Student Testimonials

What do our students think about ASPIRE AC?
Read on to find out!

ASPIRE AC’s services have been an extraordinary experience for someone as new to the job-finding scene as myself, taking normally boring and unappreciated topics regarding the workplace and reworking them into a language that is more accessible to many newcomers. The job coaches have been a valuable part of my time at ASPIRE AC and hope they can continue to aid fellow students in their job search.

Maddox Morphy, Professional Writing AC Student

I have been working with the job coach through the ASPIRE team and I have learned a much more practical way of outlining cover letters, resumes and working on interview questions. The job coach I have been working with is extremely friendly, knowledgeable about helping individuals to obtain the positions that they are applying to and she is very supportive of those she works with.

I would strongly recommend the job coach teaching services through the ASPIRE team at Algonquin College as it may help to lessen the anxieties surrounding applying for and obtaining interviews and in the end obtaining a job.

I feel much more comfortable with the way that I prepare cover letters, resumes and interview for jobs.

Not only have I thoroughly enjoyed working with my job coach, I think it is a great service to offer to students in order to be able to take what they’ve learned and to be able to apply it in the workplace.

Algonquin College Student

I got so much support like creating a resume, searching for a job, prepare for an interview, and tutoring support. I would recommend these services to other students because they are helpful. I definitely feel confident that I will successfully finish my school and applying for a job.

Thank you for all the support.

Algonquin College Student

I recommend this service to other students because the job coaching and guidance was very helpful in supporting my employment and helped me navigate and avoid issues that I might not be aware of. It made me feel more confident and better prepared to face my days and tasks. The job coach also helped me reflect on situations that happened during my employment and learn from them.

Algonquin College Student

As a returning/mature student, I found the Transition Coaching extremely helpful. The Transition Coach and his team did everything they could to help transition me from a busy working lifestyle into the studious goal-oriented person I am now. With regular check-ins, they were able to help me get all my ducks in a row to fully prepare me for the hustle and bustle of student life. They even aided me with applying for a grant – which I got!

I hope others in need of assistance, take advantage of this resource and are gifted with all the wonderful advice this service has to offer.

Thank you for all your help!

Algonquin College Student

Being part of the Centre for Accessible Learning & the Transition Support Centre as well as connecting with ASPIRE-AC has really helped me in my preparation for the BHTM-Tourism/Travel Services program in Fall 2023. It also relieved a lot of the stress I had regarding school based on my past school experiences. I was unaware that Algonquin College offered such supporting services at this level until learning about it during the Spring Open House in April 2023. I immediately connected with a Transition Support Coach & we scheduled our first appointment right away, & I kept meeting with them right through the summer until the start of school in the Fall. It was very nice to have such a professional guide help through every step of the way & not have to worry as much about important steps &/or deadlines. Overall, if you are worried about school when it comes to success &/or you have a disability, I highly recommend connecting with a Transition Support Coach through the CAL, TSC, & ASPIRE-AC.

Algonquin College Student

The job coach was very helpful in supporting me in my employment. She started helping me by first preparing my resume with me, reviewing job descriptions, and preparing for interviews in order to succeed in securing a co-op placement. During my work terms, she worked with me to learn and go over ethics in the workplace, harassment, and violence, understanding verbal and non-verbal communications, and what’s allowed and not allowed in the workplace. She also worked with me on proper communication with my colleagues and supervisor, how to write professional emails and do’s and don’ts in emails, the importance of getting to work on time and meeting my deadlines, and why work ethics are important.

I recommend this service to other students because her coaching and guidance was very helpful in supporting my employment and helped me navigate and avoid issues that I might not be aware of. It made me feel more confident and better prepared to face my days and tasks. She also helped me reflect on situations that happened during my employment and learn from them.

The job coach was very helpful and she accommodated my schedule and scheduled many sessions during the weekends when no other timeslots were possible.

Algonquin College Student

Connecting with ASPIRE AC has helped me meet up with a Job Coach to take me to the next step after completing the Hairstyling program. I didn’t know that Algonquin offered job coaching in this way for students. These one-on-one sessions assisted in guiding me toward working in the industry that I chose. My job coach recently supported me by preparing for an interview that I had yesterday, and the interview went very well! During preparation, we went through the common questions an interviewer might ask and the main points to focus on. I found a lot of useful knowledge in the details she shared. It definitely made me less nervous after knowing what to avoid and what to focus on during the interview. I could really feel the passion she has for her own career and her genuine desire for her students to succeed. It was invigorating during our interaction. I will continue to work with my job coach and I’m very grateful that I have these resources available to me. I believe many students could benefit from job coaching. It is not structured like a course; you get to work at your pace, and they are here to support you every step of the way.

Sandy Chan

Algonquin’s Transition Support Centre has helped me relieve so much stress when it comes to preparing myself for college. It is very nice to have a professional guide me through the steps on how to succeed, and I don’t have to worry if anything is overdue. Plus, this coaching is free!

Algonquin College Student

I will forever be grateful for ASPIRE AC. I am a Cree student at Algonquin College. I have been working with them for a while now. I got introduced to them by a counsellor from the Mamidosewin Centre. During that time, I was having difficulty with my program, I was struggling with a few courses. So, they helped me connect with a tutor from the peer tutoring centre, and sponsored me for the tutoring sessions. Also, my job coach helped me with my resume, cover letter, and building my profile on LinkedIn. Therefore, ASPIRE AC has made my academic journey so much better. I would definitely recommend this service to other students.

David Blacksmith, Student

I got so much support like creating a resume, searching for a job, prepare for an interview, and tutoring support. I would recommend these services to other students because they are helpful. I definitely feel confident that I will successfully finish my school and applying for a job. Thank you for all the support.

Algonquin College Student

The Aspire Peer Support Mentor is such a good advocate! She encouraged me to send an email to my Disability Counselor to open the topic of Bursary for Students with Disability funding and get that ball rolling two weeks earlier than my Disability Counselor appointment date.  I also appreciate how she spoke to financial aid in a way that legitimizes my financial need where I tend to undermine/downplay my financial need and stressful academic situation. She was able to find funding so I could make ends meet living wise on top of it! I feel so relieved!

Algonquin College Student

I started at Algonquin College in Fall 2022, after being out of the classroom for two years because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, my family and I moved to Ottawa from the United States last year. I did not know anything about Algonquin College until I was connected to the Transition Coach and the Aspire AC Program. The Transition coach walked me through the OSAP application, put me in touch with the Transition Support Centre and the Centre for Accessible Learning. When I struggled with my first course of study, the coach helped me find a new one. He is readily available, knowledgeable and easy to talk to.

Algonquin College Student