Student Experience

What to Expect

Algonquin College is proud to provide a diverse and dynamic student experience. Check out the highlights below to get a sense of what to expect as a student in the Business program.

Success Stories and Testimonials

male graduate in business suit“I chose the Business program as an extension of my primary field – IT – to gain Canadian experience and a broad understanding of how the system works. The program met my expectations. I gained knowledge about many areas important in professional life: entrepreneurship, human resources, accounting, finance, law, and last but not least – communications. I’m glad I chose this program, and I’m sure it would be valuable to everyone planning a career as an entrepreneur or simply planning to work for a corporation.”
– Nataniel, Graduate


Work-Integrated Learning

You have the opportunity to collaborate with industry professionals to analyze and find solutions for real-world business issues. Your knowledge and skills come together as you create a professional business plan that mirrors what could be expected in industry.