Virtual RE/ACTION Showcase August 2021


DreamSim banner image.

Client CHEO – Samantha Boggs
Professor(s) Kevin Holmes,
Program Slide
Students Marco Antonio González Moreno
Alicia Bedore

Project Description:

The project consists in create a real life scenario where the user will have the opportunity to choose their own answers through the virtual simulation game, providing the user a full experience on how to do perform CPR assistance, when needed. During the Teaching Mode the user will have the opportunity to learn all the necessary skills to proceed with the Game Mode, where the user will be put on a test on a real time decision making context, from a multi answer platform choosing their own adventure during the development of the game.

Short Description:

Interactive Virtual Simulation Game that will help non-healthcare professionals how to perform CPR. Based in 2 parts, a teaching mode and a game mode. In the teaching mode the user is led by a learning guide. Game mode consists in 3 simulation games.

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Crew filming in elevator. Child CPR simulator.
Crew member rolling camera down hallway. Project team with video camera.
Team performing CPR simuation on practice dummy.  

Funded By

Underground Cable fault detector

Underground cable fault detector banner image.
Client Algonquin College
Professor(s) Gino Rinaldi,
Students Ahmad Raza Shekh
Akash Prajapati
Mrinali Pardiwala


Project Description:

The project is intended to detect the location of a fault in underground cable lines from the base station in kilo meters.
In the urban areas, the electrical cables run underground instead of running overhead. Whenever any fault occurs within the underground cable, it becomes difficult to detect the exact location of the fault for the process of repairing that particular cable. The proposed system finds the point of the exact location of the fault. We can see the fault location on LED display and by receiving SMS on our phone using GSM and GPS module.


Short Description:

We are student of EMET and doing our final semester, In this project we have implemented our all skills and knowledge that we have learned so far.
This was an amazing opportunity to show our skills and We did our best for making this project

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Project overview. Description and image of completed prototype.

Funded By

Blackburn Community Association Website

Blackburn Hamlet community website project banner image.

Client Blackburn Community Association
Professor(s) Leanne Seaward,
Program Computer Programmer
Students Fargol Azimi
Stuart Barker
Xingming Li
Pavel Samarin

Project Description:

The Blackburn Community Association Website is a hub for a wide range of community focused information and services. The website provides up-to-date information on community issues, events and news. It’s online booking system also allows users to book the local community hall. Users are able to create accounts and log on as members.

Three subsites provide additional information and services to the Blackburn Hamlett community:

BANAR: A website for the local community magazine. Site will include release dates, advertising information, article submission deadlines and digital copies of past issues. ​

Blackburn Hamlett Business Directory: Provides information on local businesses. Businesses can login to manage their content. Businesses must be approved by site admin.  

Blackburn Hamlett Funfair: Displays information on upcoming events, photos from previous events and programs. Users can register as volunteers through the website.

All websites have been built from the ground up with a focus on providing a smooth end-user experience. There are a range of accessibility features for users with visual impairments, such as increasing text size, adjustable color and contrast settings, and the ability to change the font type of text.

The websites have a contemporary and professional design that is consistent across all four sites. They have a responsive mobile-friendly layout that ensures that they will look great on any screen size.

Security features such as requiring ReCAPTCHA on log in means that the website is secured from attacking by brute force log in.

Short Description:

The Blackburn Community Association Website and subsites provide a hub for a wide range of community focused information and services.

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Homepage mockup. Local newspaper clippings.
Events page mockup.

Funded By

IOT Based Smart Parking System

IoT based smart parking system project banner image.

Client Gino Rinaldi
Professor(s) Gino Rinaldi,
Program Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technician
Students Vaibhav Vaghela

Inderpreet Singh

Jayshree Patel

Project Description:

This system aims at replacing the conventional parking system with an IoT-based smart parking system by using RFID (radio-frequency identification).
The users will be provided an entry card for getting access to the parking slot. The users will also be provided with an android based mobile application, using which they can know about the availability of the parking slot on their cell phones.
The users will need to maintain a minimum amount of balance in their entry card for getting access through the parking system, otherwise, the system will deny the access to enter. In this way, this smart parking system will help reduce human effort & time by using automation technology.

Short Description:

There has been a tremendous growth in the number of vehicles on the in past few years. This has created in huge parking crisis, especially in urban areas. At such times, smart online parking systems are the need of our.

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insightScope 2021 – Healthcare Conference Dashboard for Systematic and Scoping Reviews

InsightScope project banner image.

Client Dr. Dayre McNally MD, Katie O’Hearn MSc, Misty Pratt MES
Professor(s) Kevin Holmes,
Program Mobile Application Design and Development, Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science
Students Ravi Chandra Rachamalla (Research Associate – Full Stack Developer – Mobile Application Design and Development)
Dhruv Patel (Research Assistant – Full Stack Developer – Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science)
Nguyen Gia Khánh Hồ (Research Assistant – Full Stack Developer – Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science)
Manan Patel (Research Assistant – Full Stack Developer – Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science)

Project Description:

insightScope, a web application that helps researchers manage and conduct crowdsourced systematic and scoping reviews was started as a collaboration of Algonquin students from SLiDE 2018 led by Sanket Patel and a team of researchers from the CHEO PICU; Dr. Dayre McNally MD, as well as Research Coordinators Katie O’Hearn MSc and Misty Pratt MES. Since its inception, insightScope strived to revolutionize and accelerate the process for a systematic review; originally performed by small single digit teams of investigators over long periods of time. Using researchers from around the world that have been appraised on our system, insightScope can provide a crowdsourced approach; vastly accelerating the process, from months and years down to weeks.
Over the past term, our insightScope team made up of the most recent collaboration of Algonquin Students from SLiDE and CHEO, had been working hard towards finalizing many new and invigorating updates to the front and backend of the application. Among these updates includes a dashboard to view the Project Overview and Timeline for a systematic review. This dashboard will enable principal investigators and researchers to promote their projects, view statistics about their level of contribution, and receive live updates. Creation of this dashboard is critical to the next stage of insightScope. Currently armed with our accelerated review capability we aim to begin integrating systematic reviews into the tens to hundreds of thousands of medical conferences hosted annually worldwide. Merging systematic reviews into these medical conferences provides a sensational opportunity to augment the conferences scholarly output. Providing a novel educational and networking opportunity to researchers in attendance and internationally.
Our Algonquin student team has been provided with many exciting opportunities to expand their skillsets. Being able to use many different technologies from Amazon Web Services and by participating in and developing large scale redesigns to core features of the site like the Title & Abstract and Data Abstraction stages of systematic reviews; our team was able to open themselves to many different areas of development. By exposing ourselves to cloud document storage with AWS S3, online sessions with Memcached, different types of web application security protocols and how to optimize memory and efficiency when developing for these worldwide userbases.
To ensure the delivery of a superior product, our Algonquin Team has been closely collaborating with the CHEO team to ensure efficacy of these features. Though as we know collaboration during the worldwide pandemic caused by Covid-19 comes with its own set of struggles. From the different types of bugs that could appear, discussions about new designs and features, and learning new technologies our team had a lot on our plate; too much for everyone alone and separated. Though with an agile development mindset in hand, we were able to better manage ourselves. With many online design sessions and constant communication our team was able to handle any problem that was thrown at us. Through this entire process we acquired many invaluable skills and experiences that aided us to accomplish our goals.

Short Description:

insightScope by accelerating the process for systematic reviews through crowdsourcing we are now aiming for medical conferences worldwide.

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insightScope project introduction slide. Team photos.
Dashboard mockup. Data abstraction screen mockup.
Conflict management screen mockup. User profile with country selector mockup.

Funded By

Algonquin Curriculum Maintenance Application

Algonquin College curriculum maintenance application banner image.

Client Surbhi Bahri
Professor(s) Leanne Seaward,
Program Computer Programmer
Students Team Lead:
– Jason Chow
Team Members:
– Yu-Yun Chu
– Mohee-Aldeen Alsaadi
– Nanchun Chen

Project Description:

Every year, changes to the curriculum for courses at Algonquin College are made or considered. Feedback from students, Algonquin faculty members, and industry professionals is used to determine what changes should be made to improve each course. The client has asked for a web application that allows users to share their opinions and have the related faculty members for each course review the feedback. At the end of term, students at Algonquin may access the web application for a limited period and leave a review on courses that they have successfully completed. Throughout each year, Algonquin staff members may also leave reviews on relevant courses and input comments on behalf of industry professionals’ recommendations.

To fulfill the requirements, a web application was developed using Python for the back end, Django as a web framework, MySQL for database connection, and React for the front-end UI components. Only Algonquin staff and students may use this application with their email addresses. The project is ongoing and, in the future, single sign-on (SSO) will be integrated with Algonquin systems. Currently the application features a sign-up feature that requires users to sign up with an email address. Users may sign up as either staff or students and once they are registered, they may select a course that is relevant to them. Both staff and students may leave reviews and staff have the additional option to view all reviews for courses relevant to them. The staff review page provides a summary of the reviews left for courses and allows staff members to scroll through a list of user comments.

By taking on this project, the team has learned about many technologies new to them and how to work in a group development environment. None of the team was especially proficient with any of the technologies used to develop the project however, team members conducted research, experimented with code, and successfully implemented many working features. In addition, the team followed Agile software development methodologies and realized the many benefits of incremental development of working prototypes over the traditional waterfall development model.

Short Description:

The Algonquin Curriculum Maintenance application helps Algonquin staff facilitate course curriculum changes based on course feedback from users.

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Login screen. New user signup screen.
Class selection screen. User information survey.
Class selection page second view. Survey results screen.

Funded By

SLiDE Projects | Summer 2021

SLiDE projects summer 2021 banner image.

Client Ottawa Community Benefits Network | CICan ImpAct | Rideau Rockliffe Community Resource Centre | Ottawa Hospital Research Institute | National Children’s Botanical Garden
Professor(s) Kevin Holmes,
Program SLiDE / Social Innovation Lab
Students Stive Avendaño Zambrano,
Munshat Nurham Elias,
Minal Patel,
Huy Luu Ly Le,
Eduard Draghiciu,
Brandon Caffin

Project Description:

Our team has worked remotely with a few local non-profit organizations to accelerate the slide into change.

The purpose of the Humans of ImpAct website is to curate stories about social enterprises as told by students from the member organizations of Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan).
For the Reducing Barriers to Inclusive Access project, we created a website for the community that shares initiatives that reduce barriers to inclusive access on campus and in the community.
The Ottawa Community Benefits Network is a network of various community, service, and labour groups dedicated to building healthy, diverse, and inclusive communities across Ottawa. We created a website for them:
For Rideau Rockliffe CRC, we are working on multiple tasks, from helping them develop their content to developing their social media plan for a new website launch. Our team will also help them in developing a platform for managing their backend operations.
For the Predatory Journals Project, our team has redesigned the website for Ottawa Hospital Research Institute’s Journalology team:
We crafted colourful zoom backgrounds for the National Children’s Botanical Garden of Canada, solved issues with the WordPress site, and established a Motion Graphic logo.

With the generous support of ICTC and IBM, we, as students, can gain valuable experience all while making contributions to the social sector in our community here in Ottawa. By supporting one, we support many. We are strong like a drum, eager like a violin, and innovative like the electric guitar. We inspire each other to compose great work. We are in tune with the world around us. We adapt our individual ways to create harmony. And we celebrate our victories triumphantly with emoji reactions over Zoom. We are SLiDE.

Short Description:

For OCBN, CICan ImpAct & OHRI’s Journalology team, we evolved websites. For Rideau Rockliffe CRC, we are working on a few tasks to make their work easier. For the National Children’s BotanicalGarden, we created a motion graphic logo & zoom background

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Ottawa Hospital Research Institute Centre for Journalology website redesign. Ottawa Good Food Collective website redesign.
Humans of ImpAct project. Ravenflix project.
Ottawa Community benefits network website redesign.

Funded By

Document Management System

Aetherwind file management system app project banner image.

Client Todd Gallagher
Professor(s) Leanne Seaward,
Program Computer Programmer
Students Dan Cummings, Nicholas Hayashi, Kimberly Johnson, Janio Mendonca Junior, Marko Nikic, Alice Qingxin Liu

Project Description:

Explaining a bit about our client; AetherWind Technologies is a company which helps other companies develop a market strategy for their product. They specialize in wireless device certifications and work with the latest changes in the FCC and Industry Canada. The purpose of this project is to create a web app which allows clients of Aetherwind to manage their products and certificates.

The requirement made for the Team Capital by Mr. Todd Gallagher (AetherWind owner) was to reduce the amount of manually job he had before to manage all the documents for his clients. The Web-based Documentation Management would create less work for Mr. Gallagher and allow him to focus on other things within his company. Mr. Gallagher required some crucial functionalities, like; include a login/signup feature, a products page which the user can see the certificates associated to their company and a home page.

Explaining a about the project pages separately, firstly the client can create a login account by defining the USER and PASSWORD. After the client is logged in, they are redirected to the home page that shows an overview of the account which is logged in by showing a chart with the percentages of documents to be “Expired”, “Soon to expire” and “Compliant”. The home page has a separated section names “what’s New”, which shows in text the new documents added, reminders and expiry notice. The page named “Products” is the most important part of the project, because on this page the clients are able to search products and documents, sorting it “Alphabetical”. The client has already the chance to filter the results by choosing some options on the sidebar.

Some backend issues we have come across have been server connectivity, user login, uploading documents, delete documents and defining user-products-documents by using primary and foreign keys.

Short Description:

The Web-based Documentation Management is a cloud-based system firstly implemented to keep documents and track expiry dates from company AetherWind clients certifications and contracts. The project was implemented using React for the front end and mo

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App login screen. App incorrect login notification.
Account highlights page. Products page.
User profile.

Funded By

POP TikR | Connecting the Community

POP Tikr project banner image.
Client Kamal Dhanoa
Professor(s) Theo Mirtchev, Adesh Shah
Students Kiet Tuan Vuong
Manuel Duong


Project Description:

There is no doubt that our current crisis with COVID-19 is causing increased strain on local businesses and small businesses as storefronts, restaurants, and more have limited access or are entirely closed to the public. To solve this problem, the POP TiKR “Shop and Tour Local” app is an innovative, tactile, and responsive tool that will allow Canadians to discover, tour, and shop within their local neighbourhoods and right across Canada too.

The Algonquin College’s Data Analytics Research Center team composed of Theo Mirtchev (Managing Director), Adesh Shah (Principal Investigator), Manuel Duong (Mobile Developer), Kiet Vuong (Mobile Developer), managed and developed the POP TikR mobile application (for customers) and collaborated with outside consultants to build merchant portal (for businesses).

For Canadians:
The mobile application helps Canadians discover and explore local POP-UP deals happening in their communities and across Canada. They will be able to view details such as location, directions, hours of operation, and much more. Additionally, the POP TikR application lets you choose between “nearby” and “online” browsing modes. The nearby option shows you spots where you can shop and redeem deals in person. The online option shows you deals from across the country that you can redeem virtually. Customers can filter deals by category for added convenience and share these offers with friends and family using Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and more. The application is available on Android and iOS platforms.

Technology used:
React Native/Expo
Amazon Web Services

For Businesses:

The POP TikR merchant portal is an intuitive web application that will help local businesses promote products and services and gain in-store and online sales. The merchant can create their deals online with a unique code that can be retrieved when they shop online or come into your shop when touring your city.

Technology used:
Amazon Web Services

POP TikR mobile application will be going on the Android and iOS store on August 15.

We want to thank Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and Applied Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship center for their precious support in bringing this project to fruition.


Short Description:

POP TikR helps you save money while contributing to your local community. A new essential tool for Canada, dedicated to supporting local shops, restaurants, services, attractions, and more.

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Mobile app map screen. Offer details overlay.
Online deals screen. Splash screen.
Second splash screen.

Funded By

EBO Financial Budgeting App

EBO financial budgeting app banner image.

Client EBO
Professor(s) Leanne Seaward,
Program Computer Programmer – CST8334 Software Development Project
Students John Cossar
Bourne Crolly
Donglin Li
Shuqin Zhang

Project Description:

Our team has been assisting EBO – Financial Education Centre, in developing a mobile Android budgeting application. EBO is a mid-sized non-profit organization that provides free financial guidance for individuals and families that face fiscal challenges in their daily lives. Using a pragmatic and compassionate approach, financial advisors at EBO aid their clients in relieving their financial stress. This is accomplished in a multitude of ways, including assisting their clients the opportunity to benefit from Government programs, and providing guidance with respect to managing a budget.
The requested solution by our client, EBO, involves providing a system that will allow EBO clients to track financial items in accordance with their circumstances. This system will be realized for the client by means of a mobile Android application. The idea is to deliver a system that will provide benefit to their clients who, at present, use android devices.
The purpose of this project is to allow EBO clients to track their financial items, and ultimately, share that information with their EBO financial advisor. Currently EBO is using an Excel spreadsheet to enter their client’s information.
In aiding EBO in the development of a mobile application, we will be providing benefit to their clients. EBO clients are often individuals of low income who feel a great deal of stress in coping with their finances. In a micro sense, the creation of our budgeting application aims to relieve some of that stress by provided a less intimidating, and easier way enter and share their financial information.
By making the process of tracking and sharing client financial information simpler, the barrier for clients to engage with EBO financial advisors becomes lower. This in turn, would allow more individuals to benefit from the services provided by EBO. Services which aim to assist struggling individuals to improve their financial wellbeing. The more individuals that seek assistance from EBO, the fewer individuals there will be in society that struggle with their finances. As such, from a macro perspective, this support from our team would play a part in contributing to the betterment of society.
At this juncture, our team has created an Android budgeting application that accomplishes the goals set at the outset of our project. We are thrilled to be able demonstrate our application, via the Re/Action Virtual Showcase, prior to deployment to our client, by the 13th of August 2021. Moving forward, we are excited to get our work in the hands of EBO clients, so they may realize the full benefit of our coordinated efforts with EBO.

Short Description:

Android application, for non-profit ‘EBO’, to assist clients in the management of their finances.

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App main screen. Add income screen.
Add expense screen. Montly budget screen.
Budget report screen. Share to Google overlay.

Funded By