Faculty Applied Research Funding Opportunity 2024 – 2025 Intake

The Faculty Applied Research Funding Opportunity is available to support and engage all Algonquin College faculty members, full-time and part-time, on strategic applied research at the RDI.

The opportunity is intended to create partnerships between faculty, students, and partners, enabling them to work collaboratively on applied research projects that generate new knowledge, address real-world challenges, and promote innovation in various fields at Algonquin College.

Faculty can apply for funding from $20K – $50K.

2024-2025 Call for Proposals Key Dates:

Application is open for AC faculty to apply for the RDI funding on March 18, 2024.

Intake of the RDI Faculty applications has been extended until June 21, 2024 by 4:00 pm ET.

Ten projects are selected after the technical review is completed.

The top five projects are selected for funding by the Deans from different schools.

Emails are sent to all participants in the beginning of August.

Applicant Eligibility

  • All Algonquin College faculty members, full-time or part-time, can apply for the RDI Project Funds as a Principal Investigator. 
  • For an application to be considered by the RDI Selection Committee, it must be approved by the Faculty’s Chair and Budget Officer for any course-release hours. 
  • Faculty can apply for funding from $20K – $50K for up to two (2) semesters to hire students for the applied research project that matches with the Research Themes – See Application Form at the end of this page.  
  • All project applications require a partner organization. 

Research Focus Areas with Research Themes

Research Focus Area: Safety, Security and Defense

Adopt a proactive stance in tackling the dynamic challenges of security and emergency preparedness, encompassing health crises, natural disasters, human- induced risks and security incidents.

Research Theme:
Emergency Preparedness – research projects that take a multifaceted approach to improve public safety through effective security and emergency management strategies, enhancing community resilience, fostering a culture of preparedness, and providing comprehensive education and training for future professionals in the field. Proposed Research projects should focus on at least one of the following areas:
  • Objectives related to developing innovative strategies and technologies to address emerging safety challenges.
  • Enhancing community resilience in the face of natural, technological, and human induced disasters
  • Fostering a culture of preparedness and response in both urban and rural areas.

Research Focus Area: Sustainability

Comprehending, advocating for, and advancing practices with the overarching goal of achieving a net positive impact on the climate, all while upholding the three pillars of sustainability—Social, Economic, and Cultural.

Research Theme:
Construction Sustainability – research projects that aim to contribute actionable insights for the construction industry to strive for a more sustainable built environment. Proposed Research projects should focus on insights that reduce the carbon footprint (embodied and operational) of the built environment and should have an emphasis on at least one of the following areas:
  • New Technologies for Reducing Building Operating Energy
  • Monitoring and Validating Building Operating Energy
  • Low, Zero, or Negative Embodied Carbon Materials
  • Retrofit and reuse of existing buildings
  • Industrialization, Prefabrication and Optimization of Construction Practices
  • Housing Affordability and Availability
Research Theme: Green Supply Chain – research projects that aim to contribute actionable insights to empower businesses in seamlessly transitioning to environmentally conscious supply chain practices, achieving a proper balance between upholding environmental responsibility, and enhancing operational efficiency. Proposed Research projects should focus on at least one of the following areas:
  • Advancing objectives related to Quantifying and Understanding Environmental Impact
  • Identifying and Overcoming Adoption Barriers
  • Optimizing Technology Integration (example: blockchain, IoT, data analytics) for Sustainability,
  • Promoting Holistic Sustainability Strategies
  • Developing Optimization Models for Sustainable Practices.

Research Focus Area: Wellness and Community Resilience

Investigate the dynamics between wellness and community resilience, exploring interventions, strategies, and community-based practices that contribute to fostering both individual and collective well-being.

Research Theme:
Early Childhood Learning – With the commitment and implementation of the Canada Wide Early Learning and Childcare (CWELCC) agreement, evidence informed practice and research is an imperative foundation for the future of this sector. Proposed research projects should aim to contribute actionable insights that build further capacity and understanding of the early learning sector and the broader importance of the early years on healthy communities. Proposed Research projects should focus on at least one of the following areas:
  • Demonstrations of quality and innovation in early learning practice
  • Contributing to Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in early learning settings
  • Building professional capacity, and workforce strategy
  • Building leadership capacity and sustainability in the sector
  • Acknowledgement of land-based learning and reconciliation in the early years
  • Developing and prioritizing land-based early learning that fosters meaningful engagement with Indigenous knowledge

Application Process

  1. Submit Project Application Form:Download, complete and submit the form at the end of this page. Make sure your proposal outlines the project’s goals, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes. You will also be requested to submit a high-level budget along with the application form.  The project must involve an industry or community partner. Cash contributions and/or in-kind contributions from the partner are strongly encouraged but not strictly required.
  2. Technical Review: The first assessment will be conducted by the Domain Experts based on the assessment criteria. Quality of Proposal (25%), Learners Engagement (25%), Partner Engagement (20%), Methods/Research Approach (20%), EDI (10%).
  3. Deans’ Assessment: Projects will be evaluated based on potential for innovation, impact, and collaboration. The evaluation will also consider the project’s potential for promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion, as well as its alignment with the College’s strategic priorities.
  4. Results Announcement: The Research Development Institute (RDI) will notify the applicants of the funding decision. If the project is approved for funding, the applicant will receive a funding agreement, and the RDI will provide guidance and support in project management, research ethics, and other administrative matters.

Project Expenses Eligibility


  • Hiring of student researchers  
  • Salaries for part-time and partial-load faculty  
  • Standard Work Form Release for full-time faculty (Maximum of $ 9000/course/semester) 


The project can spend up to 20% of the total project budget on Equipment/Consumables. These might include: 

  • Literature, reports, journal articles, software,  
  • Materials, supplies,  
  • Equipment directly related to the execution of the project,  
  • Printing of project posters for display at the yearly RE/ACTION showcase

NOTE: The total equipment cost should not exceed 20% of the project budget. 


If required to conduct the research project e.g., field work, etc.  

Travel must follow Algonquin Travel and Travel Expenses Policies and Guidelines. 

Reporting requirements for Select Projects

  • Participating in RE/ACTION showcase or other similar activity 
  • Attend midterm check-in meeting
  • Submit a final report to the Research Development Institute. The report should describe progress considering the project’s objectives. 
  • Project metrics will be collected to meet NSERC reporting requirements 

Start Application