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CST8334 – Team 5 – Virtual Poster

CST8334 - Team 5 - Virtual Poster

Client Jody G Ryan
Professor(s) Reginald Dyer,
Program Computer Programmer
Students Owen Bailey, Anish Kumar Sharma, Rahul Thomas Parmar, Gagan Kumar, Aimen Hallou, Vaughan Alexander

Project Description:

For our project, our client tasked us with creating a brand-new website to replace the clients old one. The new website had to be made specifically on WordPress, and required an accompanying android app. There are a lot of changes between the old and the new websites. The new website features a completely new user-friendly UI, more information about the client and their work, as well as an online shopping module.

Short Description:

A WordPress based application to modernize our client’s website for their yoga business with accompanying Android app.

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CST8334 - Team 5 - Virtual Poster CST8334 - Team 5 - Virtual Poster
CST8334 - Team 5 - Virtual Poster CST8334 - Team 5 - Virtual Poster
CST8334 - Team 5 - Virtual Poster  


Funded By


PHP – Chart.JS

PHP - Chart.JS

Client Melissa Sienkiewicz
Professor(s) Melissa Sienkiewicz, Ayaz Lakdawal
Program Computer Programmer
Students Navraj Khosla
Poyen Wu
Limin Liu
Apurva Patel
Keyurkumarra Patel
Omar Daher

Project Description:

We were retained by Professor Sienkiewicz to develop a module using PHP that would showcase charts from charts.JS for users. The various charts would use their raw data and visualize it. This module is open for the public and is free for use. The intent is to be able to attach this module to an existing project and obtain the charts embedded in the module for use to display data.

Short Description:

Using Chart.JS, you can visualize your raw data into a pie chart or bar chart.

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PHP - Chart.JS
PHP - Chart.JS

PHP - Chart.JS
PHP - Chart.JS

Funded By

Kaampe Website

Kaampe Website

Professor(s) Melissa Sienkiewicz,
Program Computer Programming
Students Brandon Stanzel
Joshua Brawdy
Joshua Belingan
Peng Wang
Zhicheng Liu
Harmanpreet Bedi

Project Description:

The Interdisciplinary Studies in Human-Centred Design and the Digital Health programs at Algonquin College collaborated in research to scientifically identify by means of data why women were ‘needlessly’ dying during pregnancy. After many months of research, they came up with some main contributing factors: timeliness of care, availability / visibility of medical care and lack of financial assistance.
In short, every woman should have access to pregnancy-related health care information, and they should be able to easily find a healthcare professional near them. Thanks to technology, there are feasible solutions. An online information portal platform can be created to provide pregnant women in Africa with the resources needed for safe pregnancy and childbirth.
Our challenge was to create a mobile first, accessible, multilingual platform for our client that provided the functionality to search for local healthcare professionals, access tailored information and learn more about the Kaampe Project while taking into consideration accessibility and cultural/religious sensitivities. We learned much regarding how to collaborate as a remote team and simultaneously develop a WordPress site.

Short Description:

The Kaampe Project involved creating a mobile first WordPress platform to reach pregnant women in Nigeria. The website will help expecting mothers to find healthcare professionals, pregnancy information and financial resources available to them.

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Kaampe Website Kaampe Website
Kaampe Website Kaampe Website


Funded By


Software Security with CCCS Assemblyline

Software Security with CCCS Assemblyline

Client Wynn Fenwick
Professor(s) Wahab Almuhtadi,
Program Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science
Students • Liam Henderson
• Liam Henley-Vachon
• Joshua Mukasa

Project Description:

Assemblyline is a malware detection and analysis system developed by the Canadian Center for Cyber Security. We researched use cases where Assemblyline 4 beta could be included as part of a continuous integration pipeline as part of our research over the summer. We also extended Assemblyline with enhancements such as an extended CLI and a Python code linting service.

We learned about Python programming in the context of developing a service for Assemblyline as well as extending its CLI. We created Dockerfiles to run our service, and researched topics relating to docker and docker-compose. Code security was a major focus of this project, both from open-source and closed source projects. Google Cloud Platform was our choice for a VPS provider, and the majority of our work with Assemblyline was done on our GCP instance.

Short Description:

Assemblyline could be used in a Continuous Integration pipeline. Using a beta of version 4, we developed extended CLI functionality and a service that could perform static analysis of code, on top of developing use cases for Assemblyline in CI.

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Database management

Database management

Client Pinpoint talent
Professor(s) Melissa Sienkiewicz, Islam Gomaa
Program Computer programing
Students Jeffrey Sharpe
Ningxin Zhao
Surjeet Singh
Manjotkaur Dharni

Project Description:

This is a an internal webtool for database management and reporting.

Short Description:

A database management tool for client operations

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Android Driving Expense Logging App

Android Driving Expense Logging App
Client Al Morrison
Professor(s) Melissa Sienkiewicz,
Program Computer Programmer
Students Team 16 (7 Up)
Yuhan Cheng
Sijie Chen
Tyler Van Loon
Jiazhao Zhang
Pavlo Demchenko
Siyang Xiong
Jonathan Schmidt


Project Description:


This android application aims to help our client to solve the hassle of recording car expenses. With the app, the client could easily log all his mileage, gas expenses, as well as seeing a graphical report of his expenses. Also, the client could record receipts to be saved as references too. Hopefully, when tax time comes, our client is in a better position in terms of reporting car expenses.


Short Description:

This android application aims to help our client to solve the hassle of recording car expenses. With the app, the client could easily log all his mileage, gas expenses, as well as seeing a graphical report of his expenses.

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Android Driving Expense Logging App Android Driving Expense Logging App
Android Driving Expense Logging App Android Driving Expense Logging App



Funded By





Nylene Product Data Application

Nylene Product Data Application

Client Nylene
Professor(s) Todd Kelley,
Program Computer Engineering Technology
Students Mustapha Matar
Adam Matar
Thi Da Tang
Ting Chen
Jimmy Tam

Project Description:

Nylene’s current product search web application is outdated and unnecessarily complicated. We have been tasked with remaking the application to make it simpler to use for both administrative users and customers, as well as more efficient from a server sided perspective

Short Description:

Nylene is a producer and compounder of engineering thermoplastics that are manufactured for industrial use. They have pioneered the processes for specialty
compounds for a variety of end-uses.

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Nylene Product Data Application


Funded By

Blackburn Hamlet Association Website

Blackburn Community Association

Client Blackburn Hamlet Association
Professor(s) Melissa Sienkiewicz, Murtuza Marketwala
Program Computer Programming
Students Bing Zhou
Cheng Zhang
Divyangnares Patel
Gabriel Araujo
Lilia Martins
Tarunkumar Kakadiya

Project Description:

The project is the redevelopment of the Blackburn Hamlet Community Association website. The main goal was to have a website that is intuitive to navigate both for members of the community and association.

We achieved:

• Redesigned the website looks and structure
• Created and integrated two “child” websites into the main one
• Implemented accessibility features into the website aiming to be on pair with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).
• Created a Business Directory where local business can register their business.
• Implemented an online payment option for membership.
• A calendar on the home page that gets automatically updated whenever a new event is added in a specific group calendar.
• An online community hall booking system.
• Improved the integration between BHCA social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and the main website.

Short Description:

Our project was a complete rework of the Blackburn Hamlet Association Website. We updated its looks to a more modern design choice, added extra sections, and created some extra functionalities.

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Blackburn Hamlet Association Blackburn Hamlet Association
Blackburn Hamlet Association Blackburn Hamlet Association
Blackburn Hamlet Association Blackburn Hamlet Association


Funded By


Kampe (clinic) poster; CST8334 Team8

Kampe (clinic) poster; CST8334 Team8

Client Sandra Iroakazi
Professor(s) Melissa Sienkiewicz,
Program Computer programming
Students Yash Modi Bakulbhai Prajpati
Huifang Li Madeleine Peluso
Shuting Yang Dmitrii Iakimchuk

Project Description:

The Kampe website shows information on healthcare providers in a given region in an easy-to-use format

Short Description:

Kampe is a website that provides healthcare information for people in Africa

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Caremada Drive Share Web App

Caremada  Drive Share Web App

Client Suki Lee
Professor(s) Todd Kelley,
Program CET computer Engineering and technology
Students Thuy Mai
Computer Engineering Technologies: Computer Science Student (CET)

Ivan Nyakayiro
Computer Engineering Technologies: Computer Science Student (CET)

Kevin Luu
Computer Engineering Technologies: Computer Science Student (CET)

Project Description:

Caremada web application is specifically designed for providing services along with ride hailing features. The application will enable clients to find qualified services providers to handle services in various categories such as childcare, aiding seniors, aiding individuals with disabilities, maternal, medical, therapy, tutoring, and/or shopping wherever they are. In addition, this application gives a chance for caregiving professionals to build profiles, find work and get paid wherever they are.

Our team was tasked to implement a dispatch system service like(Uber and lyft) to accommodate clients that need transportation with a professional caregiving drivers.
This web application will help users request a type of taxi service much easier. The additional feature that this application has stands out because of the service it provides other than just a simple ride-hailing application. User’s will be able to request a service such as escort me to a doctor and wait until the user is done to drive them back to their desired destination.

Short Description:

Caremada allows caregiving professionals to build profiles, find work and get paid wherever they are. It allows parents, families and members to book and pay for service providers whether at home or travelling anywhere in the world.

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Caremada  Drive Share Web App Caremada  Drive Share Web App
Caremada  Drive Share Web App Caremada  Drive Share Web App
Caremada  Drive Share Web App Caremada  Drive Share Web App


Funded By