Applied Research Day 11.2

Congratulations to all the winners of the Applied Research Day 11.2 student showcase on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013! All of the projects were wonderful, making it difficult to choose the top three! Read more >

Bright Smiles, Bright Futures

Polytechnics winAlgonquin Student Project Takes Top Award at Polytechnics Canada 2013 Student Applied Research Showcase

“Algonquin College is extremely proud of the entire Applied Research team and would like to congratulate them on this great result,” says Dr. Kent MacDonald, President, Algonquin College.

Read the article here.

Doors Open at Algonquin

Hand opening a door

In my last post I mentioned that that while the hallways may be quiet in the summer, behind closed doors the Health and Wellness Research Centre remains active. So let us open the doors for a peak behind the scenes. Just recently I spent an amazing morning with Aliasgar Morbi, Richard Beranek & Kyle Klumper from GaitTronics. Read more >

Applied Research Day 11.1

Congratulations to all the winners of the Applied Research Day 11.1 student showcase on Friday, August 23, 2013! The level of quality and skill that was demonstrated in all of the projects displayed at the showcase made judging a very difficult task. Read more >

Winners of Applied Research Day 11.1

Congratulations to all the winners of the Applied Research Day 11.1 student showcase on Friday, August 23, 2013! The level of quality and skill that was demonstrated in all of the projects displayed at the showcase made judging a very difficult task.

Projects displayed were broken into two categories: Stand Alone and In-class projects. Prizes for Applied Research Day included certificates and a cash award of $100 per team member for 1st place, $75 per team member for 2nd, and $50 per team member for 3rd.

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