DLE Weekly Update: Regrading a Quiz in Brightspace

Possible Scenario: You noticed that you have a “bad” question in a quiz (wrong answer is set up as correct), but ONLY after all your students submitted the quiz. The first impulse is to delete the “bad” question, hoping that the quiz points will go down (e.g. from 30 points to 29 points), and that Brightspace will show the quiz score without the points for the deleted quiz question.

What You Need to Know:

  • The deleted question is NOT actually removed from the quiz, as the delete happened after the students submitted the quiz. The change will apply ONLY to the future quiz attempts.
  • The grade for the deleted question is still included into the attempt score for all students who submitted before the change.
  • The maximum points for the quiz remain at 30 points, for ALL students’ quiz attempts, as the change applies only for attempts taken from this point forward.
  • Having the grade book column adjusted from 30 to 29 points will not work, as Brightspace will only try to keep the same weight for the attempt and not actually reflecting the new grade out of 29 points.

Options You Have:

  • Regrade all students’ quiz attempts for the bad question and give to all attempts zero points. Note that the students who already got that question right will end up with a lower grade than the other ones.
  • Regrade all student’s attempts and give to all students the maximum points for the bad question.

This KB Article on Regrading a quiz has instructions on how to regrade the quiz, by going to Activities/Quizzes and then Grade (click on the chevron of that quiz).


We recommend giving the points for the bad question to all students’ attempts, while keeping the points possible for that gradebook column as 30. In this way:

  • you will avoid having grades with decimals in the gradebook, in the case that you change the points to 29
  • you will avoid having a lower percentage for the students who already have right now a higher grade, as they got that question 19 right
  • you would avoid having different grades in the quiz and the gradebook column that will be less confusing.

More articles on Quizzes:


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