In-Class Project Showcase AUG23

EnviroTech H2O Renewable Powered Desalination System

Project Summary:

A renewable-powered ocean water desalination device was designed and built to help alleviate the growing issue of water scarcity. It will run exclusively on renewable energy and have little to no negative environmental impact.

Client Ocean Wise
Professor(s) Carolyn LorimerJim Catton
Program Electrical Engineering Technology
Student Team Members Angus Fergusson, Bryan Mark, Dave Le, Jaymen Heuff, Owen Jewell

Project Description:

A small-scale proof of concept prototype was designed and built to turn ocean water into potable fresh water. The system will be powered by a solar panel and portable power station and utilizes LabView and a MyDAQ to control the process.


Packages of different weight are picked by robotic arm to the load cell. At this point load cell calculate the weight of the package and divide to the pallets according to the weight. Fragile items are separated to a different pallet.


In response to growing cybersecurity risks and demand for remote work, OneBastion offers organizations an affordable authentication system for cloud-based workloads. The target users include NGOs like the Children’s Aid Society of Algoma. Commercial products specializing in cloud-based authentication sometimes are too costly for institutions and small businesses with limited budgets. OneBastion is explicitly designed to help such organizations to manage their cybersecurity risks. It only allows authenticated users to access sensitive applications such as Microsoft 365 (Outlook, OneDrive and more) and the cloud-based applications owned by the organizations. It significantly reduces the attack surface because intruders cannot log in to sensitive corporate applications without first authenticating to the secure bastion host.

Algonquin Cloud development and Operations Websire

Our project is a static website build on Jekyll for Algonquin’s cloud development program. Which we have not only current but future and past students as well to have better understanding of courses provided, the material and extra knowledge which will be provided by website’s in build blog system and last but not least it will help students to connect with their professor more easily.

KnowQuest 3.0

KnowQuest project has been making significant strides in its mission to revolutionize the way businesses gather and understand customer experiences. The platform serves as an advanced feedback mechanism, aiming to overcome the limitations of traditional feedback systems through the implementation of custom credibility checks, enhanced data security measures, and the generation of actionable insights.

• Technologies: MongoDB, React.js, Node, Express, AWS, JavaScript.
• Collaboration With Humber Backend Team and KnowQuest Developers Team.
• Fixing the Google Authentication using the user email ID
• Adding more feature to the home page with the required categories for instance video games, coffee, wine and so on.
• Add Search Filters: TV Shows, Movies, Video Games, Academia.


Physician training programs must include not only clinical experiences but also a comprehensive academic curriculum that fulfills the requirements of the specialty regulatory bodies. Currently, across the Canada and internationally, most physician training programs work independently to provide academic curriculum to their learners. While the COVID19 pandemic opened the door for unique virtual learning opportunities and occasional collaboration between nearby centres, educational leaders still struggle with the coordination of content delivery, expert recruitment, and duplication of work. This project is intended to provide an on-line cloud-based community where training program leaders can engage with leading clinical experts and researchers across Canada to develop and deliver comprehensive academic programming. This platform will make it easy for educational leaders to connect with key experts across the country, schedule presentations or access pre-recorded sessions. In addition, this platform will allow learners to access up-to-date and on-demand presentations, evaluate the sessions and connect with a wide variety of expert clinicians across the country, providing opportunities for mentor ship.

HiddenView Herefords

Our project was set around redesigning a website from the ground up using ASP.NET and C# framework for a farm based out of Peterborough focused on selling their beef products and hereford show cows. The website we were originally given lacked major functional features our clients were heart set on having, so by working closely with them we created a website with their specific requests along with the future proofing of teaching our client how to take complete control of the back end of this website after completion.

Never Knew I Needed: Bridal Apparel Customization Tool

The client came up with the idea for the project for the business NKIN (Never Knew I Needed). NKIN is an online bridal clothing store that sells apparel for bridal activities. The main focus of the project is to provide customization tools for different items within the NKIN shop. The current project is a continuation of a previous team’s implementation with additional improvements and features in mind.

There was a need to limit the color selection for the user and allow for color palette customization for the client to pre-set. In the previous implementation, users could select any color that exists and use it as the color of the shirt. This was an issue for the client due to the limited color pool to work with when making apparel. Another requirement was to implement a drag and drop feature for images and logos to allow for further product customization while limiting where the image could be placed. In the previous implementation, whenever a user would try to add an image to a shirt, it would only allow the image to be placed in the center of the screen.

Due to issues retrieving the previous project, the team had to focus on rebuilding the project from the ground up. This new version was built with the new limitations in mind. The project was developed using the Node.js and React frameworks in the Visual Studio IDE.

Overall, we, as a team, are proud of what we have built and have learned a lot in the process. The skills developed while working with the client and each other, as well as the technical skills sharpened through this experience, are invaluable.

Thank you for taking the time to experience a small part of our journey.