LMS Weekly Update: Summary of the Brightspace Pro Tips Week

Summary of the Brightspace Pro Tips Week

The Bites Workshops were well attended and we thank everyone who came to learn, share your best designed courses or to donate pies. A huge THANK YOU to Farbod Karimi, Chair of Learning and Teaching Services, who had the courage to stay brave while three real pies were tossed in his face. All this for a good cause, as we raised $170 for the Food Bank.

Vote the PIE on the Brightspace Email Issue

During the session on the Product Idea Exchange (PIE), highlighting how instructors can contribute to the system updates by adding new ideas or voting on existing ones, an idea on the email issue that we currently are experiencing was posted on the Brightspace Community: Email sent from Brightspace should display as coming from the user’s email address (D5481)

Click here to vote for it!

Note that you must create an account first and become a member of the Community.

Brightspace Activities (quizzes, assignments, discussions)

A reminder that, when working with activities in Brightspace, you must manually create the grade column and associate it with one of the activities. Watch a video here.


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