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Passive Optical Network Abstraction

Diagram of a passive optical network

Client TELUS
Professor(s) Dr. Wahab Almuhtadi, Dr. Jordan Melzer
Program BIT – Optical Systems & Sensors
Students John Lutz
Patrick Hanna
Connor Vanrumpt

Project Description:

The goal of our capstone project is to work alongside representatives from TELUS to put together a small PON lab using PON devices from two different vendors and standardize their features so that they operate in the same manner, allowing them to operate together in a passive optical network. This would allow for more plug-and-play interoperability in TELUS’ networks across Canada, since currently there are limitations on most device interoperability. Ciena has partnered with us in this project to provide us with equipment to install in the PON lab and provide technical support on their equipment. We’re implementing this solution by using software-defined networking technologies to standardize the differences in device functionalities.

Short Description:

Home and small-business internet is delivered via point to multi-point optical system called Passive Optical Networks (PON). PON is made up of three main 3 components: Optical Line Terminal (OLT) Optical Network Unit (ONU) and an optical splitter.

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We're using a Ciena 5144 router to provide ethernet connectivity to our PON components. The optical line terminals plug directly into the 10G ports of the router. The optical network unit used in our lab is a Ciena 3801. It is used to connect end-users for both upstream and downstream capabilities
The OLT used in our lab is a Tibit 10G OLT, which plugs into the 5144 router. This is the device that sends the data downstream to the ONUs We're using a generic 1x4 optical splitter to route the signal from our OLT to the ONUs
Pictured here is our passive optical network lab, installed in the Algonquin College Telecommunications lab. A laptop can be connected to the router via ethernet to allow us to manage and provision our network.

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Aetherwind Technologies Inc. Document Compliance Management System

Client Aetherwind Technologies Inc.
Professor(s) Karan Kalsi,
Program Computer Programming
Students Md Mamun Abdul Kayum
Wei(Vivienne) Yu
Farideh Shiran
Vladislav Evstratov

Project Description:

AetherWind Technologies Inc. specializes in the regulatory compliance field for 32 years. Dedicating to helping clients achieve their success in various markets, Mr. Todd Gallagher, founder of the company and a professional regulatory specialist, guides manufacturers to develop a plan for testing their products according to the required market regulations and apply for necessary certificates to gain market entry.

If the testing reports or certificates expire, or new regulations take into effect, testing of the products needs to be done, reports and certificates need to update. The manufactures are responsible to maintain the latest versions to maintain compliance.

The purpose of this project is to create a web application that can manage compliance information with a time limit.

The website should allow manufacturers to access and manage their reports and certificates base on a particular product. Crucial information about expiration should be identified and emphasized. Aetherwind Manager should be able to manage the client accounts, take respective actions against the expiration of the document.

Short Description:

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Login Page Home Page
Product Page Product & Document Management
Company Page Help Page

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Savvy Renos and Design Mobile App

The project is to develop a cross-platform mobile application to complement the existing company's website.

Client Savvy Renos and Design
Professor(s) Karan Kalsi, Surbhi Bahri
Program Computer Programmer
Students Maria Amirova,
Khalid Mohamed,
Ariane Mirela Paniagua Zanardi Nogueira,
Xiaomeng Xu

Project Description:

Savvy Renos and Design is a successful renovation business acting since 2014. Considering the fast-growing base of loyal customers business owners decided they would benefit from a strong online presence. The company has a website that helps in finding new customers and improving the business overall. They want to build a mobile application to help to optimize productivity. Thus, they can attract and keep more clients and make the communication stronger. As a solution, we offered an application built with a cross-platform tool so it can be deployed on both – Android and iOS. Our goal is to build a mobile app that will perfectly complement the website and make the company look even more presentable and professional.

Short Description:

Mobile application development project to create a cross-platform app according to the client's request.

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The application has a main page with a menu that mirrors website functionality. Besides that, it has a left drawer with chat, log-in/sign-in options. There are galleries where clients can view images of the company's projects.
Clients can send a message to the company's admin and upload images to the company's database. Clients have an option to sign in by creating a login/password as well as sign in with Google or Facebook accounts.

Funded By

Journalology Training

Journalogy Training banner.

Client Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Professor(s) Kevin Holmes,
Program Mobile Application Design & Development
Students Naomi Gallupe, Johanna Cano, Rodrigo Gil

Project Description:

In collaboration with the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI) Centre for Journalology and Compute Ontario, Algonquin’s SLiDE lab has created a platform for learning best practices in data handling.

Journalology Training currently has 4 course modules in which learners can enrol in and gain a certificate for each module – for free. Each module is roughly 20-40 minutes in length, with a pre quiz at the start and a post quiz at the end. Once a module is completed, a certificate will be rewarded to the learner in which they can download as a PDF.

Journalology Training is aims to expand and regulate the best practices in data handling which include managing data, copyright mandates, data storage, privacy and more.

Short Description:

Journalology Training is an online learning platform intended for students, professors, and research professionals alike. The website aims to serve as a tool to educate learners on data handling best practices and more.

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journalogy training screen 1. journalogy training screen 2.
journalogy training screen 3. journalogy training screen 4.
journalogy training screen 5.

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Telemedicine App

Telemedicine app banner.

Client Raviraj Mangukiya
Professor(s) Howard Rosenblum, Linda McHugh
Program Computer Engineering Technology
Students Benjamin Todorski, Bikramjeet Singh, Gaurav Sharma, Zhuang Tian

Project Description:

A telemedicine app is designed to connect patients with suitable medical professionals based on the patient’s symptoms, needs, and availability. A well-designed telemedicine app will allow patients access to treatment without the need to manually search for a suitable doctor, and provides them a means of access to healthcare services without needing to leave their home. The app makes it easier and more convenient for patients to connect with the right providers by providing a web-based solution they can access from their mobile device or home computer.

Safe and convenient access to healthcare services is very important to Canadians. Ensuring a patient is connected with the correct medical professional is critical to minimize wait times for treatment, and to avoid the patient being needlessly redirected before receiving proper treatment. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has placed strain on the healthcare system, increased mental health burden on Canadians, and exacerbated the difficulty for patients to access necessary healthcare in person due to the safety measures meant to limit the spread of COVID-19.

This application simplifies the handoff to the correct healthcare professional by understanding the patient’s needs and assigning them a suitable doctor. This helps reduce strain on the healthcare system by minimizing unnecessary visits and making more efficient use of available doctors’ time. Since the application is a mobile app, patients are able to schedule appointments from home. All of these outcomes ultimately have the effect of minimizing face-to-face time with patients, and preventing patients from physically visiting healthcare facilities when unnecessary, thereby helping to reduce risk to healthcare professionals and the general public.

Short Description:

A telemedicine app which makes it safe and convenient for users to connect and book appointments with healthcare providers based upon their stated symptoms.

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CCEAC’s Ethical Benchmark

Ethical Benchmark app banner.

Client Pat Poitevin
Professor(s) Howard Rosenblum, Laura McHugh
Program Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science
Students Andrew Fang
Enzo Maitan
Meetkumar Patel

Project Description:

The Ethical Benchmark has two major parts, the user view and the administrator view. The Admin is responsible for adding and editing content for the user to consume, as of this report, the content he is able to manage is mainly questionnaires which helps the user self-evaluate their company, and annexed content, which provides information regarding the subjects covered in the questionnaire. Additionally, the administrator is able to get metrics on how companies are performing, having the possibility to filter by fields such as location and industry.

Meanwhile, the user is able to consume the toolkit without having to create an account. As for the User, whenever he answers a question, he is presented with additional information on the subject he answered. At the completion of the questionnaire, the user is provided a benchmark which reflects every weak point the company has, as well as a comparison to the other user’s answers.

Short Description:

The Ethical Benchmark had as its objective to provide a free, easy to use solution, which would allow users to self-evaluate, by using the tool, their own company in regards to fighting corruption.

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RiverOak Trail Mobile App

RiverOak app banner image.

Client Trevor Jamison
Professor(s) Melissa Sienkiewicz,
Program Computer Programmer
Students Ali Deym
Zannatul Ferdous
Mayurathan Vigneswaran
Bradford Watson

Project Description:

Client of this project:
The client for this project is Trevor Jamison, is the owner of the RiverOak Skating Trail located in Ottawa. The trail meanders through Jamison’s property at RiverOak Estates, leading skates into his orchard and its snow-covered tree canopy.

Purpose of the project:
The purpose of this project is to upgrade the pre-existing app that was made by previous students and make it more user interactable. The app needs more interactive features and presents more professionalism to the users. The problem with this project is so far it did not launch yet, so the priority for this task is to launch the project first. The purpose of this project is to make the app more interactive and fun for the users so it will attract more guests to RiverOak.

Requirement for the Project:

The main priorities of the app are:
• Publishing the app.
• User accounts.
• Geotagged locations / QR codes.
• Promotional sales.
• Instant Messaging.
• Clean up the bottom toolbar of the app.
• Link buttons/UI to payment links on the website.

The Users of this Project:
•Random clients and previous customers will be the main users of this system. Although, anyone can use the system who wants to enjoy skating or any other event that the trail has to offer. The users will need to buy tickets for skating and other events either through the app or on the trailing site.
•The major functionality of this system is to make it more interactive and professional-looking. The app needs to be more user-friendly. The system should present a more beneficial application when it will be operated by the users.
•The skills levels that are required in order to use the app by the users are basic knowledge of using smartphone devices such as Android and iPhone.

Short Description:

The RiverOak Trail app is an interactive app that can be used by guests while on the RiverOak trail in the winter season.

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RiverOak app FAQ. RiverOak app home screen.
RiverOak app Info screen. RiverOak app Events screen.

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Victim Services and Vicarious Resilience

Vicarious Resilience banner.

Client Victim Service Providers
Professor(s) Dr. Benjamin Roebuck, Diana McGlinchey
Program Victimology
Students Areeba Ahmad, Aisling McCoy, Eloina Rodriguez Petrova, Maryanne Kamunya

Project Description:

Many people are familiar with the term vicarious trauma, where victim service providers may be exposed to their clients’ trauma and in turn can feel the negative effects. This is what we think of oftentimes since these providers work day in and day out with people who have been through very traumatic events. We may think that their work can cause them to be pessimistic, depressed, and burnt out to the point where they leave the field. More recently, research has explored the idea of vicarious resilience since victim service providers may also witness their clients perseverance, strength, and growth. Through witnessing this, service providers may experience growth within themselves and benefits such as their physical and mental health improving, making proactive decisions, and forming connections with clients.

We are interested in examining how vicarious resilience plays a role in service providers’ lives, how their well-being is shaped with the help of their organization, and how systemic barriers can impact their work. Recently the Victimology Research Centre has launched a detailed survey on vicarious resilience and the survey has been distributed to over 700 service care providers across Canada. While we wait for more survey responses, our team has been working to gather relevant literature on vicarious resilience and what service providers need.

Just this month we held a national conference with victim service providers and volunteers where they were able to come together from across Canada. It started with a keynote speaker that discussed the notion of overwhelming trauma with ideas of how to cope and then we moved into discussion groups where the providers were able to talk about their own experiences. The questions examined any change they experienced due to exposure of their client’s trauma, how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their work, and what resources they received from their organization that support their well-being. From this, specific themes are highlighted in relation to victim service providers and their vicarious resilience. The findings will be presented in a report and we aim to create a toolkit in the coming years. The goal of this project is to create a toolkit for service providers that will allow them to further develop vicarious resilience and maintain wellbeing.

Short Description:

Our research on Victim Services and Vicarious Resilience has begun. Our research conference was held, our survey was nationally disseminated. Join us as we discuss the preliminary findings and the potential implications for victim service providers.

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focus group questions. research objectives.
research methodology. obstacles.
research outcomes. themes.

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Caremada Recommender System

caremada app banner.

Client Suki Lee
Professor(s) Howard Rosenblum, Laura McHugh
Program Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science
Students Matthew Plourde,
Elicius Feijo Cordeiro

Project Description:

Caremada, an Ottawa-based company whose goal is to provide a user-friendly application that aims to establish connections between local caregivers and clients that require their services. Suki Lee, the leader of Caremada has tasked our team with the development of a recommender system to help caregivers decide on which jobs are best suited for them.

Our method of implementing a recommender system consists of several steps. First, data must be imported with the id of the caregiver, the user id, the users rating, and the username of the client that they rated. Then we preprocess this data to convert it into something the recommender can use, Next we create a model to represent the structure of the system. And train the model with a substantial amount of the converted data using the rest for validation. After the training and validation are complete the recommender system is finally ready to generate recommendations. When a caregiver is then passed into the recommender system it generates a list of the most recommended clients for that caregiver to choose from.

Short Description:

A Recommendation System for Caremada was developed to provide Caregivers with recommendations on the best job suited for them.

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Neural Network Audio Filter

Neural Net Audio Filter banner.

Client Daniel Cormier
Professor(s) Abdullah Kadri,
Program Computer Engineering Technology
Students Zach Dubuc
Fredric Bridy
Bach Le
Ngoc Anh Quyen Do
Kalen Gladu-Lauridsen

Project Description:

Recording at home can be an annoying task if you live with roommates, pets, or in a busy neighborhood filled with loud traffic and sirens. Maybe you have a small recording area set up but it’s the middle of the summer and you would like some windows open. All that background noise can be hard to filter out without the proper equipment, and most software will degrade the quality of the audio. This was the pitch that our client had sent out. He was looking for a way to utilize a neural network to filter out unwanted background noises from his recordings. Whether it was a dog barking outside, or a fire truck going by, he wanted to be able to have clear, pristine recordings without all the hassle of manually cleaning the audio himself.

We took it upon ourselves to create an application that would do this for our client. Deciding to use the Rnnoise open source neural network as our base, we made a simple application that will accept audio files and put them through the neural network to filter out that unwanted background noise. We also implemented the functionality to convert mp3 and ogg-vorbis files to wav format, as well as stereo files to mono. Another script was added that will clean any audio spikes in the recordings from sudden noises.

While researching neural networks for this project we learned a lot about them and some of the tools out there to help create them, such as Keras API and Tensorflow. While we didn’t create a neural network ourselves, we were able to train one using Rnnoise, and trained different models with a slew of audio files to try and find the right combination for our project. We also learned python and how to connect python with other languages like C/C++ to call external functions from those files.

Short Description:

Our project is a background noise remover that uses the opensource Rnnoise neural network library to built a post processing application that will clean audio files and remove unwanted background noise.

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Neural net audio filter main screen. Neural net audio filter success message.
Neural net audio filter conversion menu.

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