I am transferring from another program. Can I get credit for some courses?
Yes, you can apply for an internal or/and external exemption if you feel that the courses are similar and you have taken them at an accredited college or university. Along with your application you will need to provide a copy of the course outline (syllabus) and an academic transcript to verify your grade in the course(s).

Is attendance mandatory?
It is highly recommended that you attend all classes, practical courses and labs. Algonquin College has strict attendance policies that are explained in the individual course outlines (syllabus).

What about my uniform and esthetician tools – do I need them the first day of class?
No, all uniforms and required esthetician tools are discussed in the first day of classes. They will be a requirement after that.

Are any of the courses available online?
The program is a hybrid model which means that in class time is supplemented by directed learning outside of the class room. However, the program is not, exclusively, an online learning situation as class attendance is required. The Program can be commenced in both the Fall and Winter terms.

Does the program include hands-on learning?
Yes! Students in the Esthetician program put the skills they learn in the classroom to the test with on-the-job training in our industry-standard training lab – AC Salon, Spa & Boutique.

How many hours can I work outside of school?
Most students need to work to supplement their education. If you work more than 16 hours a week, you may find it challenging to keep up with the workload.

When I’ve finished the program what kind of work can I expect to get as a first job?
Graduates can expect to find employment opportunities in spas, salons, resorts, cruise ships, hotels, cosmetic departments and health clinics, or as an independent esthetician or skincare representative. The growth of the Internet has created career opportunities for our grads.