4 Tricks to Study Better
Posted on Monday, February 11th, 2013
We all hate it, but we all have to do it. There are many ways to study. No single way is completely the right way as every person has different learning styles and preferences. Some people prefer memorizing chucks of text, rather than understanding it (it is not the good way of studying as you won’t remember anything after, but that’s how some students get by).
Here are some tricks you can use to help you study more effectively and efficiently.
1. Create mnemonic devices when studying
- It’s a memory technique to help your brain better encode and recall important information. You can do this in the form of acronyms, rhymes etc. (ex. SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound)
2. Have an appropriate study environment
- This can be different depending on the person. Usually it is better to study in a quiet area where you can’t be distracted
- Some students prefer studying with music, as they can remember certain things if they recall the song that was played (particular song will trigger a memory)
- Turn off your phone, iPod, social media accounts, YouTube etc – they can be very distracting!
3. Concentrate
- Studying may seem overwhelming at times, but it is never a good idea to bounce back and forward between topics. You won’t retain information as well by doing that. Focus on one area first and know it well.
- Split up your studies into smaller, more manageable chunks
- When you read a chapter, try to understand the content rather than just plowing through to the end. Highlight important points in your textbook (if allowed), and take those points and type them in a document. Writing key points out with also help with memory retention, and you will only have a few pages to review rather than an entire textbook!
4. Organize yourself
- When you receive your syllabus at the beginning of the semester, make sure you record all of your test/exam dates and highlight them in a calendar
- Don’t wait and study the night before an exam. Your memory won’t retain much of that information
- If you have study sessions – go to them.
- During class, if you are unclear about something – ask questions! Your professor will take notes of who participates, prepared and punctual to his/her class
What’s the number one study tip that works for you?
- Posted in
- student success Students