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Quiz Making and Taking Tool

CCEAC banner image.
Client Canadian Centre of Excellence and Anti Corruption
Professor(s) Abdullah Kadri,
Program Computer Engineering and Computing Science
Students Jani Khaddage
Nathan Denyer
Carver Long
Jinhyo Kim


Project Description:

The project is a web application used for personnel training in anti-corruption and bribery offered by The Canadian Center of Excellence for Anti-Corruption (CCEAC). The mission of the CCEAC is to be an academically based platform that encourages exchange and communication of best practices to help prevent, detect and deter corruption related issues. The CCEAC encourages and supports the propagation of knowledge and best practices through training, mentorship, education, advocacy, research and other activities that can increase the capacity of people, organizations and other entities to tackle corruption related issues. The web application will be browser based and allow for registered users to create and issue quizzes, on the subject of anti-corruption, to employees they wish to provide training to. Another key feature will be to host a database of content for quizzes that users can contribute to, growing the amount of available content for quiz creation.
The team has conferred with the client and decided that a browser-based web application will be the best solution and will be deployed through the client’s website. The goal of the application will be to provide an engaging, easy to use platform where users can create and take quizzes. The ability to customize quiz content as well as track quiz scores are key features. Another key feature is database management to be performed by the administration.
Three tiers of users have been identified as administrative, employer and employee. Employer accounts will have the ability to create and issue quizzes to employees, as well as track progress and manage employee accounts. The employee tier will primarily have access to quizzes issued by an employer. Both employer and employee user-types will have the ability to submit quiz questions to be reviewed by administration which will then be added to the database upon approval. An administrative account will be able to manage all registered users and the database.


Short Description:

A quiz making and taking tool used to create quizzes from scratch or by selecting from a database of pre-approved questions. Quizzes are then shared with employees to take.

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Video Presentation


home screen. fast track screen 1.
Quiz questions screen. user dashboard.
registration screen. Quiz screen.

Funded By


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