How Can We Make Early Learning Inclusive?: Using GBA+ to apply intersectional feminist approaches to early learning.

To enhance support for early childhood education and educators, this project aims to develop a self-assessment tool for Early Learning Centres (ELCs). This tool will enable ELCs to evaluate their capacity to meet the four core needs outlined in “How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years” (Ontario Public Service, 2014): Belonging, Well-being, Engagement, and Expression.

Utilizing the Gender-Based Assessment Plus (GBA+) approach, the self-assessment tool will help ELCs examine the inclusivity of their environments. By providing a structured framework for reflection and improvement, this initiative will empower educators to create supportive, inclusive spaces that foster the development and well-being of all children. Through this project, we aim to strengthen early learning practices and promote a nurturing educational landscape.

Faculty lead: Barbara Leigh Golden
School of Wellness, Public Safety and Community Studies