Virtual RE/ACTION Showcase August 2021

IC4U – Patient Engagement Platform

IC4U project banner image.

Client CHEO
Professor(s) Kevin Holmes,
Program SLiDE
Students Eduard Draghiciu – Project Lead
Ly Le – Designer

Project Description:

Patient and family engagement can improve health outcomes and reduce health costs. From a broad perspective, citizen engagement in health care and research is gaining traction as a compelling mechanism for enhancing quality of care.The shift towards seeing citizens as partners, rather than subjects or patients, is guiding research and clinical care to focus on the aspects that matter most and to which patients and families want to contribute.IC4U is a project collaboration between the Social Innovation Lab at Algonquin College,Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group to support patient and family engagement in Canadian critical care research.The platform will initially be used in Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs) across Canada.Our approach at improving patient engagement in critical care research is to develop a modern, cloud based web application that is easy to use and has necessary features to harness project collaboration and communication between clinical teams and ICU patients and family members willing to become research partners.IC4U Users will be able to Sign Up and personalize their account by sharing their stories and areas of interest. Once an account is created, users will have access to the IC4U platform, where they can get informed about current research studies or join a research study as a partner. The research team can engage with patients and their families to get input on different aspects of their research study using task features on the platform (e.g. surveys, document review, chat tools).Some example research studies users should expect include: Mobility and physio in the PICUs, Music in the PICU, Biobank Studies etc.In the background, the platform will be using the most modern technologies and infrastructure to ensure scalability. We are achieving this by using React as a front end framework. The platform will be packaged in a Docker container and served to AWS which is arguably the most reliable cloud infrastructure.

Short Description:

IC4U is a cloud based application that will harness project collaboration and communication between hospital research teams and ICU patients willing to be partners, rather than study subjects.

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Home page layout. IC4U user dashboard.
Search query results page. Publication summary and download page.
Author bio page.  

Funded By

Work Safety Application

Work safety application project banner image.

Client David Summers
Professor(s) Leanne Seaward,
Program Computer Programming
Students Michael Rayson, Masoumeh Mirzaeepourgelvarzkh, Shipa Neupane, Kefen Yan, Dhruvkumar Patel

Project Description:

Our client is David Summers who works as a labourer for the Tomlinson construction group. This company is based in Nepean who specializes in all sectors:
• Municipal
• Provincial
• Federal
• Residential
• Industrial
• Commercial
• Institutional

The issue that David had was facilitating the transition from paper Safety Data Sheet (SDS) information to electronic SDS information. At the moment, when an incident occurs on a worksite someone needs to go retrieve the SDS information to understand how to approach dealing with the hazardous spill. This is not only time consuming, but inefficient in a scenario when time is of utmost importance.

That is where our workplace safety application comes in. During this prototype phase, we’re connecting the users with an open-source repository of SDS information via the interface of a React-Native application. We’re using Node.js to create the back-end of our application which has connection with the above mentioned open source repository and Google Firebase which handles our user authentication. The goal is to provide a robust and user-friendly experience so that users of all capabilities and circumstances will be able to quickly retrieve the crucial information that they need.

We’ve learned many things from this development process, primarily since our front-end technology, React-Native, and our back-end technology, Node.js, are completely new to us. Tying in Google Firebase and suddenly we’ve covered developing a full stack application from the ground up.

Short Description:

An application that connects worksite labourers with the Safety Data Sheets that they need when dealing with hazardous materials.

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  Login screen.
Landing page. Search query results screen.
Material data saftey sheet screen.  

Funded By

Urban Forest Soap Commercials

Urban forest soap commercials project banner image.

Client Shelina Manji, Francine Manji
Professor(s) Adam Jarvis,
Program Interactive Media Design
Students Josh Trozzo, Anna Rodenburg, Alaa Jaamour, Colin Livington

Project Description:

Urban Forest is a local producer of all-natural, handcrafted soap products that are eco-friendly, made without chemicals, preservatives, surfactants, synthetic fragrances, or dyes. This project involved producing two animations for various social media platforms, each with a short 8-second version and a long 18-second version. The videos, explaining the ‘WHY’ and the ‘HOW’ of their natural soap in comparison to commercial chemical soap respectively, aim to draw in a younger target audience.

The ‘WHY’ video focuses on the specific benefits of natural soap, both for yourself and the environment while calling for viewers to review the products they own at home for potentially harmful chemicals commonly found in commercial beauty products. The goal of this video is to get viewers to make the switch from products they are potentially loyal to, and instead of switching to Urban Forest’s chemical-free soap.

The ‘HOW’ video acts more as an instructional video, focusing on questions the client’s found they were commonly asked. One such common question is regarding the usage and benefits of their solid shampoo bars, as many potential customers found themselves solely familiar with the usage of liquid shampoo. The goal of this video is to easily clear up any questions or concerns potential customers may have before making a purchase.

The project was broken down into four main stages: the pre-production phase, where the team produced planning documents such as vision boards, mood boards, personas, concepts, treatments, scripts, shot lists, and storyboards, the production phase, where the team produced and gathered project assets such as graphics, music, fonts, and voiceovers, the post-production phase, where the team produced the animations within Adobe After Effects, and finally, the deployment phase, where the team refined the end products, handing off the deliverables to the client.

Short Description:

Urban Forest is a local producer of all-natural, handcrafted soap products. This project involved producing two animations for social media explaining the ‘WHY’ and the ‘HOW’ of their natural soap in comparison to commercial chemical soap.

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Character animation artboards. Character concept artboards.
Anthropomorphic soap bottle character drawing. Animation keyframes.
Project moodboard.  

Funded By

Aim for Change — New Ways to Address Youth and Gun Violence

Aim for Change project banner image.

Client The International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA)
Professor(s) Jed Looker,
Research Centre Human-Centred Design Lab
Students Anna Ranger; Shelby Richardson, Cathy Matovu; Amarjeet Singh.

Project Description:

Aim for Change is a youth-focused workshop developed for the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) to tackle the growing issue of gun violence around the world. The workshop gives youth who’ve been affected by this issue the opportunity to share their stories.

Funded by the United Nations (UN), Aim for Change was created as part of IANSA’s engagement with the UN “Civil society engagement in support of gender mainstreamed policies, programmes and actions in the fight against small arms trafficking and misuse, in line with the women, peace and security agenda”.

The nine-week project was developed by a multidisciplinary team of four students from the college’s Computer Programming, Graphic Design, Public Relations and Victimology programs. After consulting with IANSA, the team identified their client’s need to develop programming that provides youth in South Africa (who are exposed to gun violence and gangs in their community) a platform for sharing their experience and becoming advocates for change.

After researching themes related to youth and gun violence and interviewing subject matter experts, the team developed the following problem statement: How might after-school programming provide youth a positive platform for not only sharing their experience of living with gun violence but becoming advocates for change?

Aim for Change, is a two-hour after-school workshop that tasks 11-15-year-old students with developing a publication of their own illustrations, short stories, song lyrics and collages. By creating a zine, kids might challenge the problems they see in their communities (i.e. gun violence) and voice their thoughts and feelings in a safe, fun, artistic, creative, and engaging way.

To provide implementation logistics at ground level, the team also connected with Gun Free South Africa (GFSA), one of IANSA’s partners. Working with several of GFSA’s youth workers, the team learned firsthand what it’s like to be a child growing up in a community plagued by daily gun violence and gang activity.

Aim for Change was piloted by GFSA in South Africa in late July. A week later, the team presented project outcomes to the UN, at the Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons – Seventh Biennial Meeting of States.

The long-term plan is for the workshop to expand globally through IANSA’s network of partners. The zines will be distributed in local communities, but IANSA hopes that as the workshop scales around the world, youth from different countries can one day exchange their zines with one another.

In developing Aim for Change, the team learned several lessons. First, collaborative design work can be effectively carried out in an online environment thanks to tools like Miro (a digital whiteboard) and Slack. Taking a co-design approach to the project meant learning to be flexible in responding to the feedback received from the client and partners, and changing direction when necessary. Strong teams know when to work together and when to lean on the strengths of each other. And finally, that open communication is the best way to overcome the challenge of coordinating meetings across two time zones!

To learn more, please visit

Short Description:

Addressing gun violence as a problematic expression of masculinity, we created a zine-making workshop for kids to express their feelings on the topic.

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Workshop facilitator playbook. South Africa pilot project photos.
Youth-created zine pages from pilot workshop. Boilerplate marketing text example.
Visual identity examples. New webpage on IANSA website.

Funded By

International Action Network on Small Arms.Funded by the United Nations through contributions from the European Union.

GSM based Energy meter reading and load control

GSM-based energy meter reading and load control project banner image.

Client Gino Rinaldi
Professor(s) Gino Rinaldi,
Program Electromechanical Engineering Technician
Students 1. Vinit Patel (040990405)
2. Henock Toussaint (040991948)
3. Rubal Rubal (040998440)

Project Description:

The project’s focus is on remotely operating home appliances and providing security. When the user is away from the system’s location, it can be SMS-based, and it can leverage wireless technology to improve living standards. This method is an excellent solution to the challenges that homeowners confront on a regular basis. Because the system is wireless, it is more flexible and cost-effective. The HACS (Home Equipment Control System) protects against intrusion and automates numerous home appliances with the help of SMS. This system makes use of GSM technology to provide access to the system for security and automated appliance control from anywhere. For SMS transfer from sender to recipient, the home appliance control system (HACS) uses GSM technology. SMS transmission and receiving is utilised for omnipresent appliance access and home breach control. The user can operate household appliances remotely using the appliance control subsystem. This study introduces a low-cost, secure, ubiquitously accessible, auto-configurable, and remotely operated method for home automation.

1. Arduino UNO
2. LCD (16*2)
3. MAX232
4. Relay
5. Bulbs
6. Energy meter
7. GSM modem
Problem Statement:
The basic working of Single phase induction( Traditional system) type Energy Meter is on two mechanisms:
1. Mechanism of rotation of an aluminum disc which is
made to rotate at a speed proportional to the power.
2. Mechanism of counting and displaying the amount of
energy has been transferred.
Hence, this system has moving characteristics , accuracy
would be less. But the customer of this system would not be able to get real value of their consumption usage.
Biggest disadvantage of this system is Security and
Privacy, this system can be easily theft by consumer, such
as by doing unethical tricks such as by using magnet and
other connection changes user can stop the meter while
also getting energy, user will not be billed for this energy
Problem Solution:
This system doesn’t have any moving mechanism, so it
would give accurate reading of energy consumption.
No issue of power thief.
Consumer can easily get awareness about their energy
consumption in real value so they can control their energy
Smart Energy meter has User Interface when consumer
can easily check their energy consumption by Mobile /
1) Highly sensitive.
2) Taking measures to reduce the electricity bill.
3) Large coverage ON/OFF from any distance.
4) Can handle heavy loads up to 7A.
1) Home appliance control.
2) Hotel lights / fans control.
3) Shops and showrooms.
4) Industrial applications.
5) Electronic applications for security.
By this project we can control our home appliances and also we can avoid the unnecessary use of electricity by giving the response to arduino.

Short Description:

The main object of the project is to develop smart energy meter is not only measure the consumer’s power consumption but also to enable and support real consumption according to consumer, so meter reader don’t need to visit each customer.

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Image of home simulator with sensors installed. Prototype schematic drawing.
Mobile app light control screen. Mobile app second bulb control option.
Arduino code snippet. Arduino code snippet 2.

Funded By


Cashcan project banner image.

Client Dakota Sinclair
Professor(s) Adam Jarvis,
Program Interactive Media Design
Students Jennifer Lim-Tamkican
Kyler Gaboury
Gary Wu
Trang Le
Marilia Gil Pimentel

Project Description:

The client for the CashCan application is Dakota Sinclair. He was inspired by the people in his surrounding environment who lacked the transportation or access to be able to contribute to the recycling process/missing out on the profit for the returns. A lot of his friends are college/university students, who live in areas that are not conveniently located to return depots and that consistently accumulates empties that are just taking up space in their homes.

The users for the application ranges from a seller side consisting of students who don’t have access to return depots or lack the transportation to carry the empties to a depot as well as on the driver side, individuals with access to those resources, with some free time looking to make some extra cash on the side.

The application was designed to combine the selling and the pickup service into one app so users have the choice to participate in either side of the transaction.

CashCan app users can:

As a Driver:
– See seller’s listings on an interactive map
– Guides driver to pickup locations and facilitates the payment transaction for purchasing the empties.
– Purchase empties by either adding funds to their wallet OR a single time charge to their credit card

As a Seller:
– List empties on the application
– Receive credit for successful sale of empties

By connecting the driver and the seller directly in a way that allows sellers to create listings for their empties and drivers to view all the listings in their area, it will facilitate the exchange in order to complete a return.

Short Description:

CashCan is a mobile application that allows users to both sell returning empties and pickup empties as a driver to earn some cash.

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Project team photos. Moodboard.
Key features screen mockups. User rating system screen mockup.

Funded By

Social Media Marketing Value Tool

Social media marketing value tool project banner.

Client DreamWell
Professor(s) Leanne Seaward,
Program Computer Programming
Students Claudio Lima,
Abdulkadir Atay
Lei Kong
Chrishanthi Michael
Bradford Watson
Nathen White

Project Description:

The requirement for this project was to create a frontend that would connect to the existing DreamWell influencer evaluation engine that estimates the social media marketing value of an influencer advertisement.

There are fixed rates for advertisements when it comes to medias such as television, newspaper, and radio. However, when it comes to advertisement in digital social media like YouTube and Instagram, there are no such predetermined rates. When a brand wants to advertise their products, they approach the content creators to advertise their products within their content. However, there is no application or system which provides a platform for the brands and influencers to calculates the social media market values for advertisement.

The end users for this solution are Brand agents, Social Media content Creators and DreamWell Agents.

Short Description:

DreamWell is a startup company that provides software solutions in digital marketing. They are specialized in influencer Marketing, Content creation and Social Growth. Our project will provide them a platform that allows brands and the social media c

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Project architecture diagram. Login and registration page mockups.
User dashboard screen. Campaign builder screen.
Marketplace page. Project decision tree diagram.

Funded By

Automated delivery robot car(ADRC)

Automated delivery robot car banner image.

Professor(s) GINO.RINALDI,

Project Description:

The automated car gets the locations for deliveries, and it checks the nearest delivery location using a grid system and delivers the package and after each delivery it checks its battery backup and when the charge drops below threshold, it searches for a nearest charging station and proceeds towards it after charging it continuous its deliver

Short Description:

In this modern world, human beings like to get everything at their fingertips. The implementation of these robots could make deliveries easier and cheap. Which could solve the problem of package mishandling.

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A Smart Leg Exerciser

Smart leg exerciser project banner image.

Client Tetra Society
Professor(s) Brian Gray,
Program Mechanical Engineering Technology
Students Simon Beach, Nader Assi, Deep Bhakta, Tyler Carr, Prubhkirat Singh

Project Description:

A workout machine was modified and made for Tetra Society with the aim of helping a kid that has mobility issues to maintain and rehabilitate their leg muscles. By adding advanced connective capability, the client will be able to adjust the difficulty of their workout using a phone app.

The machine must also have different difficulty settings such as easy, medium and hard modes which the user can choose from in the app. We also offer a terrain mode setting which changes the difficulty over time mimicking a hike on a trail that has varying road gradient and difficulty.

The design criteria for this project are:

– Start remotely (via a remote starter controlled by Bluetooth) from a distance up to 10 metres.

– Have several difficulty settings the user can choose from.

– Have a phone app that the client can use to set the difficulty setting and keep track of progress.

– Include an electrical sensor system, which will measure both speed and heart rate to provide real-time user feedback that will be displayed on the user interface.

– Be built on an initial prototype budget of $500 CAD.

Short Description:

A modified workout machine that is easy, pleasant and motivates kids to stay healthy and rehabilitate their leg muscles. An app tracks the user’s workout and provides positive feedback.

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Step counter device. Mobile app workout start screen.
Mobile app progress screen. Commericial leg exerciser with LCD readout.
Stepper motor assembly 3D render. Smart exerciser prototype.

Funded By

Daley Kreations Events Management App

Daley Kreations app project banner image.

Client Daley Kreations (Kate and Tony Daley Di Poce)
Professor(s) Leanne Seaward,
Program Computer Programmer
Students Pasquale RInaldo
Pedro Roncati
Yury Berestetsky
Danny Pham-Duong
Yuvraj Chauhan
Amalraj Madathiparambilrajes

Project Description:

Hosting multiple events can be stressful. There are many things that Daley Kreations must take into account during these events and manually keeping track of everything can take away the fun of having these events. Team 6 Show Business has taken an old beta version of an event management application and implemented many functionalities. Daley Kreations can now have their profits, list of items needed, event dates, fees, expenses, export lists and different databases all at their fingertips. This application has all of these functionalities that will help their business having all of this information in a compact application that can be accessed from the convenience of their phones.

Short Description:

An intuitive application that is made for Daley Kreations to keep track of event management. The company is centered around creating and organizing conventions and events for cosplay. This application offers an efficient solution for the owners.

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Mobile app screen mockup. Mobile app invoice generator.

Funded By