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AWS and IoT Lab Monitoring System for TechInsights

IoT sensor monitoring banner image.
Client Tech Insights (Alexander Sorkin)
Professor(s) Abdullah Kadri,
Program Computer Eng. Technology – Comp. Science
Students Daniel Martinez (Team Lead)
Anwis O’Niell
Scott Parks
Ivan Voinov
Phil Bédard Schami


Project Description:

Many tech companies likely have expensive lab equipment that are highly susceptible to extreme environmental attributes. The problem is that staff do not always realize when the lab environment is not suitable for the equipment. Our project records attributes in the lab and will notify staff if something falls outside of a safe range for the equipment.

We are using Amazon Web Services, and the LoRa protocol for Internet of Things.
The goal of the monitoring system is to track the temperature changes, humidity, air quality and gas tank pressure of the lab environment. The system will assist in sustaining sensitive technologies and equipment located in TechInsights’ laboratories for their analytical operations. This involves programming an Arduino compatible micro-controller to interact with temperature, gas, and pressure sensors. This micro-controller will need to communicate with AWS (Amazon Web Services) via LoRa protocol.

We are recording sensor inputs using arduino-compatible micro-controllers and various sensors for temperature and humidity, along with support for generic analog sensors for other readings such as gas pressure. These micro-controllers are equipped with LoRa capability

LoRa stands for “Long Range”. This protocol was designed for long range and stability and for use in IoT application. Using LoRa we can transmit signals at distances of over 10km in optimal condition, and 2km in dense urban environments. This is accomplished by using low frequency radio waves. The tradeoff with LoRa is gaining range but loosing bandwidth. There is still more than enough bandwidth for IoT applications.

AWS is a cloud computing platform that handles the processing of sensor readings and storing the readings in a database. AWS additionally hosts our web dashboard so that the sensor readings can be monitored by the team at TechInsights and sends automated alerts when sensor readings reach critical levels

Finally, we produced an intuitive front-end dashboard that allows the various sensors to be monitored. This dashboard presents data using a simple line graph, so that the history of multiple sensors can all be visualized at once.


Short Description:

We provide a lab monitoring system using AWS and IoT technologies to monitor and detect harmful temperatures and humidity that damages lab equipment.

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process chart. temperature readings.
IoT device. Sensor and PCB.
PCB closeup.

Funded By

The Edible Chef

the Edible Chef banner.

Client Barbra Dean
Professor(s) John Kozodoj,
Program Interactive Media Design
Students Jeremy Armstrong
Lesley McNaughton
Thanh Nha Lam
Suzie Lim
Vanshika Vanshika

Project Description:

Our User Experience Design (UXD) team collaborated with local entrepreneur and cannabis advocate Barbra Dean to develop an online platform providing nutritional education surrounding cannabis for her brand, The Edible Chef. An accredited chef and Food Safety trainer, Dean’s passion for education fuels her advocacy for informed cannabis use and desire to mitigate the stigma surrounding it.

Barbra was previously selling cooking equipment and apparel through her Shopify website. Additionally, she was actively posting educational content on her Instagram and Facebook accounts. However, her existing brand led her audience to believe that she was selling edibles on her online store, which was not the case as she is currently not licensed to sell cannabis products. This resulted in significant drops in commercial traffic and limited sales.

To expand her audience and increase sales, the UXD team updated her branding by developing a new style guide, recommended the setup of an educational platform to sell video courses, and redesign her Shopify website to better align with The Edible Chef’s brand and promote upcoming products.

Throughout the duration of this project, our team learned that project scopes are not always set in stone and can be subject to evolve depending on what the client needs. After speaking extensively with our client and researching her business, we discovered that the scope of the project encompassed more than a simple website redesign but involved a brand refresh and recommendations about her business model going forward. To this end, our team’s greatest challenge was to help our client refine her goals to one that best reflected her ambitions – to provide high-quality education on the culinary and nutritional uses of Cannabis for the public at large.

Short Description:

A UXD project for an online platform providing culinary and nutritional education surrounding cannabis for the brand, The Edible Chef.

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Edible Chef business research. deliverables.
logo design project purpose and goal.
project scope. style guide.

Funded By

The Fix It App

FixIt banner.

Client Mark Godfrey
Professor(s) Abdullah Kadri PhD, Peng,
Program Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science
Students Team Lead: Frederic Desjardins
Team Members: Kyler Bass, Joseph Perks, Tony Pham, Danilo Teixeira Pontes

Project Description:

Project Description:
The project is composed of a mobile application that allows users to take a picture of a problem using their device, enter an optional description and submit the information to a cloud service. This report is then displayed on the FixIt web-based platform for administrators to determine what actions would be taken regarding the problem. FixIt gives administrators the means to organize their reports such as the severity of the issues, the type of issue being submitted, when the report was submitted, updated, and deleted as well as the location of the problem.
The initial scenario was to provide the City of Nanaimo, BC with the ability to turn it’s 100,000 residents into infrastructure inspectors. Instead of having to fill out a lengthy on-line form, or call the City’s hotline, residents could just take a picture of the issue/damage and report it directly to the City. By using the GPS data, the submitted report shows the exact location of the problem, enabling the City to identify and prioritize work crews. The benefits are clear, reduced risk, better service, and simplified work crew planning. This evolved quickly as we realized that commercial organizations, from oil companies to airlines to hotels, would also benefit from this capability.

Work Breakdown:
We started by developing a work breakdown structure, this was invaluable as a method of keeping us on track. There were no timelines developed at this point; just high-level tasks that all needed to be completed in order to successfully deliver the project.
An extensive series of requirements gathering discussions were held to make sure we understood what the client really wanted. Our team made many suggestions that were accepted and incorporated into both the features and capabilities of the application. For example, such as multi-language support and the ability to create customized reports, are two features that make the app attractive at a global, rather than a regional level.

One interesting aspect of working with the client was the constant discussion around whether a feature would be incorporated in the initial build or tracked for inclusion in version 2. Clearly defining a minimum viable product proved to be a beneficial approach and helped keep us on track to complete the project ahead of time (okay, just ahead of time).

Project Tools:
Once the project started, we met with the client weekly to review upcoming work. We used Jira and an Agile Model to plan tasks and keep track progress. We utilized an online collaboration tool “Miro” as our whiteboard platform to drive out capabilities and workflows. Finally, GitHub as our code repository. These tools proved to be foundational to our project as the client was relentless on driving an exceptional user experience. We learned a lot about the beauty in creating an intuitive user interface, and the complexity required to make it happen.

Finally, a huge thank you to Algonquin College, and especially our professors who have guided us over the course of this program.

Short Description:

A platform that enables organizations to streamline the reporting of infrastructure issues by reducing risk, improving efficiency, and lowering costs…in just three steps.

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process chart. app landing screen.
new report screen. web app main screen.
reports dashboard. flowchart.

Funded By

Algonquin Project Requests Application

Algonquin Project Requests app banner.
Client Christopher Hahn
Professor(s) Abdullah Kadri, David Lindsay
Program Computer Engineering Technology: Computing Science
Students Michael Botelho (Team Lead)
Rani Khaddage
Frank Ngumanenimana
Anh Duc Ngo
Wenbo Peng


Project Description:

Christopher Hahn is requesting the development of a tool that would allow multiple faculty and chairs to collect and organize project ideas from students and external partners. As part of a new business requirement, Algonquin must be able to accept and process an estimated 100+ project requests from both students and external partners. This is simply not possible with current procedures as the management of project requests has been done manually with information stored in Microsoft Word documents.

The solution currently in development moves all data handling to the cloud using technologies Algonquin already implements. Dream development is creating a web application that handles the submission, organization, and processing of project requests simplifying the process for students, external partners, and faculty. Given the uniqueness and changing requirements of this project, the development of this application will be continued further by other teams taking then ENG/ENL course next semester so there is much more to come.


Short Description:

A centralized cloud solution for managing project requests on behalf of Algonquin faculty allowing easy customization and collaboration.

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login screen. request form.
Project view. All requests screen.
Form output example.

Funded By

Kim’s Divine Bakery Website

Divine Cake Banner

Client Kim Baird
Professor(s) Melissa Sienkiewicz,
Program Computer Programmer
Students Parker Wilson
Wenkai Han
Sam Liu
Loqman Alajnaf
Ayesh De Silva

Project Description:

Kim Baird is a fabulous baker working out of her house. She was previously known as Kim’s Divine Baking and located in Toronto but has since moved to the National Capital Region. The pandemic has caused disruptions to many people and has delayed plans of opening a bakery. She is looking to develop an online presence and ordering/communication tool that is both simple and easy to use.
Our team has been tasked with developing the requested system. This will be a functional website that allows customers to purchase Kim’s baked goods. The website will also embed certain features from social media (such as reviews and testimonials), have a functioning back-end, an interactive front-end, incorporate Shopify as the means to sell products online and social media integration including Facebook, Instagram, the final request was for the system to also include a test environment so that Kim could review any changes (such as updated gallery images or product info) before committing them to the live website.
The overall purpose of this project is for our team to develop the client’s web presence. At its core, this will require a functional website that will allow the owner, Kim, to sell her baked goods online. The website will be made up of several key components developed and/or integrated by our team. Customers will be able to order goods online and sign up for a subscription-based baking service. This service will be delivered using the Shopify e-commerce platform. The owner will be able to update products and gallery images on the site. Within the scope of this project, our team will also take on creating the business’s social media accounts. These social media platform(s) will then be integrated into the website. From a technical perspective, our team will be developing both the front and back-ends of the website, implementing industry-standard design patterns.
Currently, Kim’s baking business has no web presence. This presents a problem as prospective customers can find many competing businesses online with a quick Google search. The purpose of this project is to remedy this problem. Kim will be able to use her new web platform to promote her business. Capturing traffic that would be destined for her competitors, she can turn these otherwise missed opportunities into sales. This should allow her to expand her business and improve customer interactions using email and social media. Having a good web presence with an online storefront can generate a continuous stream of revenue through online sales. This will allow Kim to focus on what she is truly passionate about baking.

Our program…
-Allows navigation to website owner’s social media accounts.
-Provides customers a way to order and pay for products through Shopify.
-Allows users to sign up for a subscription service of baked goods.
-Can Fully display product line of sample baked goods for purchase.
-Can Highlight specials based on time of the year and/or special holidays.
-Shows customer their current shopping list items via a shopping cart feature (Local Storage) and allow adjustments prior to purchasing.

Short Description:

We have created a website that allows our client to sell bakery products to her customers as well as increase her online presence.

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Divine Cake Home Page Divine Cake Contact Page
Divine Cake seasonal. links.
Kim's Bakery Facebook Page.

Funded By

Poster of Studio X Application Project

Studio X banner.

Client Studio X Ottawa
Professor(s) Karan Kalsi,
Students Fei Xie, Lin Xu, Wei Li, Saeid Pouramini, Yahya Abu jaradeh

Project Description:

Our clients is a unique hub of experienced local dance and fitness professionals comprise of the team, as well as independent instructors to teach various classes. They offer Latin Dance classes and Fitness classes to the Ottawa public, which is currently owned and operated by two major professional dance instructors.

Specific Requirements: our clients currently pays for a third service called Wellness Living that implements their website, scheduling, courses, and online payments. Our clients hope to replace the third service to their full control over these aspects. The requested system is a full reproduction of their current website into a mobile application. Followings are the functional requirements:
• SWF1: Enable users to buy the membership or passes through mobile application.
• SWF2: Enable users to book their classes or series of the classes.
• SWF3: Users could only complete the booking after the payment.
• SWF4: Enable users to login and view their profile, account activity, courses and payment history on the mobile application.
• SWF5: Have the capability for different payment options (Visa, Debit, MasterCard, etc.).
• SWF6: Enable client to complete all admin side works without need for coding.

How to resolve the problems:
• Research the previous project, set up all the running environments( VSCode, android simulator ).
• Create membership with browse and payment features.
• Fix classes cannot be booked issue.
• Fix payment not successful issue.
• Fix user courses and payment history cannot browse issue.
• Enable user paid with different payment options.
• Create admin side with create classes and delete classes features.

What we learned:
• In a real project, the whole processes from detailed business requirements to system design then to implement functions and testing.
• How to learn a new language – in this project, we used React.
• Various project management tools: zenhub, github, Teams meeting, zoom, gantt chart.
• Collaboration with team members.
• Communication with clients.
• How to resolve problems that we never encountered.

Short Description:

The purpose of the project is to replace the third-party service (Wellness Living) website with the more user friendly mobile application to reach more customers.

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login screen. app home screen.
my account screen. course screen.
create course screen. payment screen.

Funded By

Duckling Dating

Duckling dating banner.

Client Sue McGarvie
Professor(s) Abdullah Kadri, David Lindsay
Program Computer Engineering Technology
Students Team Lead: Joey Kundinger-Markhauser
Members: Ethan Thompson, Khair Ahmed, Khisro Hashimi,Ling Wan Zhou, Michael Turner

Project Description:

Duckling Dating is a thrilling new approach to connect through a community that is genuine and based on who you are and what you’re seeking. It is a welcoming, sex-friendly community for couples, singles, and people in traditional and non-traditional relationships. It’s verified and encourages all kinds of relationship models. Duckling Dating is the most secure and convenient way to meet potential lifelong partners. It was introduced to the team Sue McGarvie a Clinical Sex and Relationship Therapist and the creator of Duckling Dating who wanted a cross-platform mobile application based on her duckling Dating website.

Sue’s primary goal of her app is to create a safe, security-focused environment for people to meet others safely. The problem with dating apps, like Bumble or Tinder, is that they’re free; this inevitably leads to bot accounts and troublemaking users. Our app will thrive because our main aim is to create a harassment-free application. Sue’s vision for her app is to have users pay for a subscription, access a list of hosted events, RSVP to an/multiple events (s), and connect and chat amongst other RSVP’d users. The event approach also provides a much safer setting than a date set up on a free dating app (with a user you’re only hoping looks like the photos they’ve posted to a location you’re hoping you’re not alone at). No more catfishing, no more fake accounts, and, most importantly, no more putting yourself at risk.

Features requested:
– Cross-platform Application (android / iOS)
– The app must match the website style.
– Users can sign in and sign up through the app
– Users can search a profile with certain criteria.
– Users can send and receive messages through the app.
– A user profile to upload photos and bio about oneself.

The team tackled the problems collectively and decided that the application consists of the front-end, middle, and back-end. The back-end consists of a RESTful application programming interface (API), written in PHP, accessing the client’s database. We use an API to ensure security, so there cannot be any breaches. If we had connected the database straight into the application itself, there would be several security bugs and, eventually, breaches. Experienced hackers would be able to infiltrate the app and access all sensitive information (i.e., user info, credit card info, etc.); this API allows us to encrypt all the information passed through the system until it reaches the user interface.

Short Description:

Duckling Dating is an online dating application. Profiles of possible matches are displayed to the users, who can either send a direct message or swipe left to reject or swipe right to show interest.

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login screen. browsing screen.
approval screen. profile screen.
messages screen.

Funded By

Micro:Bit-website translation project

microbit banner.

Client Andrew McDonald
Professor(s) Melissa Sienkiewicz,
Program Computer Programming
Students Yanan Cheng
Quan Clement
Evgenii Filatov
Fabianleonar Maldo
Min Yang

Project Description:

Our project is to improve the Micro: Bit website. Our client required our team to translate every page of the website. We have solved all the problems, and we have translated this website into three different languages. Translating the whole website is not an easy task. First of all, the previous codes of the website must be sorted out and then be compiled. There are also many twists and turns in the middle. There are some difficulties that need to be asked and tested repeatedly to pass. At the same time, we also had to translate every web page and details, then compile and test whether it passes. After repeated revisions and the unremitting efforts of our team members, we finally succeeded in the test. In this process, I learned about website translation and conversion. More importantly, teamwork. Because when a new project is started, everyone does not know how to start. After continuous learning and continuous efforts, although there are many twists and turns in the middle. Everyone in our team helped each other learn and understand, so our team can finally complete the task smoothly.

Short Description:

The Micro:bit Educational Foundation is a not-for-profit organization founded in the UK in 2016, with the aim of inspiring every child to create their best digital future. In accordance with the above, our client, an educator passionate about technol

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home page. home page chinese.
home page Russian. microbit chinese page.
chinese map. courses page chinese.

Funded By


Afroguide banner.

Client Ronald Ekambi
Professor(s) Howard Rosenblum, Laura McHugh
Program Computer Engineering Technology
Students Owen Crawford
Aria Gomes
Andrii Kozlov
Mohammed Elseify

Project Description:

When it comes to the black population in Canada, many find it hard to get connected with a barber or stylist that specializes in the intricacies that comes with black hair, this is where the website AfroGuide will help the population out. AfroGuide is a website aimed to connect black barbers and stylists with potential clients across Canada.
Based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, AfroGuide has been operating online since the year 2020 run by owner Ronald Ekambi. The primary focus of the website is to create a connection between clients and barbers or stylists by allowing them to post on the website in the city they are in with a portfolio of their work so that the clients can choose a stylist or barber that fits their personal needs. The website is a user driven system that has room for innovation and improvements to help simplify the connection between client and industry worker which will expand the AfroGuide brand into a companion smartphone app. The companion smartphone app will function in a nearly identical fashion to the website, however with minor changes to accommodate the different form factor.
To implement the website in a form client wished to see it was decided to use JavaScript, ReactJS to be precise. ReactJS is a JavaScript library that specializes in user interfaces which improves the experience and difficulty of creating a dynamic UI and the elements inside a UI. To support ReactJS our team used JSX, short for JavaScript XML, that is a ReactJS extension that makes it easier for web developers to modify their project’s DOM using traditional HTML-style code.
During the development process our main goal was to create more intuitive searching system and a tool that will simplify the booking process. We modified the searching system by adding advanced geolocation search that would allow users to look specifically for barbers that are located nearby. As a booking simplifier it was decided to create a scheduler for every barber. It will allow clients to see whether stylist is unavailable or free.
For conclusion it should be said that there are many features that can and should be added to the website to make use of it even more pleasant and intuitive. For example, adding a GoogleMap API to the website will make finding a fitting hairstylist even easier.

Short Description:

AfroGuide is a website that guides black Canadians towards hairstylists that have the tools and experience needed to provide essential services to black Canadians. It’s been designed in a manner that simplifies the search process, enabling users to f

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banner image. home page.
Afroguide search bar. user profile.

Funded By

Caremada Mobile App

Caremada Mobile App banner.

Client Suki Lee
Professor(s) Abdullah Kadri, David Lindsay
Program Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science
Students Cole Saunders
Christopher Ibrahim
Jingcheng Sun
Ying Zhang
Patrick Hessian

Project Description:

Caremada is a company based in Ottawa with the goal of creating a user-friendly application that allows licensed caregivers to provide service to people who are in need using an Uber-like manner in which the caregiver comes to the clients’ location. Suki Lee, as our client, assigned us with the development of a hybrid mobile app to give a place for caregiving professionals to build a profile, find work nearby, and get paid wherever they are. This app’s design is required to be similar to the existing web app and will be published on IOS and Android.

Considering most of the users will be elder people, our team decided to make this app in a simple and easy-to-understand way. On the home page, only four buttons will display, two big buttons which drive users to either find a service or post a work offer, a drop-down menu button which contains several features from the dashboard of the web that provides stats on users’ account, and a calendar to help users to track their activities. Some main features this app requires are message chat, payment system, and sign-in sign-out systems that allow users to register and log in. Only the user is logged in, can access some of the features. Users will have different options on the home page, profile management, and a way to view posted work offers if they register with a different position (caregiver or someone who needs help).

By developing this mobile app, our team tries our best to meet the needs of clients. In the meantime, we learned how to build a mobile app by using Ionic and Angular from scratch, and we learned how important cooperation is within teamwork. Lastly, this app is going along with other student teams and they are implementing other features while we are building the overall structure.

Short Description:

The Caremada mobile app is an easy to use application for people who are in need of caregiving services. With Caremada, the service will come to you whenever, wherever.

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dashboard. caretaker listng.

Funded By