LMS Weekly Update: November News!

Reminder: End of Life Internet Explorer (any version), starting January 1st, 2020

As previously announced in the August release, Microsoft Internet Explorer is approaching End of Life (EOL) status as a supported browser. To provide more visibility about this upcoming change, when you login to Brightspace using Internet Explorer, a banner now informs the user about the approaching EOL date. The banner also includes a recommendation to upgrade your browser and a link to the EOL communication on the Brightspace Community. After logging in, you can dismiss the banner for that session.

Did you Know?

If you are looking for a copy of all your emails sent by you from within your Brightspace courses, click on the Message Alert icon on the mini nav bar, and then on the Email option. In the Compose New Message window, click on the Sent Mail button, on the right hand side.

Brightspace PD – Evening Sessions, too!

There are two PD sessions on offer multiple times next week and the week after, including an evening slot for those who are not able to attend during the day. These sessions are on Grading in Brightspace and advanced features that go beyond Brightspace Essentials. Register via the PD registration system.

We Won!

Brightspace Support Team won the Best-Decorated Department prize for the Halloween photo contest.

Participate in Educational Technology Needs Assessment for Faculty

Learning and Teaching Services (LTS) and Information Technology Services (ITS) are partnering to develop an Educational Technology Roadmap for Algonquin. The roadmap will:
a) Provide a general inventory of the kind of educational technology tools used by faculty – in addition to those provided by Brightspace
b) Establish a planning approach to identify needs, prioritize purchases, conduct pilots, and manage licensing.

Please participate in the Phase 1 of the project, which is Educational Technology Needs Assessment. You can complete a short survey and/or sign up for an 1-hour focus group. Participate in either activity to be eligible to win a $50 gift certificate.


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