a requirement for employment.

See the technical requirements for Business Administration (Core) program mobile devices here.

If you insist on using a Mac for your coursework, you must download additional software to produce compatible files for submission to assignment folders in Brightspace. You must otherwise be resourceful about finding alternative ways of meeting specific assignment expectations whenever they are unique to Windows-based software because your instructor may not know how to achieve equivalent results using Mac software.

How much is tuition for this program?
The Tuition & Fees Estimator tool calculates tuition for each semester and for the program as a whole. Just select the Ottawa campus, the semester when you started (or will start) the program, your residency status, and the Business Administration Major you intend on pursuing from among the seven Majors available, bearing in mind you do not have to commit to a Major until you are close to the halfway point of the program.

Questions about tuition are best asked of the Registrar’s Office; phoning them is always the quickest way to get answers.

How do I pay my tuition deposit or defer it?
For how to pay your tuition deposit or defer it if you have OSAP, please see the following:

If you encounter any difficulties, contact the Registrar’s Office; phoning them is always the quickest way to get action.

Whom do I contact about OSAP and/or Financial Aid assistance?
For your questions about OSAP, please speak with a Financial Aid Officer.

How do I return to studies after having taken a break for several semesters or years?
If you decide to return after taking a break for more than two semesters, you will have been automatically withdrawn from the program and must reapply through OCAS.

If it has been more than five years since you completed courses, you may have to retake some courses that you already passed since some course credits have a five-year expiry (e.g., BUS2301, ENL1813B, and MGT2319 in Level 1) because they involve learning technologies that will have changed significantly after five years. You can discuss your timing and what your return to the program will look like with your Program Coordinator (see the contact information below).

If I’ve done some business courses at another college or university, how do I transfer into the Business Administration program so that I am exempted from taking courses equivalent to those I’ve taken already?
First, you must apply to the program through OCAS.

Once accepted into the program, you will apply for Advanced Standing, then collect all the syllabus documents for the courses you completed at your previous college or university that you think are equivalent to courses in the Business Administration program here at Algonquin College based on their descriptions.

When your Advanced Standing application is in progress, the subject matter expert (a.k.a. course coordinator, lead, or owner) for each Algonquin course you have included in your application performs a comparative analysis between the syllabus document you provided from your previous college/university and the equivalent document (called a “course outline”) here at Algonquin to determine if the two courses are truly equivalent in the subject matter they cover, learning outcomes, number of hours, etc.

If a course you have previously completed at another post-secondary institution is deemed equivalent to a Business Administration (Core) course you have identified, you will receive credit for it and be exempted from that Business Administration course. Your Algonquin Program Coordinator will set you up with the courses you need to proceed with in the program as part of the Advanced Standing approval process.

How do I transfer into the Business Administration program if I’ve just completed another Algonquin College program?
This is an excellent option because you can enter the Business Administration program with exemptions from some courses. If you graduated from Algonquin business programs such as the 2-year Business diploma, Business Management and Entrepreneurship diploma, Business Marketing, Business Accounting, or 1-year Business Fundamentals Certificate, you can even enter the Business Administration program at an advanced level.

To do this, fill out an Internal Program Transfer form, specifically Section 1 on p. 1 and the “To be completed by Student” columns of the table on p. 2, where you identify which Business Administration courses you have already completed in your previous program. Email it to the Program Coordinator (see contact information below) and state which Major you intend to pursue from among the seven Majors available and your preference for full-time or part-time studies. Your Program Coordinator will then set you up with the remaining Core courses you need.

Whom do I contact for help in the program?
For your Program Coordinator, Academic Advisor, and some teaching faculty, see the Contact page.

  • Your Academic Advisor is the best person to speak with about your career and program goals, as well as connect you with College services that will help you succeed in your studies.
  • Besides providing you with the same guidance and services as your Student Success Specialist (see below) and Academic Advisor, your Program Coordinator can additionally advise you on your progression through the program and register you for courses if you need a custom course load.

You can find the contact information and booking feature for your Student Success Specialist (SSS), Shawna Holmes, here. Your SSS can help with the following:

  • Navigating the College and familiarizing you with the campus and services
  • Understanding registration, policies, and procedures
  • Answering general questions about the College and factors that impact academic success
  • Optimizing support services, extracurricular, and co-curricular activities available to students
  • Referring you to College resources and services
  • Overcoming challenges

The SSS can also help with timetable changes during the appropriate period (check important dates and monitor Brightspace for details), course withdrawals, and program withdrawal. Please note: if you are an international student intending to withdraw from your program, you must make an appointment with an International Student Advisor.

Whenever you email the above program staff, please provide your nine-digit student number (starting with 04). If you struggle with writing clearly, concisely, and/or correctly, consider using AI (e.g., ChatGPT) to help write your message.