Need help financing your Business education? Check out these options.
Posted on Wednesday, January 9th, 2013
I’m sure by now that most of you have heard of the 30% tuition rebate being offered by the Ontario Government. This is a great initiative designed to help students manage the costs of post-secondary education. There is a quick online quiz to help you determine if you are eligible. Check it out and apply now!
At Algonquin College, we also provides students with financial support. We offer a variety of bursaries for students in need and awards for students who excel academically. Both the School of Business and the Financial Aid Office have lists of bursaries students can apply for. Buraries are a one-time monetary award to help students fund their education.
Some bursaries are awarded by program.
Program Busaries
Others are awarded on a College-wide level.
College Bursaries
Check out the links above to get more info. There is a contact person listed if you have questions about eligibility, where to pick up the forms, or how to complete the application.
Every year the bursary and award recipients are honoured at the School of Business Awards Gala where they are given the chance to meet their donor and network with professionals from many different industries.
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- student success Students