Dean Dave: A new year begins at the School of Business

The new school year (or new term) began on January 7. For most students, it meant the return to their studies after a well-deserved break over the holidays. For a smaller number, it meant the beginning of a new school year.

Algonquin College and the School of Business offer several courses that begin in January of each year. This allows students who were unable or not ready to begin in the fall another opportunity to attend post-secondary.

An additional wrinkle this year is that two of the programs in the School are part of a pilot for e-texts. The College is continually finding ways to maximize the learning opportunities for a students and this innovative pilot allow students beginning new studies in the winter semester to get access to their required texts at a fraction of the cost of printed texts. For these fortunate students involved in this pilot, their electronic texts are available at no charge. Should they prefer a hard copy text, they can arrange for printed copies at a nominal charge. Should this pilot be successful, the plan is for there to be additional programs next fall. The cost of texts will not be free as the program expanded out but it will reflect substantial savings.

For those students completing secondary school and all those who are considering options for the fall of 2013, the College is hosting an Open House on January 19 from 10:00 – 2:00 at the Woodroffe campus. Faculty and staff from the School of Business will be on hand to answer questions about the various certificate, diploma, degree and post-graduate programs we offer.

For our returning students, welcome back. For students beginning their studies this week, welcome. And for those we will meet at the Open House, we look forward to answering your questions and advising why we think the School of Business at Algonquin College is the best choice if choosing a business career.


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