LMS Weekly Update: A few Tips for the 2020 Winter Beginning of Semester

Combined Courses

When asking for combined courses, please make sure you give us the complete course code (include section numbers, too), the option you would like us to use when we combine them (into an existing shell or into a new one – read here details on this), and also if you would still need to keep the individual sections available to you and students.

Course Copy

Click here for details on how to copy the entire curse content or just selected areas of the course.

Important: Existing Announcements are Also Sent as Emails during the Course Copy!

Whenever you are performing a complete course copy into an active course, be aware that all the announcements that are getting copied over into the new course will also automatically be sent as emails to all the students enrolled in your new course, as expected with announcements in Brightspace.

To avoid this, you could make the course temporarily inactive (Tools/Course Admin/Course Offering Information) for the duration of the course copy or use the Select Components button when doing the Course Copy and exclude the announcements from the list of course components to copy.

Course Calendar Events

If your Brightspace Calendar is populated with events from older courses or other courses that you have been enrolled in (for instance, the Exemplar Template courses), please note that you can remove them from your list of courses displayed in the Calendar list. In the Calendar tool view, the drop down list will display ALL your courses. Clicking on the X beside the course code, will remove those course calendar events from your main calendar.

How YOU Can Get Help with Brightspace

As the semester start is always a busy time for our LMS Support Team, please learn about all the multiple resources available to assist you:

  • Brightspace Essentials for Faculty course has tons of video tutorials, step-by-step instructions and many tips that will help you get acquainted with Brightspace and its many capabilities. Send an email to us if you don’t have access to this course in Brightspace.
  • Brightspace training sessions: New sessions will be offered starting in a couple of weeks, keep an eye on the Professional Development Registration System for details of upcoming sessions.
  • Open a case by emailing us at brightspace@algonquincollege.com.
    • Please make sure to include all the relevant information.
    • Avoid CC-ing people as this potentially creates duplicate cases.
    • When you require approval for a request, open a case first. You will get an automated email indicating that your case has been received. You can include other people when replying to this email to add them to the case.
  • We recommend booking a 15-minute appointment with us. Appointments are limited to 15 minutes in order to help as many people as we can. You are always welcome to use the ELX as a workspace, and we’ll happily answer quick questions in between appointments.
  • Walk-ins are always welcome and will be assisted on a first-come, first-served basis between appointments.
  • Finally, you can call us at (613) 727-4723 ext. 6943. If we are available we will take your call right away, but you may be asked to leave your name and number for us to call you back. You can also use the appointment booking form to setup support by phone – leave your details and we will call you back at the chosen time for a 15 minute session

The LMS Support team is available to help you between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. When the ELX has extended hours, basic Brightspace help is offered at the front desk.

Have a Wonderful Semester!

LMS Weekly Update: Brightspace December Release

The December system release brings a few small improvements to the Assignments and Quick Eval tools and also to Content.

Assignments – File Size Information in Submission Receipt Email: File size information now displays next to the file name in the submission receipt email sent to learners upon making a submission to an assignment.

Quick Eval – Display Unevaluated Submissions 30 Days Past Course End Date: Previously, unevaluated learner submissions were removed from Quick Eval when a course’s end date was reached. Now those submissions will be displayed in Quick Eval for 30 days beyond a course’s end date.

Content – Order Changes in Upload/Create Menu: When using the Upload/Create button to add activities to course content, the placement of the New Assignment option has moved. Previously, it appeared between New Discussion and New Quiz. Now, New Assignment appears above New Checklist.

Sort HTML Templates in Alphanumeric Filename Order. To make it easier to find HTML templates when using Content, now you can select the new Sort HTML Templates by name option from the Content Settings page in Content. Selecting this new option sorts templates in alphanumeric order based on filename. Previously, HTML templates were sorted alphanumerically based on directory structure.

Release Conditions – Learners are Now Notified when a Release Condition Triggers New Content: In a course that uses release conditions to unlock additional content, learners previously were not informed when new content became available as a result of a release condition that was satisfied. Because there was no automatic notification or refresh of the table of contents, there was the potential for frustration when learners think they are done a module, and are later informed that there are steps left to be completed. Now, when release conditions are satisfied, the learner is notified using a pop-up message that there are new items available in the course.

Reminder: Support for Internet Explorer NOT Available

Starting January 1st, 2020, D2L will end the support for Internet Explorer. All versions of Internet Explorer will no longer be able to access Brightspace. We recommend using Chrome while working with Brightspace.


LMS Weekly Update: Common Questions, Algonquin College Banner and LMS Support Hours over Holidays

In additions to the questions addressed below in this weekly update, please check out the Brightspace Course Readiness Checklist in the Brightspace Essentials course. If you don’t have access to this course, send an email to brightspace@algonquincollege.com.

Common Questions at the Beginning of the Semester

  • How do I copy course content from an older course into my new 2020 Winter course? Click here for details on how to copy the entire curse content or just selected areas of the course.

Note: There are times when you need to add other teachers to the courses that you are developing, with the intention to have them do a course copy from your course to theirs, but you would like to make sure that your course content does not get altered by mistake. Instead of adding them with the “instructor” role, please use the new “course copier” role. Don’t forget to remove them from the course!

  • I copied the wrong course! How do I delete the content and perform the course copy again? Click here for information on how to delete the course content and also the course activities and gradebook columns.
  • I have access to a course as an instructor, but I would like to have the course removed from my list of courses. What should I do?

Option 1: If you also see this course on your list of courses in ACSIS, first you need to talk to your department and make sure you have not been assigned by mistake to that course in Genesis. Then you can remove yourself from the course, using the Classlist option, from the Tools menu. Click on the checkbox beside your name and choose Unenrol.

Option 2: If you have been added by another fellow instructor, just remove yourself from that course. No need to email our LMS support.

  • I am teaching multiple sections of the same course and I would like an easy way to manage the common content.

Option 1: Combine your course sections into an EXISTING course shell – For instance, if you teach 19F_ABC000_010 and 19F_ABC000_020, the 020 section will be merged into the 010. The 010 section will be renamed 19F_ABC0000_010_020 or 19F_ABC0000_AllSections. You and your students will have access only to one course section. Note that, if you already have content in both sections, merging them will ONLY transfer the student enrollment and not the content. It is recommended to ask for a merged course before the course start date.

Option 2: Combine your course sections into a NEW course shell (the way we used to combine them in Blackboard). A new 19F_ABC0000_010_020 or 19F_ABC0000_AllSections course shell will be created for you. Note that this option would work when multiple course sections are taught by multiple teachers. Students and teachers will have access to the combined course, at the same time with the individual section(s).

Send an email to brightspace@algonquincollege.com if you would like us to combine your courses and please include your preference in the request. It makes it easier and quicker for us, if you already know which option would work for you. This file has more info on how to work with a combined course.

  • I don’t see my 2020 Winter course(s) when I login to Brightspace. Ensure that you click on the 2020 Winter label in the My Courses widget. If the course(s) don’t display there, then make sure that your department has scheduled you in Genesis. Brightspace needs 24 to 48 hours to get updated and display your new courses.
  • How do I add a user to my course? Students are automatically added to your courses, but you might want to add another teacher to your course and this is how you do it.

Algonquin College Banner will be removed on Tuesday, December 24th, in the morning

It has been decided to have the Algonquin College banner removed from the Brightspace homepage in order to leave more room for other widgets.

LMS Support Hours over the Holidays

LMS Support Team will NOT be available for support starting December 24th, 2019 at noon, until January 2nd, 2020 at 8:00 am.

Reminder: Support for Internet Explorer NOT Available

Starting January 1st, 2020, D2L will end the support for Internet Explorer. All versions of Internet Explorer will no longer be able to access Brightspace. We recommend using Chrome while working with Brightspace.

LMS Weekly Update: Answering Your Gradebook Questions (part 2), “Course Copier” Role and Internet Explorer NOT Supported starting January 1st

Answering Your Gradebook Questions (part 2)

⇒Troubleshooting Final grades:

  • Final calculated grade showing a value out of a percentage different than 100? Switch to the Treat ungraded items as 0 option, from Grades/Settings/Calculation Option tab, under the Grade Calculation label
  • Final calculated Grade not automatically updating? Make sure you have the Automatically keep final grades updated option checked off from Grades/Settings/Calculation Option tab
  • Final Calculated Grade not visible to students? Go to Grades/Enter Grades tab and click on Enter Grades from the Context menu for the Final Calculated Grade column. Then select all the rows and click on the Release/Unrelease option.
  • I get error messages that the weights are not adding up to 100%. From Grades/Manage Grades, select all columns and click on Bulk Edit. Adjust the weights and click Save.
  • Grades not displaying in columns for completed activities. Check if your quizzes/assignments/topics have gradebook columns associated.
    Watch this video from D2L on troubleshooting final grades.

⇒Need to give your students bonus points? Watch this video for details.

⇒Need to keep a copy of the student grades? If you ever need to save a paper copy of the students grades, this is how you can export it to a file that you can open in Excel. Note that, if you use a combined course and you need to download students from one particular section, you will need to filter first by the section.

⇒How do I hide a gradebook column? There are different types of gradebook columns in Brightspace, and each has a different way of hiding its content from student view.

  • Hide Final Calculated Grade/Final Adjusted Grade columns – Click here for detailed instructions on how to hide these columns.
  • Hide a column that it is NOT associated with any online activity (for instance, when you need to enter grades for course participation) – While in Grades/Enter Grades view, click on the chevron for the title of the column and choose Edit. Click on the Restrictions tab and then on Hide from Users. You can also use dates to restrict the view of the grades for a limited amount of time.
  • Hide a column associated with online activity (quiz/assignment/discussion) – As these activities are linked to gradebook columns, just hiding the columns in the gradebook won’t actually hide the grades from students. They still have the option to view their grades by going to the Activities menu and then to that particular activity, if that activity is still visible. Follow the steps from number 2., but also make sure you hide the quiz/assignment/ discussion, or have the grades set up as draft and not published.

Important: Please make sure you hide the Gradebook columns prior to you entering the grades!

⇒How do I submit the final Grades? Learn how to download your grades from Brightspace and upload them into ACSIS by clicking here.


“Course Copier” role now Available in Brightspace

There are times when you need to add other teachers to the courses that you are developing, with the intention to have them do a course copy from your course to theirs, but you would like to make sure that your course content does not get altered by mistake. Instead of adding them with the “instructor” role, please use the new “course copier” role,

Reminder: Support for Internet Explorer NOT Available

Starting January 1st, 2020, D2L will end the support for Internet Explorer. All versions of Internet Explorer will no longer be able to access Brightspace. We recommend using Chrome while working with Brightspace.


LMS Weekly Update: Answering Your Gradebook Questions, Exemplar Course Templates and 14 Weeks Semester

Answering Your Gradebook Questions (part 1)


⇒Are you wondering what the student view of the Grades looks like? Go to your Grades/Enter Grades tab, click on the chevron beside the name of one student, and then click Preview. You (the instructor) control the students’ view of the grades (points, percentage, letters) from your Grades menu, Settings/Org Unit Display Options tab.

⇒How do I manually enter student grades in the gradebook (Grades/Enter Grades)?

  • How do I enter grades for all columns, for one particular student? Click on the student name in the Last Name/First Name column. This view also allows you to enter comments for each grade.
  • How do I enter grades for all students, for one particular column? Click on the chevron for the title of the column and then choose Enter Grades
  • How do I use the gradebook as a spreadsheet? Go to Grades/Enter Grades and click on the Switch to Spreadsheet view button. Click Save to save the changes.

⇒How do I remove a gradebook column? Go to Grades/Manage Grades and click Delete from the More Actions button. In the next screen, select the grade items you would like to remove and click Delete. Note that you can ONLY remove columns that are NOT associated with any activities. For columns with associations, you need to go to that particular activity (quiz, assignment or discussion topic) and remove the association from the Grade Item drop down list (choose NONE). To figure out which activity the grade item is associated to, in the Manage Grades screen, click on the question mark icon in the Association column

⇒Want to reorder the columns in the Gradebook? Go to Grades/Manage Grades tab/More actions/Reorder.

I have different points possible displaying in the gradebook for the columns associated with quizzes and assignments. What do I do? If there are no submissions for your quiz or assignment, then to correct this, you just need to edit the associated column from Grades/Manage Grades and adjust the points.
If you already have graded the assignment or quiz, this is what you need to do:

  • Assignment: You published the grades, but noticed that the column in the Grades has different maximum points than the assignment. Unfortunately, once you edit the column and change the points, the existing grades won’t get automatically adjusted. You will need to go to Activities/Assignments/View Submissions and Update the grade for each student (the same screen you use when you first grade the assignment and publish grades).
  • Quiz: After you edit the maximum points for the column, in Grades, go to Activities/Quizzes/Grade/Users tab. Select all the students and then click Publish Feedback. Click Save and Close and then go back to the same screen and hit again Publish Feedback. This will force the grades to be readjusted in the gradebook.

Exemplar Course Templates (The Winners of the You Think You Can Brightspace)

You will be enrolled in three template courses which you can use to get ideas about content design and layout. You can copy the structure from these templates into your own blank Winter course shells, if you want to use them as the starting point for your Winter course setup.

14 Weeks Semester

A gentle reminder as we plan for the Winter 2020 semester in the new 14 week format: for most programs we are numbering weeks from 1 to 15, with Week 8 being the Break Week. This is reflected in the structure of Exemplar Course Templates A and B, and also in the new CSI template. Should you have any questions related to converting your course to the new 14 semester or would like a copy of the new CSI template, please visit https://www.algonquincollege.com/lts/14-week/ or contact lts@algonquincollege.com to set up a consultation.




LMS Weekly Update: Quizzes in Brightspace and the Availability of the Winter 2020 Courses

ALL You Need to Know on Brightspace Quizzes

This week we have some tips on the Quizzes tool, in addition the documentation that exists in the Essentials for Faculty course in Brightspace that is available to all instructors

  • RECOMMENDED workflow to create quizzes: There are two ways to create quizzes in your Brightspace course: 1. By adding new questions directly to your Quiz (Activities/Quizzes/New Quiz), either from scratch or imported from a .csv file created with the Test Questions Generator and 2. By adding questions first to the Question Library (Activities/Quizzes/Question Library tab/New Section) and then importing them into a quiz. Note that by creating a new Section first in the Question library, and then adding or importing questions there will keep the questions organized and easily to filter.

The second option is the one we highly recommend, as all the questions created or imported into a section in the Question Library will be saved there and you will be able to reuse them later in another quiz or final exam.
Important: The questions created directly in your quizzes will NOT be available for you to import in another quiz or the Question Library.

  • What to do if your students completed a quiz, but you don’t see the grades under Grades? Go to the quiz’s properties, to the Assessment tab and check if you have a Grade item linked to the quiz. If not, create one using the Add Grade Item link. Also, make sure that the Allow automatic export to grades option is checked off.
  • Need to distribute an unique set of quiz questions to each of your students? This video explains how to to create a quiz with a randomized set of questions. Make sure that your questions exist under a Section, in the Question Library. Also, you can have multiple randomized sets of questions in one quiz, by extracting a number of questions from different Sections from the Question Library.
  • Need to set up practice quizzes, but without the associated columns in the course gradebook? When you set up the quiz, on the Assessment tab, leave None for the Grade Item, but check the box to “Allow attempt to be set up as graded immediately upon completion.” No column will appear in the gradebook, but students will be able to view their score and any other options that you set up under the Submissions View tab.
  • Need to change the answer to a quiz question and regrade student submissions? From the Activities/Quizzes click on the chevron for that particular quiz and then on Grade. On the Questions tab, click Update All Attempts and then on the question you need to regrade. You have the options to give to all students points value for that particular question or re-grade only the attempts that have a particular answer
  • Need to hide the quiz grades from your students view? Make the quiz unavailable (from Activities/Quizzes) AND also hide the gradebook item from Grades: Enter Grades view, click on the chevron for the title of the column and choose Edit. Click on the Restrictions tab and then on Hide from Users.
  • How to set up quiz feedback for your students? When students complete quizzes, they will be eager to see their results AND feedback. The default quiz settings show only the overall grade, and nothing else. In order to release more information to students (i.e. questions, correct/incorrect answers, class averages, etc.) you need to either edit the default submission view or set up an additional submission view. Click here to learn more.
  • How to print a quiz? There are times when you would like to have a paper copy of an online quiz. Currently, there is no option in Brightspace to allow you to do that, but this work around might save you some time. Access the quiz from Activities/Quizzes and make sure you have the quiz setup so that all questions are displayed on a single page. Preview the quiz and then click on the Start quiz button. Copy the entire quiz (Ctrl+C), paste the content (Ctrl+V) to a Word file, and then print it from there.
  • Need to clear an attempt for one of your students? Go to Activities/Quizzes, and from the Manage Quizzes, click on Grade from the context menu for that particular quiz. Select the check box for each attempt you want to reset and then click on Reset Icon (trash bin).
  • How to submit an “in progress” attempt on behalf of a student? When a learner takes a quiz but fails to submit it, Brightspace shows no submission or grade. The learner’s quiz becomes an “attempt in progress.” You can search for the attempt and then submit it by “impersonating” the learner so that the quiz can be graded.

Winter 2020 Course Shells NOW Available in Brightspace

Winter 2020 course shells have been created and made available in Brightspace as of today, Friday, Nov 29th. If you don’t see your courses in Brightspace, check ACSIS and/or with your support officer to ensure your course(s) are assigned to you. Email us at brightspace@algonquincollege.com if you still don’t see them listed in 48 hours.

Also, check out the Brightspace Course Readiness Checklist in the Brightspace Essentials course for steps you need to get your course ready for your students! If you don’t have access to the “Brightspace Essentials for Faculty” course, please send an email to brightspace@algonquincollege.com.

Combined Courses: When teaching multiple sections of the same course, combining those sections into one shell might save you some time. To learn more about the two options available and also how to deal with the content of a combined course, click here.

Reminder: End of Life Internet Explorer (any version), starting January 1st, 2020

As previously announced in the August release, Microsoft Internet Explorer is approaching End of Life (EOL) status as a supported browser. To provide more visibility about this upcoming change, when you login to Brightspace using Internet Explorer, a banner informs the user about the approaching EOL date. The banner also includes a recommendation to upgrade your browser. We recommend using Chrome while working with Brightspace.

Stay tuned for the next week’s update on Tips on Gradebook.

LMS Weekly Update: Brightspace November release

The November system update brings a few great improvements to the Assignments and Intelligent Agents tools.

Improvements to the Assignment Tool

  • New Column – The Assignments page now shows a count of new submissions and re-submissions in the New column. The number is a link that will take you right to those submissions when you are ready to evaluate them. For multiple submissions from different learners, you can move between them using the arrows in the top right corner. Once a submission is evaluated, it is removed from the overall count displayed in the NEW column.
  • Letter Grading NOW available – When creating a new assignment, now you can link it to a Selectbox Grade item, that will allow you to use letters when grading the assignment. Previously, only a numeric grade item could be associated with an assignment.

Improvement to Intelligent Agents

  • Now you will be able to insert images directly into the body of the Intelligent Agents emails using the Add Image button. Click here to learn more about Intelligent Agents in Brightspace.

Language changes

At the end of the current semester (2019 Fall), the English (United States) language pack will be deactivated from the system. As the default Language pack is already English (Canada), the impact will be minimal for courses and users who are currently using English (United States) as their language preference. Other than the spelling of certain words (for example: colour/color), the short date will now display with dashes instead of slashes. To check which Language you have set up, once you login to Brightspace, click on your name on the right hand side, up at the top, and then go to Account Settings.

Citations Used In Microsoft Word Documents Do Not Preview Properly

In the Microsoft Word documents uploaded under a course content module or added by your students to their course assignments, you might have noticed that the Citations used there don’t display properly when you preview them within Brightspace. As a workaround for the moment, for assignments where Citations are expected, it is advisable to ask students to submit PDF files rather than DOCX files.

LMS Support Team NOT available on Monday, Nov 25th, from 9:00 am to 11:30 am

The LMS support team will not available to support you on the phone or in person, on Monday, November 25th, from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. Please send an email to brightspace@algonquincollege.com and we will respond as soon as we are back at our desk.

So You Think You Can Brightspace

Last week we shared this video showcasing entries to this competition. We have a quick guide for how to recreate some of the features that you saw in that video and next week we’ll be enrolling you in some exemplar course templates, so that you can see these ideas up close and copy them to your own courses. Watch this space!

LMS Weekly Update: Have You Ever Wondered What To Do If You…(part 2) and the Winners for the SYTYCB Contest!

For detailed instructions on the tips listed below and in the previous update, contact us at brightspace@algonquincollege.com.

  1. Can’t seem to find a way to reply to topic threads under Discussions? Once you click on the name of the thread, the Reply to Thread button will show up above and below the content of the thread.
  2. See your Assignments/Quizzes under the Activities menu on the nav bar, but not under the Content area? Once in a while we see a bit of confusion about the area where you should make your quizzes/assignments accessible to your students. Regardless of the way you create your quizzes/assignments, they will ALWAYS exist under the Activities menu on the course nav bar. There is nothing wrong in having your students go to access the quizzes/assignments from there, but sometimes, depending on how your course is structured, your might want to make them available under one particular module, under the Content area. This is when you will be using the Existing Activities/Quizzes or Assignments to create a link to the existing quizzes/assignments.
    Removing the link from the Content area and choosing the second option on the confirmation pop-up screen, will delete your quiz/assignment from your course.
  3. Your students view the grades for a hidden gradebook item? Displaying how the final grade is calculated will actually give away the hidden grades. From Grades, click on the Settings option and then on the Org Unit Display Options tab. Make sure that the Display how final grade was calculated to users is not checked off.
  4. Need to attach multiple files to one item under Content area? Use the Upload/Create button and then Create a file. In the next window, enter the Title and then use the Insert stuff tool to upload the first file from your computer.

So You Think You Can Brightspace

Learning and Teaching Services would like to thank everyone who participated in this contest. Our panel of 6 judges, a mixture of staff, faculty and students, were very impressed with the submissions and the results were as follows:

  1. Danielle Allard – $50 gift card
  2. Kate Ming-Sun – $25 gift card
  3. Mark McKenna – $25 gift card

Congratulations to our winners! Here is a video showcasing some of the work that was submitted – we’re sorry that not all courses could be covered in this short video, and we’re very grateful to those who gave permission for their content to be shared in this way.

LMS Weekly Update: Have You Ever Wondered What To Do If You…

  1. Need to change the answer to a quiz question and regrade student submissions?
    From the Activities/Quizzes, click on the chevron for that particular quiz and then on Grade. On the Questions tab, click Update All Attempts and then on the question, you need to regrade. You have the options to give to all students points value for that particular question or re-grade only the attempts that have a particular answer.
  2. Need to view grades for students who are not in your course anymore?
    Click on the Tools/Class List/Enrolments Statistics. Down at the bottom, under Withdrawals, click on the chevron beside the student and choose View Grades.
  3. Deleted an assignment by mistake?
    To recover deleted assignments go to Activities/Assignments/More Actions/Event Log. The deleted assignment will have a Restore button available.
  4. Need to grade assignment files offline?
    You have the option to download all the assignments files in a zip file, grade them, save the files, create a new zip file and upload all the graded files as a package file. Go to Activities/Assignments/View Submission and then the Submissions tab. Select all submissions and click Download. When you are ready to upload them, from the same screen, click on the Add Feedback Files tab and upload the zip file. Note that you will need to manually enter the grades in the gradebook column.
  5. Need to set up practice quizzes, but without the associated columns in the course gradebook?
    When you set up the quiz, on the Assessment tab, leave None for the Grade Item, but check the box to “Allow attempt to be set up as graded immediately upon completion.” No column will appear in the gradebook, but students will be able to view their score and any other options that you set up under the Submissions View tab.
  6. Your students are reporting that your emails sent from within Brightspace never reaches them?
    Ask them to check the Other folder in their Outlook email client.


  1. For the detailed instructions on the above tips and the ones that will be included in the next week update, contact brightspace@algonquincollege.com.
  2. If you are interested in a PD session on these tips, please contact Rob Kershaw (kershar@algonquincollege.com).

Current Rubric Issue and a Work Around

You might have noticed that, when you are editing a rubric and use Ctrl + V or just Edit/Paste, and then save the rubric, surprisingly, when you go back to view the rubric, actually the copied text was not saved. D2L just entered this issue to the known issues list. One of our instructors has discovered a work around that will save you some time and frustration. The work around is to add a space at the end of a copy and pasted comment. So, copy the text, paste it in the rubric and then hit the space key.



LMS Weekly Update: November News!

Reminder: End of Life Internet Explorer (any version), starting January 1st, 2020

As previously announced in the August release, Microsoft Internet Explorer is approaching End of Life (EOL) status as a supported browser. To provide more visibility about this upcoming change, when you login to Brightspace using Internet Explorer, a banner now informs the user about the approaching EOL date. The banner also includes a recommendation to upgrade your browser and a link to the EOL communication on the Brightspace Community. After logging in, you can dismiss the banner for that session.

Did you Know?

If you are looking for a copy of all your emails sent by you from within your Brightspace courses, click on the Message Alert icon on the mini nav bar, and then on the Email option. In the Compose New Message window, click on the Sent Mail button, on the right hand side.

Brightspace PD – Evening Sessions, too!

There are two PD sessions on offer multiple times next week and the week after, including an evening slot for those who are not able to attend during the day. These sessions are on Grading in Brightspace and advanced features that go beyond Brightspace Essentials. Register via the PD registration system.

We Won!

Brightspace Support Team won the Best-Decorated Department prize for the Halloween photo contest.

Participate in Educational Technology Needs Assessment for Faculty

Learning and Teaching Services (LTS) and Information Technology Services (ITS) are partnering to develop an Educational Technology Roadmap for Algonquin. The roadmap will:
a) Provide a general inventory of the kind of educational technology tools used by faculty – in addition to those provided by Brightspace
b) Establish a planning approach to identify needs, prioritize purchases, conduct pilots, and manage licensing.

Please participate in the Phase 1 of the project, which is Educational Technology Needs Assessment. You can complete a short survey and/or sign up for an 1-hour focus group. Participate in either activity to be eligible to win a $50 gift certificate.