Register for ASPIRE AC Let's discuss how ASPIRE AC can help you. Register below, and a member of the ASPIRE AC team will contact you. To register, please complete the form below. ASPIRE AC is supported by the Ontario Postsecondary Access and Inclusion Program (OPAIP). Please select which applies to you:* I am currently attending Algonquin College. I would like to attend Algonquin College. I have previously registered for ASPIRE AC. Have you previously attended Algonquin College?* Yes No Thank you for your interest in ASPIRE AC! Please email to confirm your form submission and registration. Thank you!Are you an international student?* Yes No This field is hidden when viewing the formAre you an International student?* Yes No Thank you for your interest in the ASPIRE AC program. Unfortunately, this specialized program is for Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Ontario. We would like to refer you to the International Education Centre as their skilled team would be in a good position to address your needs! The International Education Centre can be reached at:* First Last Student Number*9 DigitsEmail*Current students please use your Algonquin Email. Phone*Date of Birth* Month Day Year Program of Choice:*please selectDesired ProgramAccepted ProgramUndecidedDesired Programs:*First ChoiceSecond Choice Accepted Program:*General Field Interests:* Apprenticeships Art and design Business Computers and Technology Community and Social Services Environmental Science Engineering & Architecture Health Sciences Hospitality, Tourism & Wellness Language Media and Communications Public Safety and Legal Studies Skilled Trades Sports and Recreation Transportation and Automotive Unsure Current Program:*Current Level / Semester:*Please selectLevel 1 / Semester 1Level 2 / Semester 2Level 3 / Semester 3Level 4 / Semester 4Level 5 / Semester 5Level 6 / Semester 6Level 7 / Semester 7Level 8 / Semester 8How did you first hear about ASPIRE AC?* At an information session Website Social Media My teacher Mamidosewin Centre Referred by Community Agency Transition Support Centre (TSC) Centre for Accessible Learning SSS - Business and Hospitality SSS - Other Programs Which Community Agency referred you?*Which information session did you attend?*Which supports are you interested in?* Career Counselling (Career Counselling is a program designed to assist our current learners who are questioning their current program choice and would like to explore new options) Job Coaching (Individualized support to help prepare for the workplace) Peer Tutoring (Sponsored peer tutoring through the Student Learning Centre) Student Ambassador (Participants are paired with a seasoned Algonquin student for guidance on navigating the college’s services) Student Mentor (An Algonquin employee who helps students navigate various college challenges and provides referrals to other supportive services) Which supports are you interested in?* Career and Program Advising (Career and Program Advising is designed to support prospective students who are interested in attending Algonquin but aren’t sure which program to select. This team can help review the many options available at Algonquin College and offer guidance on selecting the right program based on interests and career goals) Transition to College Coaching (An individualized program led by our Transition Success Coach to help navigate the process of transitioning to College) Please select all that apply:* I am undecided about my career direction I would like to enroll at Algonquin College but I'm very unsure about which programs to consider I was not admitted into my program of choice and need assistance identifying new program options I have one or more Algonquin College programs in mind but I'm struggling to make a final decision Please select which applies to you:* I am currently attending high school. I have completed high school (or my GED) and now looking into post-secondary options. I have completed a post-secondary course/program in the past and looking to return for a new program. This field is hidden when viewing the formAge Group:* 17 and under 18-29 30-39 40+ Which of the following groups do you identify with? (Optional) Youth in extended society care First Generation (first in your family to attend post-secondary) Indigenous Peoples International Student LGBTQ2S Mature Student (Second Career, re-training, etc.) Other Please specify:*Additional Comments:Consent*Algonquin College abides by the Confidentiality of Student Records policy, which protects the privacy of personal information held on student records. This policy is supported by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. I consent to being contacted by Aspire AC. I consent to the Aspire AC staff contacting other services at the College relevant to accessing supports related to my registration. PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ