LMS Weekly Update: Digital Learning Environment Knowledge Base and More….

Digital Learning Environment Knowledge Base (DLEKB)

We are continuously making strides to improve your experience with our Digital Learning Environment. We have recently launched our new knowledge base providing you with articles based on your most frequently asked questions.

This knowledge base does not replace our support team who is still available to provide the assistance you require through brightspace@algonquincollege.com. Our goal for this is to augment our ability to easily get you what you need, when you need it.

We invite you to explore our knowledge base to which we will be adding articles regularly, and let us know what you think!

Brightspace PD: Grading Workflows

LTS is offering a PD session on Grading Workflows on Monday, June 1st, from 10 am to 11:30 am. Learn and discuss different grading workflows for assignments, quizzes and discussions, whether grading within each tool, using grade book, or using Quick Eval. Click here to register for this session and also check other sessions offered by LTS.

Coming Soon: Learn How to Create H5P Digital Learning Activities within Brightspace

Algonquin has purchased H5p, a digital content creator tool that allows you to create interactive learning activities for your courses. Plans are underway to formally launch H5p and provide information and resources for its implementation at Algonquin. Watch myAC next week for more details.

Turnitin Mappings to be reset on August 21, 2020

Some of you have reported over the last year a challenge with the Turnitin QuickMarks and Rubrics, where you would either lose your Turnitin content (QuickMarks and/or Rubrics) or see another Instructor’s content when accessing Turnitin. This was caused by a configuration issue which has been fixed last February. The configuration change fixed the issue for Instructors that were linked to Turnitin moving forward, but didn’t fix the issue for Instructors linked to Turnitin prior to February 2020.

The only way to permanently fix the issue for everyone is to reset the Turnitin Mappings, which we are planning to do on August 21, 2020. After the reset, you will lose access to your Turnitin Content (QuickMarks and Rubrics). You have the option to recreate your content after the reset, or you can export your content and import it back once the reset is completed. The procedure to export and import your content is easy, and we want to take advantage of being between semesters to do this reset. The instructions on how to export your QuickMarks and Rubrics will be published in the next week LMS Weekly Update.

Please take a moment today to schedule a reminder for yourself to export the content you wish to keep before August 21st, 2020. If you have any questions or need assistance, please email brightspace@algonquincollege.com with the subject line “Turnitin Export”.


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