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Social Media Marketing Value Tool

Social media marketing value tool project banner.

Client DreamWell
Professor(s) Leanne Seaward,
Program Computer Programming
Students Claudio Lima,
Abdulkadir Atay
Lei Kong
Chrishanthi Michael
Bradford Watson
Nathen White

Project Description:

The requirement for this project was to create a frontend that would connect to the existing DreamWell influencer evaluation engine that estimates the social media marketing value of an influencer advertisement.

There are fixed rates for advertisements when it comes to medias such as television, newspaper, and radio. However, when it comes to advertisement in digital social media like YouTube and Instagram, there are no such predetermined rates. When a brand wants to advertise their products, they approach the content creators to advertise their products within their content. However, there is no application or system which provides a platform for the brands and influencers to calculates the social media market values for advertisement.

The end users for this solution are Brand agents, Social Media content Creators and DreamWell Agents.

Short Description:

DreamWell is a startup company that provides software solutions in digital marketing. They are specialized in influencer Marketing, Content creation and Social Growth. Our project will provide them a platform that allows brands and the social media c

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Project architecture diagram. Login and registration page mockups.
User dashboard screen. Campaign builder screen.
Marketplace page. Project decision tree diagram.

Funded By

Automated delivery robot car(ADRC)

Automated delivery robot car banner image.

Professor(s) GINO.RINALDI,

Project Description:

The automated car gets the locations for deliveries, and it checks the nearest delivery location using a grid system and delivers the package and after each delivery it checks its battery backup and when the charge drops below threshold, it searches for a nearest charging station and proceeds towards it after charging it continuous its deliver

Short Description:

In this modern world, human beings like to get everything at their fingertips. The implementation of these robots could make deliveries easier and cheap. Which could solve the problem of package mishandling.

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A Smart Leg Exerciser

Smart leg exerciser project banner image.

Client Tetra Society
Professor(s) Brian Gray,
Program Mechanical Engineering Technology
Students Simon Beach, Nader Assi, Deep Bhakta, Tyler Carr, Prubhkirat Singh

Project Description:

A workout machine was modified and made for Tetra Society with the aim of helping a kid that has mobility issues to maintain and rehabilitate their leg muscles. By adding advanced connective capability, the client will be able to adjust the difficulty of their workout using a phone app.

The machine must also have different difficulty settings such as easy, medium and hard modes which the user can choose from in the app. We also offer a terrain mode setting which changes the difficulty over time mimicking a hike on a trail that has varying road gradient and difficulty.

The design criteria for this project are:

– Start remotely (via a remote starter controlled by Bluetooth) from a distance up to 10 metres.

– Have several difficulty settings the user can choose from.

– Have a phone app that the client can use to set the difficulty setting and keep track of progress.

– Include an electrical sensor system, which will measure both speed and heart rate to provide real-time user feedback that will be displayed on the user interface.

– Be built on an initial prototype budget of $500 CAD.

Short Description:

A modified workout machine that is easy, pleasant and motivates kids to stay healthy and rehabilitate their leg muscles. An app tracks the user’s workout and provides positive feedback.

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Step counter device. Mobile app workout start screen.
Mobile app progress screen. Commericial leg exerciser with LCD readout.
Stepper motor assembly 3D render. Smart exerciser prototype.

Funded By

Daley Kreations Events Management App

Daley Kreations app project banner image.

Client Daley Kreations (Kate and Tony Daley Di Poce)
Professor(s) Leanne Seaward,
Program Computer Programmer
Students Pasquale RInaldo
Pedro Roncati
Yury Berestetsky
Danny Pham-Duong
Yuvraj Chauhan
Amalraj Madathiparambilrajes

Project Description:

Hosting multiple events can be stressful. There are many things that Daley Kreations must take into account during these events and manually keeping track of everything can take away the fun of having these events. Team 6 Show Business has taken an old beta version of an event management application and implemented many functionalities. Daley Kreations can now have their profits, list of items needed, event dates, fees, expenses, export lists and different databases all at their fingertips. This application has all of these functionalities that will help their business having all of this information in a compact application that can be accessed from the convenience of their phones.

Short Description:

An intuitive application that is made for Daley Kreations to keep track of event management. The company is centered around creating and organizing conventions and events for cosplay. This application offers an efficient solution for the owners.

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Mobile app screen mockup. Mobile app invoice generator.

Funded By

Fit + Healthy 365 Wellness Tracker

Fit + Healthy 365

Client Lydia Di Francesco
Professor(s) Reginald Dyer,
Program Computer Programmer
Students Team lead: Kailie Gilbert
Team members: Adam O’Brien, Nathan Cartier, Bandanjit Singh

Project Description:

Background: our client was originally using a paper version of these challenges. She wanted to turn it into an actual web application where users could easily sign in and input their data for that day for each challenge.

Solving the Problem
Our problem to solve was “automate her current paper system”. This took multiple meetings with the client to understand exactly what she wanted. Once we had a good idea of what she wanted the application to look like we began coding.

Lessons Learned
Along the way we learned a lot about group work and how to deal with problems.

How the Application Works
Step 1: Create an account. When you are creating an account you enter your name, your email, phone number and password, you also select from a drop down what workplace you are in.
Step 2: Login. Users enter their email and password.
Step 3: Challenge page. Once a user has logged in they land on the challenge page where they can either click on add challenge or select a challenge they are already enrolled in.
Step 4: Add challenge. a user can add any number of challenges that are already created. Users also have the ability to create a habit/personal challenge.
Step 5: Tracking page. Once a user has selected a challenge they can now see a calendar where they can select any day and log data for that day.
Step 6: Leaderboard. Users can see the top 5 other members enrolled in their challenge and how they are doing.
Step 7: Admin page. In the admin page the client can edit, update, and delete user information, challenges, workplaces.

Short Description:

The Fit + Healthy 365 Wellness Tracker allows users to compete via a leader board for first place in the challenge assigned to their workplace. These users may also add or create their own challenges to keep track of.

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Fit + Healthy 365 Fit + Healthy 365
Fit + Healthy 365 Challenges Fit + Healthy 365 Challenge
Fit + Healthy 365 Leader Board Fit + Healthy 365 Admin

Funded By

Timecard Management Solution

Timecard Management

Client Ivy-Lea Lunau (Sandline Ottawa Company)
Professor(s) Reginald Dyer,
Program Computer Programming
Students Prepared By: 7 Lines of Code

Van Phuc Tan Le (“Team Leader”)
Serhat Caltekin
Tsehay Gebremeskel
Percy Obayuwana

Project Description:

The company needs the application to handle three main functions:
1. Timecard management section: It records daily workday including Date, Time, Location and Working Hours of employees. It gives the employees the ability to “check-in” and “check-out” in each workday. The employees can view and filter all the Timecards and do some tweaking with them. The admin will have higher privilege to view, modify and delete every Timecards when needed. She also can filter those Timecards, and exports payroll every week manually.
2. Incident report section (which gives employees the ability to report on any unexpected situation/incident during their working shift). The employees can report the incident’s time, geographical location, comment along with a picture reasoning why the incident happens.
3. ● Integrate GPS tracking location (Google Maps API in our case) to record the locations where employees start/end work shift daily.

Short Description:

Ivy-Lea Lunau represents Sandline Ottawa Company, a company that offers many outdoor maintenance services in Ottawa. Our web application provides the ability to record and manage daily working hours for both the management team and employees.

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Timecard Management Timecard management
timecard management timecard Management
timecard management timecard management

Funded By

Studio X Ottawa Android Application

Studio X app

Client Nadège
Professor(s) Reginald Dyer,
Program Computer Programming
Students – Ahmed Albarghouti
– Yichen Gu
– Hans Lubin
– Xiaoxi Qin
– Steven Dancer

Project Description:

The client StudioX Ottawa is a dance and fitness studio situated in Ottawa, Ontario. Run by Soul and Nadège the Directors & main instructors, it has been running since 2011. They offer many services such as dance lessons, fitness and yoga classes, and space rentals. Currently, they are situated with primarily a web presence, with all mobile interactions being sourced through the third-party services provided by Wellness Living, and currently are seeking to expand their presence in the mobile market through the creation of their own mobile application.

They have requested an android frontend be created for the existing web application, and to have the services provided by Wellness Living be migrated to be in-application functions accessible by both the android application and users of the web application.

Features requested:
– Customers Register & Login securely
– Customers are able to browse through the schedule and purchase a membership to
attend classes/events
– Generate user reports for admin users
– Customers can browse Services/Store & be able to make a purchase using Stripe
– Customers can contact the studio via email
– Customers are able to get up-to-date news

Our team discovered that most of the functions the studio uses are encapsulated by their third-party provider ‘Wellness Living’. after more deliberation and communication with the client, we decided to build a simple backend to accommodate all the features the client requested taking their encapsulated website out of the picture for now. This simple backend will be given to their future development team to help them with the eventual separation from their third-party service.

Backend Service used: Firebase Auth & Firebase Realtime database.

Short Description:

Android application for a local dance studio ‘Studio X Ottawa’.

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Studio X App Studio X App
Studio X App Studio X App
Studio X App Studio X App

Funded By

Android Application for CAM8515 students

CAM8515 App

Client Professor Hooman Abdi
Professor(s) Reginald Dyer,
Program Computer Programming
Students Margarita Busygina
Huilin Fu
Laishan Law
Ny Nguyen

Project Description:

The idea of this application is to replace multiple sources and make the process of assignment completion and submission more accessible.

This application replaces paper checklists that were used as part of the lab completion process. It also allows students to create their own accounts and keep all the materials in one place, as well as submit their work either through email or MS Forms.

Short Description:

Application for Algonquin CAM8515 students allows you to access all the study materials, complete assignments and submit them through your phone.

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CAM8515 App
CAM8515 App CAM8515 App

Funded By

Project Management Collection App

Project management Collection app banner.

Client Nicole Priatel
Professor(s) Howard Rosenblum,
Program Computing Science
Students Vlad Draghia
Zhenting Mai
Chengan Yang
Nicholas King

Project Description:

The Project Management Collection App helps users write better project management plans. It is a tool for students but is applicable to anyone wanting to put together a plan. The application searches a database of documents, uploaded with management metatags. This granularity allows the user to find precise examples from successful projects. Having a guide helps users communicate their plans easier. The application is hosted on Amazon Web Services and employs three of their services: Instance running, database hosting, and document storage.

Short Description:

The Project Management Collection App is a web deployed application that lets users search a database of documents to help write effective management plans. It is a tool to help users better communicate their idea.

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Ottawa Homicide Project

Ottawa Homicide Project

Client Crime Prevention Ottawa (CPO)
Professor(s) Dr. Benjamin Roebuck, Diana McGlinchey
Program Victimology/Bachelor of Public Safety (BPS)
Students Anna Ranger, Riley McEwan, Christina Faraj, Brennan Nadeau, Matthew Telford & Gianluca Spagnuolo

Project Description:

The Ottawa Homicide Project is being conducted in partnership with Crime Prevention Ottawa (CPO) and the Ottawa Police Service (OPS). Essentially, we hope to uncover links between the geographical locations where homicides are taking place in our city and their proximity to various community-serving agencies – such as pharmacies, safe injection (also referred to as supervised consumption or supervised injection) sites and homeless shelters – and high-traffic social areas with a higher likelihood of patron intoxication – such as bars and liquor stores. In so doing, we are examining many different factors related to the context within which Ottawa homicides are occurring and have occurred over the past ten years (see Gallery Images for an example linking context and the five Ottawa geographic zones with the highest concentration of homicides).

This project has been conducted as a collaborative effort between the team lead (a student in the Victimology program), the Victimology Research Centre (VRC), and a team of students from the Bachelor of Public Safety (BPS) program. This group of students possess specialized knowledge and skills in creating interactive maps using geographic information systems (GIS) mapping technology. The GIS map our research team has created will add a visual element linking homicide locations to the various community destinations described above.

The VRC intends for this research to be ongoing. Our previously conducted research – including Ottawa homicide data spanning the years 2014-2020 and presented at 2020’s Victim and Survivors of Crime Week (VSCW) event – linked homicide concentrations with the postal codes in which they occurred. This earlier stage of the project was featured in the local media, including the CBC Ottawa series “All in a Day” and CTV Ottawa cable news.

The focus of this research team, however, has been expanded to include the years 2010-2020 with our data spanning an entire decade to give us a more comprehensive view of Ottawa homicide trends. With this continuation of the research, we hope to enlighten the public that it is not just postal codes that determine a neighbourhood’s risk of experiencing homicide. In the spirit of preventing the stigmatization of any given neighbourhood, we also wish to address the reality that sometimes, homicides are random occurrences with absolutely no connection to where they took place. That is, it is important to keep in mind that sometimes homicides are driven by relationships, not location.

In June, members of our research team will present a final report to the CPO board and community partners from the Byward Market Business Improvement Area (BIA) and Lowertown Community Association addressing outreach strategies for homicide prevention and present an ongoing database. What we wish to do is report the data to provide the community with a tool to use at their discretion in order to optimize their own safety in the spirit of prevention.

Short Description:

We are examining trends in Ottawa homicides that have occurred over the past decade by analyzing contextual factors such as geographic location.

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Ottawa Homicide Project Ottawa Homicide Project
Ottawa Homicide Project Ottawa Homicide Project
Ottawa Homicide Project Ottawa Homicide Project

Funded By