LMS Weekly Update: Consistent Experience brought by the October System Updates

In order to provide a more consistent experience, with the October system updates, there have been some great changes to the language, interface controls and workflows.

Changes in the Content Area

  • The Published/Draft button in the top right corner of a module is now an visibility icon switch, indicating either Visible or Hidden.
  • The Hide From Users and Make Visible to Users options are available in the context menu for individual content items

Changes around restrictions for Assignments, Quizzes, Grade Items and Discussions

  • Date controls (start date, end date and due date*) are now consistently found on the Restrictions tab for each tool (*Discussions and Grade Items do not have due dates currently)
  • A Hide from users checkbox is found on the Restrictions tab under each activity heading.
  • In Quizzes, Discussions and Grades, you can now hide or show individual items by clicking the chevron next to an item.
  • Quizzes and Grades can also be hidden in bulk from the More Actions button at the top of the page.

Note: Please note that none of these changes apply to Rubrics at this time.

Change in Gradebook

  • The Grade All option accessed via the grade column chevron is now Enter Grades. This may affect your grading workflow, although if you are grading work that has been submitted via Brightspace , we would strongly recommend the Quick Eval grading workflow instead.

Intelligent Agents – Email attachments

  • You can now add attachments to automated email messages when creating and editing intelligent agents. The intelligent agent email template contains an Attachments area that enables you to upload local files, select from available course files, or record audio. November release will allow users to embed images directly in Intelligent Agent emails.
    Click here to learn how to use Intelligent Agents in Brightspace.

Did you know?

  • Quiz feedback: as our LMS support team had helped many teachers set up quiz submission views over the past week, as there was the need for the students to review the results for their practice quizzes, you might want to learn how to do it. The default quiz settings show only the overall grade, and nothing else. In order to release more information to students (i.e. questions, correct/incorrect answers, class averages, etc.) you need to either edit the default submission view or set up an additional submission view.
    Click here to learn how to set up submission views.


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