Student Experience

Learn from students in other programs

The Library and Information Technician program at Algonquin College includes interdisciplinary studies as part of the program, where students work with peers from other disciplines within the college. Students benefit from co-teaching from Applied Museum Studies Faculty, where they gain information through a special collections course that features conservation, preservation and exhibiting skills, and group projects with students in other program.

Expand your skills into new areas

Students will receive a French language evaluation at the beginning of the program and be provided with French learning courses, as it is a required skill for many government library employment opportunities. In addition, there is a course where students can attain an introduction to research in the social sciences.

Gain practical experience

Most classes are taught in a dedicated computer lab, with many practical exercises and assignments that simulate real work experience. In addition, many in-class activities are conducted within groups, allowing students to build a network and learn from each other. Students also take part in two 3-week field placements in different kinds of library or information management work. Participation in Library association events, including networking evening events, skill development workshops, and participating on association committees, is strongly encouraged.

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