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Integration of Trauma Informed Care for Clients of The Diane Morrison Hospice

In collaboration with the Staff and clients at The Diane Morrison Hospice, we have developed a trauma-informed care package that will be available within The Ottawa Hospital Charting System in the near future. In the case that clients from The Diane Morrison Hospice unit need to go to the hospital, this package is intended to provide staff that are caring for these clients with a more in-depth understanding of the client and how they may provide safer care to these individuals.

Carefor Trach Team

Assessing shortcomings in community nursing tracheostomy care and troubleshooting client common issues.

Nutricooks Mobile Application

Nutricooks is a soon-to-be-available application for iOS and Android devices. The application solves the problem of finding what, when, and how much to eat to meet your daily nutritional goals.

When users provide their personal and health information, biometrics, and preferences, the application uses industry-standard calculations to build a custom nutritional profile based on their needs.

Upon login, users arrive at the home page, the central area for recipe exploration. Here, they can browse recipes by category or search by keywords. Selecting a recipe navigates to that recipe’s page. This page is the area for learning about a recipe. Users can read a recipe’s background, ingredient list, preparation description, and nutritional content. They can also watch an instructional video and like, comment or favourite the recipe. Navigating to the weekly hub shows users their meal plan, nutrition targets, and grocery list. The meal plan page allows users to build daily meal plans for the current week by adding and deleting recipes. Meal plan data dynamically constructs the other pages. The targets page provides an overview of a user’s daily progress in achieving the nutritional goals in their nutritional profile. The achieved values come from the nutritional content of recipes in the meal plan for the selected day. The grocery list provides a breakdown of recipes in the meal plan by ingredient. Users can view their grocery list at a daily or weekly glance. Finally, the settings tab allows customization of details such as personal information, payment, or colour scheme. is a website designed to house examples for different areas of studies for machine learning. In the modern day, data is ever-growing and analyzing all the data would require lots of people to do it. To save resources, this is where machine learning can help you or your business!

With the integration of a secure login/sign-up process, users can view multiple examples within the site and ensure their information is kept secure with the implementation of Open Authentication and AWS User Pools.

Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence that focuses on creating systems and algorithms that can learn and improve from data without being explicitly programmed. With, the aim is to display machine learning examples that can be showcased to users how it analyzes data and recognizes patterns to help with future predictions, develop models, or perform tasks without specific instructions.

E-Commerce Website for Country Home Baking & Sweets

With the world becoming increasingly digital, even an in-home bakery needs a website to help drive business. Our e-commerce website for Country Home Baking and Sweets aims to make maintaining a webpage so easy that someone who has never touched anything IT-related can easily create, update, and delete menu items.

Previously, our client maintained their internet presence through Facebook business pages. Due to many negative changes to this functionality, they have been unable to maintain their previous presence online. Our client emphasized their need for a simple upkeep, but a professional design. Our website has a home page, online ordering menu, contact page, and cart. Our client can update announcements and menu items from the admin portal with just a few clicks. All this functionality is wrapped up with a modern, sleek design aimed to be eye-catching for any clientele new or old. We hope our project helps Country Home Baking & Sweets’ business in all the ways we aim for.

Ski Patrol Application

The project goal is to design web and mobile applications to improve the current method of recording various categories of event information. This application will track medical volunteer geolocations to supply adequate support in emergency events and events, volunteer, and inventory information. The end goal of the project is to create web and mobile applications that will accurately manage event/inventory information for supervisors and medical volunteers to access.

The client works with different organizations to provide first aid volunteers and medical supplies for various events. Event information is currently being tracked with Excel spreadsheets. This application will replace Excel data tracking, allowing all volunteers and organizers to access and manage event information.


The client requested a Web Application that would allow for a streamlined and accurate collection of 3D Prints that are requested of the MakerSpace 3D Print Lab. Fulfilling a set of critical criteria, the MakerQueue application aims to streamline user interaction and minimize structural changes. By introducing modifications to the main interface, including an advanced print job list with search and sorting capabilities, and individual job management options, the criteria of simplified user interactions and an intuitive platform for 3D printing project management are met.

“Advocacy in Motion” Pilot Program with Parkdale Food Centre – Community Capacity Building for Social Action

During our twelve week community health clinical placement at the Parkdale Food Centre (PFC), our student RN team contributed to the creation of a grassroots, evidence-based 10-week “Advocacy in Motion” (AIM) workshop series, aimed at equipping individuals living in poverty/food insecurity in Ottawa’s Hintonburg region with knowledge and skills to advocate for issues central to their lives. Interventions focused on community connection and capacity building for collective social justice action to create healthier, more equitable neighbourhoods in Ottawa, and beyond.