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WildRoga App

WildRoga Showcase poster. WildRoga is a yoga and wellness app that celebrates the voices of BIPOC and underrepresented communities. The app offers live streams, fitness videos, wellness talks, and so much more. Join and create an experience that best suits your needs.

Client Ro Nwosu
Professor(s) Adesh Nilesh Shah, Adam Robillard
Program Mobile Application Design & Development
Students Stive Avendaño Zambrano
Naomi Gallupe
Kelsey Harrison
Sevda Hasanli
Pavlo Ternytskyi
Sara Thomas

Project Description:

Our project deliverable was to create a mobile application for WildRoga, a female-led business that centers around yoga and wellness for BIPOC and underrepresented communities. The app will allow members to watch live stream classes, pre-recorded yoga videos, as well as engage in community content where members can comment on posts administered by our client. In parallel with the mobile app, our team developed a web-based administrative dashboard to serve as a tool for managing the app’s content as well as to enhance the instructors’ live streaming experience.

Our client, Ro Nwosu, is looking to expand her business by attracting new users who intend on using mobile devices as a primary viewing platform. Additionally, her intention is to create a safe and inclusive space to promote health and wellness within our community and beyond.

Our team, Hyacinth, is Sara Thomas (Team Lead), Naomi Gallupe (Design Lead), Stive Avendaño Zambrano (Technical Lead), Kelsey Harrison (Full-Stack Developer), Pavlo Ternytskyi (Full-Stack Developer), and Sevda Hasanli (UX/UI Designer and Researcher). Together, we are a group of motivated individuals with a variety of different skills and talents. Throughout this project we learned a broad range of skills; from professionally collaborating with a client to acquiring the essential information and resources needed to complete our deliverables. From a technical standpoint, our developers learned how to implement live streaming technology using MUX as well as how to implement a third-party payment system using Stripe.

In the first month, we established a roadmap along with the appropriate design tool (Figma) and development tools (Expo, Next.js, Firebase, Stripe, Mux, and Ecamm) needed for the project. Our developers conducted technical research by building a collection of POCs to ensure that our client would use the best possible streaming and payment options available given our time and resources limitation. Our designers conducted user and product research to analyze the market and collect visual references to base our initial designs on. This research amounted to the creation of the low fidelity paper prototypes. In the later months, we gathered insightful feedback from our client and professors in order to make the necessary changes that led to our medium fidelity prototypes. Following more guidance from our client and professors, our designers crafted a high fidelity prototype which served as a visual aid for our developers during the development phase. During this phase, our developers worked tirelessly to ensure all deliverables were met. This involved heavy collaboration with every team member to ensure that we could test and deliver the best possible product we could build.

This project is the sum of four months of hard work, collaboration and commitment to building the best product we could given the amount of time that we had. In many ways, this project has helped lay the groundwork for the beginning of our professional careers as we approach graduation. As a team, we are grateful for the opportunity to work on a project of this caliber. We’d like to thank our professors, Algonquin College, and our client Ro, for an amazing and unforgettable opportunity.

Short Description:

WildRoga is a yoga and wellness app that celebrates the voices of BIPOC and underrepresented communities. The app offers live streams, fitness videos, wellness talks, and so much more. Join and create an experience that best suits your needs.

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Mobile App login screen Mobile App home screen
Mobile App classes screen Dashboard login screen
Dashboard live classes screen Dashboard all classes screen

Funded By

Connected: Build Report Tool

Company logo and site image.

Client Connected
Professor(s) Prof. Melissa Sienkiewicz,
Program Computer Programmer
Students Hazel Karayigit, Danping Tang, Jordan Passant, Zhong Chen, Cal Maciborka

Project Description:

Connected is a company that guides international students through the complex journey of studying abroad and finding employment in their desired field. Services offered by Connected include finding the right program and institution for each student, assistance with the applications to each desired academic institution, visa processing assistance and career planning.

One of the core functions of Connected is creating personalized reports to succinctly detail programs that are a best-fit for the student. The process starts with an assessment of the student’s academic goals and educational background. Next, Connected employees procure a list of programs in cities that offer the best combination of institution-program notoriety, employment opportunity, and overall student experience. Additional factors considered in the program selection include: tuition costs, academic requirements, English language requirements and more.

Connected builds the student reports through lengthy, manually extracted information from institution’s program pages. Each of these reports can take up to six hours to construct. Thus, Connected sought to remediate the arduous process.


Our team conducted a meeting with Connected’s founder, Syed Zeehad, to learn about Connected business operations and the company’s software needs. We learned Connected builds its student reports detailing best-fit programs with respect to employment opportunities through tedious, time-consuming processes. It became clear very quickly what Syed was in search of and how we could help. In fact, Syed had completed a lot of the application design beforehand and came to us with a very solidified idea. It was very evident the report processing time could be greatly decreased which could allow employees to allocate more time to generate sales and respond to clients faster. Further, it sets the stage for future company growth and expansion.


Team HelloWorld took Syed’s designs and set out to build the tool Connected employees needed. As a team we had our own planning to do in order to create an application that best-fit for his team’s needs. Together, we chose to build an authenticating web application with an easy to use page flow that built a report beginning from student intake to generating a final report.

The application is comprised of Node.Js, Express.Js, HTML, CSS, and MySQL.


Remaining details are protected IP safeguarded by NDA.

Short Description:

The Connected Report Building Tool is a web application built for internal use to assist Connected employees in creating personalized student reports.

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Login Page Dashboard Page.
Student Search Page. Step3 of building a student report.

Funded By

DC Inverter Project

Ideal waveform of a 3 phase system

Client Andrew Huddleston
Professor(s) Mauricio Ledon Diaz, Laura McHugh
Program Electrical Engineering Technologies
Students Keith Lueck

Ben Bowen

Abdulbary Alajnaf

Willie Raffoul

Project Description:

As technology innovates and industries evolve, so should education. The Algonquin Electrical Engineering program has a lack of content dealing with MOSFETs and IGBTs. To solve this, lab material can be developed which outlines the function and application of such components

The DC Inverter projects Goal to design and create a custom-built DC inverter that will be capable of driving a 3-Phase Motor. Additionally, this process will need to be replicable and broken down into draft labs which can be turned into full-fledged assignments used for future students of the Electrical Engineering Technologies program at Algonquin.

The deliverables of this project or separated into 2 sections. The first being the Custom DC inverter which will need to be designed and created with accessible tools and components (Including the use off the programs standard Issue Arduinos). The second section will provide 2-3 draft labs which will breakdown the process into fundamentals which could be taught to future students.

Together with a finalized design/PCB and a comprehensive lab breakdown, we hope to satisfy our clients request and inspire new material to be added into the curriculum.

Short Description:

Our client Andrew Huddleston who currently works as a professor at Algonquin College, is interest in improving and updating the Power electronics courses within the college to keep up with current trends in the industry.

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DC inverter Schematic connected to Arduino and motor Prototype inverter built on breadboard
sample waveform produced in prototype testing 3D render of  the DC inverter PCB

Funded By

POP TikR – Shop & Tour Local

Client Kamal Dhanoa
Professor(s) Adesh Shah, Theodore Mirtchev
Program IMD & Mobile Application Design and Development
Students Eduard Draghiciu
Kiet Vuong
Manuel Duong
Marina Wolff
Stive AZ

Project Description:

In the past 2 years, the global economy was pushed down because of the heavy restrictions imposed to contain the spread of COVID-19. Small business owners suffered even more due to their operational limitations and reach. Even as restrictions are lifted local stores will need further support to recover from the potential financial losses incurred in the latest years.

POPTikR is a technological solution that seeks to close the distance between customers and small stores that may not have a big budget for marketing and PR. The app displays deals, coupons, and promotions which serve as incentives for consumers to try local businesses instead of big chains. This solution will help family-owned establishments and local stores to attract traffic and recover more quickly.

Our team put together this solution in accordance with the client’s preferences and input along with the duration of the project. Best practices in design and communication were followed to provide a complete and functional final product.

Technologies with high industry penetration such as React Native, Amazon Web Services, and GraphQL were selected and added to the tech stack to ensure continuity in the project’s future and flexibility.

Most recently, the POP TiKR mobile application had its home page updated with a better layout, and other team members proceeded to test the usability, the validity of information, links, and design across multiple devices.

We would like to thank our client, Kamal, Algonquin College, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, and the Applied Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship center for their support and for this wonderful opportunity to be part of the team.

Short Description:

POP TiKR is a technological solution that seeks to close the distance between customers and small local businesses. It offers a new way to find entertainment, shops, restaurants, and more while saving money and contributing to the local community.

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SuperFight Pro Interactive Trainer

Client Paul Jackman
Professor(s) Mauricio Ledon, Melodie Wilson
Program Electrical Engineering Technologist
Students Sam Limoges-Ring and Brady Rittwage

Project Description:

Our group was given the task of modifying a training body armour to have it detect the force of strikes and send that information to a mobile device via Bluetooth. We used 8 sensors and programmed them to detect the force and placement of strikes. We then used an ESP32 chip to deliver that information to an application on a mobile device. The application was created by the Computer Science students. In order to attach the sensors, we removed the outer layer of the armour and placed the sensors in that area. We also included a rechargeable battery along with a recharger.

Short Description:

We have been teamed up with a group of Computer Science students and given the task of developing a body armour that can detect the force of strikes in karate training.

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This is an example of a circuit that we used for our op amp. This is the final op amp circuit that we created.
This is the schematic we created and used for our design. Our current app design. This is the home page of the app.
This is one of the many sensors that we used. This the what the body armour looks like after removing the first layer. You can see all the sensors and wires coming out of it.

Funded By


5WE Banner Image

Client Jordan Melzer (TELUS)
Professor(s) Wahab Almuhtadi,
Program Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science
Students Jinhyo Kim
Mohamed Jouini

Project Description:

The 5WE project aims to bring “5G” advances to home Internet users. Benefits include SIM-based account management; a common experience whether users are connected via cellular, wired broadband, or both together; and better prioritization of sensitive user traffic during busy periods through 5G’s “Reflective Quality of Service” feature.

The project identified several new or in-development standards to support 5G home users, some describing user traffic and others addressing connection setup, and one project in progress to implement these standards. All of these use a popular ethernet VPN – the Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) – as a starting point.
5G user traffic is carried by a new protocol called 5WE, defined in the Internet Engineering Task Force’s RFC8822. 5WE presents itself as a “version 2” of PPPoE, modified to carry a 5G session identifier, 5G Quality of Service Flow Identifier (QFI) and 5G Reflective Quality of Service Indicator (RQI).
Before user traffic can flow, the connection must be set up. The Broadband Forum’s TR-456 and TR-470, both works in progress, describe extending PPPoE with a Vendor Specific Network Control Protocol and Vendor Specific Network Protocol to allow it to carry 5G SIM authentication messages to the 5G network as part of connection setup.
The Broadband Forum’s “OB5WWC” is actively building a reference implementation of these protocols.

In this phase of the project, we read the standards and the code for popular open source PPPoE implementations. We developed a working test setup using the Roaring Penguin PPPoE package and made a series of modifications to its code and configuration to start to align it with the new standards. We also set up and ran the partial implementation from OB5WWC.

Short Description:

The 5WE project aims to build software that allows "wired" home Internet users to access 5G networks. This allows home users to benefit from 5G technology improvements, regardless of whether they are connected through the cellular network.

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5G Wireless Wireline Convergence User Plan Encapsulation (5WE) Call Flow For the Registration Management Procedure For a 5G Residential Gateway (5G-RG)
User Plane via Access Gateway Function (AGF) for 5G Residential Gateway (5G-RG) Control Plane between the 5G Residential Gateway (5G-RG) and the Access and Mobility Management Function (AMF)

Funded By

Balanced Brain

Short description about the project, client, team

Client Renew Neurotherapy
Professor(s) Adesh Shah, Adam Robillard
Program Mobile Application Design and Development
Students Alessandro de Jesus (Team Lead)
Yoona Kim (Design Lead)
Ekta Paras Dudhatra
Gyuyoung Lee
Chunyen Huang
Jacob Willson

Project Description:

Project Description

Our project was developed in partnership with Renew Neurotherapy, a Neurofeedback clinic located in Ottawa. We sought to adapt their Balanced Brain Points Program (BBPP), a program that aims to improve mental health through tracking and improving habits and setting lifestyle goals, from its paper and pencil method to a modern, digital solution. Our goal was to create a digital solution that could be easily used by patients and encourage continual usage and to provide their therapist with data and insights on how they are progressing.

Balanced Brain (by Renew) is our solution and an innovative application that helps patients with mental health issues to develop healthy lifestyle changes. We began the process with thorough user research and went through 3 iterations of design, prototype, and usability testing to figure out the best approach for users. Meanwhile, after the client meetings and extensive technological research, we figured out the technology solution to fit our client’s needs and requirements.

Our application has three profiles of different access levels and is designed to be responsive with various devices from mobile to desktop focusing on accessibility.

As a Patient :
Track daily activities and reflect on them
Get customized daily rewards based on completing activities
Share progress with their therapists

As a Therapist :
View their patients’ data
Create new patient accounts
Track daily records and progress
Manage the list of activities, reflection questions, and rewards for each patient

As an Admin :
View all patients and therapists in the clinic
Create new patient and therapist accounts
Manage the list of default activities, reflection questions, and motivational quotes

Although we faced many challenges in the process of our project, we learned a lot throughout it. Technical knowledge we acquired through working on the application include the use of Firebase authorization and how to implement it; Creating an app using NextJS as a framework; and annotating code using JSDoc. Aside from technical knowledge, we gained experience in communicating with a client to determine their needs in order to provide a proper solution. Furthermore, we gained experience from working as a team by utilizing team members’ strengths and assisting each other through hurdles. We can say it was a valuable experience for all of us. We would like to thank our client, professors, and Algonquin College for this opportunity.

Short Description:

Balanced Brain is an innovative application that serves as a memory aid and motivational tool to help patients with mental health issues to develop healthy lifestyle changes.

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Team How motivational quotes work in this app
Activity tracker for the patient/client Patient's progress
Therapist dashboard to check patient's progress Admin dashboard to manage all data

Funded By

Eco East and Kettle & Stony Point First Nation

Client Eco East – Kettle & Stony Point First Nation
Professor(s) Kevin Holmes,
Program SLiDE
Students Alessandro de Jesus
Ekta Dudhatra
Jason Himsl
Kelsey Harrison
Marwa Alibakhiet

Project Description:

The Winter 2022 SLiDE cohort (SLiDE 8.0) has undertaken two new digital technology projects for community-based organizations:
• Eco East is a grassroots advocacy, action and education organization with a focus on sustainability for the United Counties of Prescott & Russell. Their work spans 4 interconnected themes: waste reduction, habitat conservation and regeneration, climate action, and monitoring pollution from landfills. The SLiDE team designed, developed and launched a new on-line presence to communicate their values, engage the community, recruit volunteers (100% volunteer-driven organization), and publish their accomplishments and campaigns. The project has been an opportunity for the us to collaborate our skills, and learn about the long term benefits of sustainability.
• Kettle & Stony Point First Nation is a community located in southern Ontario along the shores of Lake Huron. The SLiDE team designed and developed a new on-line resource to assist them in engaging their community, with a specific focus on harm reduction in pregnancy. This work is done in collaboration with the Kettle & Stony Point First Nation Child and Family Services and utilizes comprehensive information developed as part of a community project by Algonquin College’s Nursing Program in Fall 2021. The material provided to the team has helped us garner both a better understanding of the project’s aim and the community it stands to serve.

It was a very rewarding experience to work on this project. We were able to learn more about a First Nation community, and even about sustainability.

Short Description:

The SLiDE 8.0 team designed and developed a new on-line presence for Eco East and Kettle & Stony Point First Nation.

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Eco East short description Short description about the work performed
Ketle & Stony Point short description Short description about the work performed

Funded By

Inter-Drone Coordinated Optical Sensing Platform in UAV Swarms

Professor(s) Dr. Wahab AlMuhtadi,
Program Information Technology – Optical Systems and Sensors
Students Uzair Ahmed

Yesha Dani

Khalid El-Hamad

Hani El-Khalili

Project Description:

Using two drones we are trying to achieve drone to drone communication using a laser on one drone and a photodiode on another drone. We are using Aruco markers and raspberry pi for drone detection and locking.

Short Description:

Our project aims to achieve drone to drone communication using an optical signal.

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A Fearless Research Project

Marketing Management Post-Graduate Students showcase their work with 4 ways to be fearless and successful
Client Welbi
Professor(s) Patrick Charlton, Margaret O’Brien
Program Marketing Management
Students Caroline Cooper
Viviana Otero
Abhishek Joshi
Amine Menhich
Taisa Alves- Quadros
Holly Mathias


Project Description:


Our team thought it was best to execute primary and secondary research methods, such as conducting interviews via telephone, and using secondary research on consumer trends in this region. Due to the needs identified in past conversations with our client, and considering the negative effects caused from the pandemic on the senior living industry in the United States, we predicted that there is a vast number of opportunities for the client within the USA LTC market where a platform like Welbi’s would be a great fit to fill the market gap for an assisted living software software.


Short Description:

Acting as consultants, our marketing opportunity was to identify consumer behaviour patterns, highlight trends in the geographical segment, and to identify who the key decision makers were in these kinds of organizations.

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