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Selfcare Management System

Selfcare Management System

Client Sarah Butler
Professor(s) Reginald Dyer,
Program Computer Programming
Students Hiralben Dalwadi (Team Leader)
Divyesh Sojitra
Veerhakeekat Kaur
Pruthvi Makwana
Kiranpreet Kaur
Pragnesh Thakkar

Project Description:

Our clients is basically working on the cancer patents who are recovering from the condition called Lymphedema.
The main requirements of our client is to show her patents recovering and keep the track of the treatments that they are undergoing.
There are 4 main parts of the Treatment:
1) Manual Lymph Drainage massage (MLD)
2) Compression Therapy
3) Exercising
4) Skin Care

Recovery tracking solution
1) Keep a track of the exercise, compression Therapy, Manual Lymph Drainage Massage
2) Filling up report (Lymphedema Life Impact Scale).
3) Measurements/ Photos of their affect Lymph

She wanted to implement this functionality in the android app and make it digital.

So to find the solution to this problem we developed an android application that can tract the details of her patents
massage sessions, exercising , compression therapy into a database.
so that patents can see if how much they undergo through her treatment

Also, to track the recovery we have developed form named as LLIS (Lymphedema life impact scale ) as soon as the patents fills the form the doctor directly gets an e-mail of the form from the patent so that doctor can also see how well the patent is getting recovered.

Also we have implemented the functionality of measurements that a patent can write the measurement of their affected lymph and later on after under going the treatment they can again measure the lymph and see the difference in their condition.

Our future scope is to work on the security and storing photos into database.

Short Description:

We are developing and android application for our client Miss Sarah Butler, who is physiotherapist by the profession and wanted to us to develop an android application that can help patents to follow her treatments and track their recovery.

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Selfcare Management System
Selfcare Management System

Selfcare Management System
Selfcare Management System

Selfcare Management System
Selfcare Management System team

Funded By

Gluten Tracker

Gluten Tracker

Client Melissa Sienkiewicz
Professor(s) Ayaz Lakdawala, Melissa Sienkiewicz
Program Computer Programmer
Students Alexandre Lamarche
Feng Sun
Hayden McAdam
Joel Jacob Sebastian
Naimul Rahman
Phong Tran

Project Description:

Celiac disease is an immune disorder that causes severe illness upon ingesting gluten. This disease affects tens of millions of people worldwide and requires those afflicted with it to eat gluten-free foods. These gluten-free alternatives are generally far more expensive than the products that contain gluten, which can quickly add up over time. These costs can be offset by Canada’s disability tax credits, but this requires tracking how much money was spent on gluten-free foods that would not have been spent if non-gluten-free products had been purchased instead. This can be a very time-consuming process, and many people with celiac disease do not take advantage of the tax deductions that they are entitled to.
This Android application provides a more convenient way to track the price difference between gluten-free and non-gluten-free products as well as the tax deductions that individuals with celiac disease are eligible for. The Gluten Tracker app allows users to scan the UPCs of food products, compare their prices between gluten-free and regular products, save images of their receipts, maintain reports with their total deductible amount in a given period of time, export reports from the application, and more. All of these features make the disability tax credits far more accessible for individuals suffering from celiac disease.
Our team developed this application with a focus on accessibility and ease of use. To accomplish this, we spent a significant amount of time designing a user-friendly UI that allowed users to intuitively navigate the application and perform the actions they intended. Our team was also able to overcome many challenges, particularly with integrating the functionality of an API that was used to scan food product UPCs, in order to create a simple and effective application that could help individuals suffering from celiac disease benefit from the tax credits they are entitled to.

Short Description:

This simple Android app makes it easier for people with Celiac Disease to quickly see the price differences between gluten products and their gluten-free alternatives and determine the tax deductions they are entitled to.

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Gluten Tracker Gluten Tracker
Gluten Tracker Gluten Tracker
Gluten Tracker


Funded By


JOCA Website

JOCA Website

Client Jacquie Richards
Professor(s) Angela Giddings, Melissa Sienkiewicz
Program computer Programmer
Students Baboo, Deepteesha
Chen, Michael
Jaffer, Ali Saad
Parmar, Ruchita
Patel, Shruti
Shi, Ying

Project Description:

Our client is the Jamaican Ottawa Community Association. They don’t have a proper record keeping system so they asked us to develop a database for them to help store information and save time. Our team decided to re-do their current website using WordPress and connect a database to it using MySQL.

Short Description:

Develop a website with a database connected.

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JOCA Website JOCA Website
JOCA Website JOCA Website
JOCA Website JOCA Website


Funded By


Chart.js charts (Linear thermometer chart, Back-to-back Horizontal Chart & Super Pie Chart)

Chart.js charts (Linear thermometer chart, Back-to-back Horizontal Chart & Super Pie Chart)

Client Applicate
Professor(s) Melissa Sienkiewicz,
Program Computer Programmer
Students Nazia Sultana (040931556)
Dong Chen (040908655)
Dishita Trivedi (040934875)
Ramandeep Ramandeep (040955866)
Yves Ferland (040950362)

Project Description:

In our project, we created 3 chart.js charts which are the linear thermometer chart, back-to-back horizontal chart, super pie chart extending the current chart.js charts and using JavaScript, Node.js and HTML5 Canvases. Applicate who is our client wanted us to implement new charts which do not exist as chart.js chart. Also, the super pie chart exists in version 1 in chart.js but which is really old now so we were told to upgrade it to version 3. We decided to develop two new charts which are the linear thermometer and the back-to-back horizontal chart and upgrade the super pie chart. We implemented the linear thermometer chart in chart.js version 3 by extending the existing chart.js bar chart which shows the temperature. The back-to-back horizontal chart is created extending the horizontal bar chart which can display values on both sides of Y axes. In a super pie chart, each slice is divided into more slices to display data effectively. Super pie chart has been upgraded to version 3. Datasets can be enabled/disabled for all three charts.

Working on this project was a great experience and learning opportunity for us as we could learn about chart.js charts. We could successfully apply HTML5 Canvas, JavaScript and Node.js in our project successfully.
Although Applicate is the client of the project, the final product will be open-source and anyone can use them as chart.js charts are available under the MIT license. These chart.js charts are customizable, easy to use and can be added to any project with minimal effort i.e. it is easy to integrate into existing code. These charts are responsive, include legend, hover pop-ups and offer great performance for data visualization. When using these charts, the users can customize the colors as per their choice.

Short Description:

We created 3 chart.js charts which are the linear thermometer chart, back-to-back horizontal chart and super pie chart extending the current chart.js charts and using JavaScript, Node.js and HTML5 Canvases.

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Chart.js charts (Linear thermometer chart, Back-to-back Horizontal Chart & Super Pie Chart) Chart.js charts (Linear thermometer chart, Back-to-back Horizontal Chart & Super Pie Chart)
Chart.js charts (Linear thermometer chart, Back-to-back Horizontal Chart & Super Pie Chart) Chart.js charts (Linear thermometer chart, Back-to-back Horizontal Chart & Super Pie Chart)
Chart.js charts (Linear thermometer chart, Back-to-back Horizontal Chart & Super Pie Chart)  


Funded By


Medical History Tracker

Medical History Tracker

Client Elizabeth Joseph
Professor(s) Melissa Sienkiewicz, Ayaz Lakdawala
Program Computer Programming
Students Woxing Zhang, Xiao Yu, Yuri Lee, Simranjit Singh, Hassan Hakim

Project Description:

The idea for this project is to help users who wish to apply for T2201 tax disability credit.
The tax form has a portion where the applicant is required to get a doctor to sign off on their eligibility. This app allows users to track daily symptoms and keep a record they can easily refer back to. During a doctor visit the user of this app can refer back to data they’ve entered to answer questions the doctor may have.

Short Description:

An android app which provides medical history tracking. Developed for users who wish to apply to T2201 task disability credit.

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Medical History Tracker Medical History Tracker
Medical History Tracker Medical History Tracker
Medical History Tracker Medical History Tracker


Funded By


Remote Technologies, Webpage Enhancement

Remote Technologies, Webpage Enhancement

Client Marty Carr
Professor(s) Reginald Dyer,
Program Computer Programmer
Students Peter Best, Thedaiphong Le, Alexander Hamilton, Bhavinkumar Patel, Seungkyun Kim, Vinaykumar Singh

Project Description:

Originally the project was described as “updating an existing web application to have payment gateway and memberships”.

In reality, it was to upgrade a half implemented WordPress site to have features that for most would be considered basic before anything else could begin, specifically a proper user database containing data that the client needed to have for their members. Normally, it would be simple, a simple task however the specific requests of the client required more fine tuning, and the host at the time was running a restricted/limited version of WordPress.

In other news, the team had to move the whole project to a new service for the client and only then implementation of the other parts could be begin. Database setup was straightforward, and using the powerful array of existing plugins available for WordPress means that the client is able to maintain and modify things going forward with relative easy and little technical knowledge.

Similarly, plugins are how the major feature of paid memberships was carried out, allowing for a safe, secure and reliable way for members to pay for their yearly subscription cost, rather than the client chasing down people manually like before.

Final feature is the ability for the client to import their old “database”, an excel spreadsheet, into the site to create a bunch of user data up-front. While ways exist to do it as a one-time process, the team instead opted to work on developing a dedicated script to allow the client to simply upload the file, and the site would handle the rest, and for as many times as they needed/wanted. In retrospect, this should have been developed as its own plugin, but is instead set up locally to the site specifically, using a combination of plugins and custom script to achieve the effect while making it as hard to accidentally break by client or otherwise after delivery.

Short Description:

This project was a cumulative work of moving an old, poorly hosted WordPress site to a new hosted WordPress site and implement very needed features such as Database functionality, memberships and the ability to make payments.

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Remote Technologies, Webpage Enhancement Remote Technologies, Webpage Enhancement
Remote Technologies, Webpage Enhancement Remote Technologies, Webpage Enhancement
Remote Technologies, Webpage Enhancement Remote Technologies, Webpage Enhancement


Funded By


Green Valley Permaculture

Client Janes Sears
Professor(s) Reginald Dyer,
Program Computer Programming
Students Joanna Pachulski
Sangeun Baek
Gurleen Kaur Gehlan
Elmira Konkasheva
Sepideh Shahroudi
Ruoyan Zhang

Project Description:

Green Valley Permaculture is a gardening and landscaping company focused on holistic living run by Jane Sears. The main focus is on building sustainable gardens in the comfort of a person’s backyard. The Green Valley Permaculture website would both be for advertising services, and to help facilitate communications with clients.

The project is aiming to build a functional web app. This includes several basic functions and necessary information provided on the website. Advertising landscaping and holistic living solutions is the main goal, but document tracking, payments, and communication are important parts as well.

First, it shows the services provided. Second, clients can sign up to the website and then can upload and download files to share with Jane. Lastly, clients can make a payment through the website.

Through this project, we have a great opportunity to apply and test the skills we have learned for real projects.

Short Description:

A website to help promote Green Valley Permaculture gardening and landscaping company. This website would be for advertising, user and admin login, document storage, payment page, and payment tracking, communicating with clients, and booking meetings

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Green Valley Permaculture about page. Contact page.
Homepage. Login page.
Payment page. Upload page.


Funded By


Zady Novel Generator

Zady Novel Generator

Client Daniel Cormier
Professor(s) Todd Kelley,
Program Computer Science
Students Patrick Bobyn
John Cameron
Brady McIntosh
Andrew Palmer
Karim Tahan

Project Description:

Zady: A python-based web application that generates text. When trained with the complete works of William Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, and Mark Twain, and given a short phrase submitted by the user, it can generate new text in a similar style.

This project was inspired by the terrible romance novel, Irene Iddesleigh, and the fact that its author’s work was not more available. Our goal has always been to reproduce text in this so-bad-it’s-good style, but we have expanded the scope to include other authors and bodies of text.

Short Description:

Zady is a machine learning application that produces text in the style of a particular author, based on a short phrase submitted by the user.

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Zady Novel Generator Zady Novel Generator
Zady Novel Generator Zady Novel Generator
Zady Novel Generator


Funded By


Nylene Intranet

Nylene Intranet

Client Kimberly Young
Professor(s) Todd Kelly,
Program Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science
Students Ahmad Ali Syed,
Kaitlyn Breker,
Jason Waid,
Isha Isha,
Madhav Sachdeva,
Karandeep Singh,

Project Description:

Nylene is the Canadian subsidiary of the Polymeric Resources Corporation (PRC). PRC was founded in 1979, specializing in the production of plastics such as nylon 6 polymers and continuous filament carpet yarns. Before contacting Team 8, there was a lack of organization between employees and their corresponding clients. All interactions were done through their email, there was no file structure, and employees found to have meetings with clients they had already contacted. Team 8’s solution was to create an Intranet Management System, which would organise any interactions between the employees and their clients.

Nylene’s current organization system relies heavily on Outlook 365 and requires employees to manually search through extensive logs of emails in order to retrieve customer data. This system is not time-efficient and results in repetitive calls to clients and management to request information. Another requirement we were tasked with was ensuring user accessibility as many of the employees who will be using the end product will be unfamiliar navigating similar web tools such as an Intranet.

The product was broken down into two phases throughout its production. The first phase was to get the backbone of the website created. This includes a login page, homepage, interaction manager, and a way to create and view the many forms that keep Nylene running. The first phase was filled with many pivots, such as a change in the product development, communication went remote due to the pandemic. However, this did not stop Team Eight, as once we pick up momentum, and reach a state of flow, tasks begin to get done.

The second phase involved further implementation to what the team has. The main objectives were to have a notification system, where employees can keep track with office events, as well as follow-up dates with their forms. Another important objective was to be able to convert the forms created into PDF pages. These pages can then be saved and sent through email to the employee’s clients.

The goal for Team Eight was not to re-invent a new workflow for the employees of Nylene, but to improve upon what they had. The Team has been in constant communication with its client, after every milestone. The product is set to be released to Nylene, and will only require their server to run the application.

Short Description:

The new Nylene Intranet helps employees organize a busy day of keeping up with office events and interactions with their clients.

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Nylene Intranet Nylene Intranet
Nylene Intranet Nylene Intranet
Nylene Intranet  


Funded By


Guided Manual Testing

Guided Manual Testing

Client Essential Accessibility
Professor(s) Angela Giddings, Melissa Sienkiewicz
Program Computer Programming
Students Anton Hrytsyk
Raunit Sethi
Marconi Fronseca
Patrick Quinty
Mackenzie MacLennan
Weidong Yang

Project Description:

This is one of three parts of a project that were worked on by three separate teams over the course of 4 months.

The goal of this portion was to guide a user through a manual accessibility testing process for a web page.

Short Description:

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Funded By