LMS Weekly Update: March 30

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates and Resources

Algonquin College main Coronavirus page

For all Algonquin College Coronavirus resources, including a student online learning kit, FAQs, online services, the latest updates and more, visit our Coronavirus Information page.

LTS Academic Continuity page

The purpose of this resource is to provide faculty with support for the alternative delivery of course material. This is not a directive; it is a collection of resources for alternative delivery of content and methods of assessment.

Brightspace Updates

Brightspace Support

Open a case by Email: Brightspace@algonquincollege.com
Please use a descriptive subject line when emailing us. Avoid subjects like “Help!” or “Brightspace question”.
We reply to cases during our business hours; Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm.

There is no phone or in person support during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Use the appointment booking form for a desktop sharing session or to be called at a specific time.
Because of the high volume of bookings, we ask that you limit yourself to booking one session per day and respect the session duration (15 minutes).

Most asked Brightspace questions

Recalculating the final grade when exempting a grade

It has been my understanding that if an assignment is exempted (a course now out of a possible 85% – weighted grades) then the proper grade percentage has to be calculated manually, meaning that the weighted total column shows a percentage out of 85, but not 100. Can you please confirm whether manual calculations will be necessary and/or whether those who download final grades into ACSIS will have to take any additional steps?

Here’s the answer from Tamara:

I’ve created a short video in response to your question. If you change the way in which your grade book is displayed (from “Drop ungraded items” to “Treat ungraded items as 0”), Brightspace will perform the calculation (from 85% to 100% for you).

File size limit upload for assignments

The limit is 1GB per file. This limit cannot be changed. However, there is no limit to the number of files a Learner can attach to a submission, provided the Instructor has setup the Assignment to accept multiple files.

In other words, if an Assignment is setup to accept multiple files, a Learner could upload multiple files totaling over 1GB, as long as each of these individual files are less than 1GB in size.

I need help with Zoom!

LTS has developed a great set of guides and checklists for Zoom on their Tools for Delivery page.


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