RE/ACTION Showcase

April 2024 Applied Research Day Winners

Applied Research at Algonquin College is proud to announce the winners of April 2024 Applied Research Day.

Research Achievement Award

The Research Achievement Award, which recognizes the remarkable research achievements of AC faculty. To browse more Faculty project with the Research Development Institute here.

Award Winner | Applying Neurovine Concussion Recovery Technology to Support Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

Research Achievement Award - April 2024

Project Description: Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is common among survivors of intimate partner violence, though many remain unaware of their condition and face barriers to medical assistance. The project, aimed at understanding and providing accessible treatment for these injuries, highlighted the pilot testing of Neurovine’s app and sensor band for survivors suffering from mTBI.

Team Leads: Dr. Alyssa Ferns and Dr. Pasan Fernando
Research Team Members: Diana McGlinchey, Zeyu Wan and Anna Van Leeuwen

Student In-Class Projects Awards

To browse all of the student, visit the virtual project showcase.

1st Place | Ingenium Automatic Lighting Display Case

Applied Research Day - 1st Place

Client: Ingenium (Erin Secord)
Professor(s): Carolyn Lorimer, Jim Catton
Program: Electrical Engineering Technology
Student Team Members: Zachary Franks; Kristopher Kshonze; Jacob Malcolmson; Tyler Ross

Check out the project here.

2nd Place | UXD/UID Mobile App Project

Applied Research Day - 2nd Place

Client: Tina Mackey
Professor(s): Sean Sytsma,
Program: Interactive Media Design
Student Team Members: Zarmeen Malik; Vanessa Isabela Denny; Yik Hang (Vicky) Fong; Aiden Famili; Yuka Ishii

Check out the project here.

3rd Place | Inspect This Car Educational/Marketing Videos

Applied Research Day - 3rd Place

Client: Ali Yaqub
Professor(s): Sucheng Lee
Program: Interactive Media Design
Student Team Members: Tanner Green; Dawson Peddie; Thomas Stanton; Nate Smith; Uluhan Orhan; Colin Clothier

Check out the project here.

December 2023 RE/ACTION In-Class Projects Showcase Winners

Applied Research at Algonquin College is proud to announce the winners of December 2023 RE/ACTION In-Class Projects Showcase. To browse all of the projects visit the virtual project showcase.

1st Place | Nutricooks Mobile Application

Client: Jessica-Lee Sidaoui
Professor(s): Abdullah Kadri
Program: Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science
Students: Team Lead: Ryan Turcotte, Obida Kassif, Will Leveilee, Tanisa Tasneem, Palwinder Kaur

Check out the project here.

2nd Place | Mechanic To You Mobile

Client: Matthew Turner, Christian Castillo
Professor(s): Abdullah Kadri
Program: Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science
Students: Kyle Thomas, Daniel McCue, Matthew Allen, Sarah Almobarak, Mason Fatoric

3rd Place | First Aid Heroes: Ski Patrol Application

Client: Eric Torunski
Professor(s): Abdullah Kadri
Program: Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science
Students: Zahi Masarwa, Casey Rankin, Neeraj Bansal, Liam Landers, Suraj Mittal

Check out the project here.

August 2023 RE/ACTION In-Class Project Showcase Winners

Applied Research at Algonquin College is proud to announce the winners of RE/ACTION In-Class Project Showcase August 2023. To browse all of the projects visit the project showcase.

1st Place | Democracy Worldview

1st Place | Democracy Worldview

Client: Elections Canada
Professor(s): Jed Looker, SuCheng Lee
Program: Interdisciplinary Studies in Human-Centred Design
Students: Anna Martirosyan, Beatriz Catete, Magnus Janda, Radhika Kamra

2nd Place | WeVibe Phase 2 App

2nd Place | WeVibe Phase 2 App

Client: Nadia Hosseinzadeh
Professor(s): Rama Thavasinadar
Program: Computer Programming
Students: Tanish Arora, Natalia Pirath, Liqiu Deng, Jaddua Jones, Yuvrajsingh Gohel, Imandeepsing Sidhu

3rd Place | AI Brand Recognition Machine Learning Project

3rd Place | AI Brand Recognition Machine Learning Project

Client: Matthew Jerabek
Professor(s): Mejdi Eraslan David Lindsay
Program: Computer Engineering Technology- Computing Science
Students: Kelsey Philips, Moses Santos, Shivam Patel, Nathan Fan, Dylan Hunter, Salah Griffith-Jones

December 2021 Showcase Winners

The Office of Applied Research, Innovation & Entrepreneurship is proud to announce the winners of the first-ever Virtual RE/ACTION. To browse all of the projects visit the virtual project showcase.

1st Place | The Fix It App

Fix It app banner

Client: Mark Godfrey
Professor(s): Abdullah Kadri PhD, Peng,
Program: Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science
Students: Team Lead: Frederic Desjardins
Team Members: Kyler Bass, Joseph Perks, Tony Pham, Danilo Teixeira Pontes

2nd Place | POP TiKR – Download Your Local Scene

Pop app banner Client: Kamal Dhanoa
Professor(s): Adesh Shah, Theo Mirtchev
Program: Data Analytics Centre
Students: Kiet Vuong, Manuel Duong, Marina Wolff, Eduard Draghiciu, Stive AZ

3rd Place | Quiz Making and Taking Tool

Quiz Making and Taking Tool banner Client: Canadian Centre of Excellence and Anti Corruption
Professor(s): Abdullah Kadri
Program: Computer Engineering and Computing Science
Students: Jani Khaddage, Nathan Denyer, Carver Long, Jinhyo Kim

Virtual RE/ACTION Showcase Winners – April 2021

3rd Place | Victim Services Providers and Vicarious Resilience

Vicarious Resilience graphic Client: Victim Service Providers
Professor(s): Dr. Benjamin Roebuck, Diana McGlinchey
Program: Victimology
Students: Connar Tague, Katherine Thompson, Amy Boileau, and Theresia Bedard

2nd Place | Ottawa Homicide Project

Crime Prevention Ottawa Client: Crime Prevention Ottawa (CPO)
Professor(s): Dr. Benjamin Roebuck, Diana McGlinchey
Program: Victimology/Bachelor of Public Safety (BPS)
Students: Anna Ranger, Riley McEwan, Christina Faraj, Brennan Nadeau, Matthew Telford, and Gianluca Spagnuolo

1st Place | Ottawa Grassroots App

Ottawa Grassroots App

Client: Ottawa Grassroots Festival
Professor(s): Su Cheng Lee, Adesh Nilesh Shah
Program: Mobile Application Design & Development
Students: Alex Carmichael, Tyler Bristow, Kiet Vuong, Hisham Almoli, Kendy Dor, Helen Le

December 2020 Virtual RE/ACTION Showcase Winners

The Office of Applied Research, Innovation & Entrepreneurship is proud to announce the winners of the first-ever Virtual RE/ACTION. To browse all of the projects visit the virtual project showcase.

First Place

First place winner -Engaging Youth: Bringing Wheelchair Basketball to Elementary Schools

Engaging Youth: Bringing Wheelchair Basketball to Elementary Schools

Students: Alexei Tipenko, Alice Jin, Priyamvada Singh, Yene Paz
Professor: Jed Looker

Second Place

Second Place -Victim Services Providers and Vicarious Resilience

Victim Services Providers and Vicarious Resilience

Students: Amy Boileau, Theresia Bedard, Connar Tague, Katherine Thompson
Professors: Dr Benjamin Roebuck & Diana McGlinchey

Third Place

Third Place -Accelerating COVID-19 Knowledge Synthesis With Machine Learning

Accelerating COVID-19 Knowledge Synthesis With Machine Learning

Students: Ravi Rachamalla, Ababiya Abajobir, Jaewoo Kim, Ryan Arreola, Ilusha Rathnayake Professor: Kevin Holmes


Honourable Mentions


Cheetah Networks PulseViewtm Solution

Cheetah Networks PulseViewtm Solution

Students: Ryan Arreola,Shuting Yang Professor: Dr Theo Mirtchev

The Performance Characteristics of PEX Hot-Water Systems

The Performance Characteristics of PEX Hot-Water Systems

Students: Karl Murray, Michael Stevens, George Zanetti, Leandro Carandina, Simon Hunt Professors: Dr. Ali Elwafi, Dr. Maria Parra, Dr. Federico Fernandez

RE/ACTION Showcase Winners Dec 2019

IT, Mobile & Web

Senator Web Application

A web-application that organises and presents parliamentary, senator and legislative data in meaningful ways to the user.

Industry Partner: Global Affairs Canada
Presenters: Jacob McSheffrey, Ikram Mohammed-Navaz, Cory Chenier, Marco Gregory, Adam Nguyen, Chris Beck, Vicknesh Babu
Professor: Todd Kelley

RE/ACTION Showcase


Arts, Design & Business

Dooring in the City of Ottawa

In this study, we were tasked to create a safer cycling experience in Dooring zones by improving its road signage. The purpose is to understand why these accidents occur and answer the question “Why are cyclists and motorists not aware or paying attention to dooring road signs and dooring zones?”

Industry Partner: City of Ottawa
Presenters: Nila Babaei, Braden Shay, Fatima Khan, Tyanna Bourguignon, Sebastian Turner
Professors: Jed Looker

Dooring in the City of Ottawa study


Science, Engineering & Construction

Zip-Zap the Electric Scooter

The Zip-Zap, an electric two wheeled scooter, is built and tested on the basis of load, speed and range in order to provide compact transportation in heavy populated urban areas. It has been specifically design from scratch to incorporate recycled batteries used in various electric vehicles.

Industry Partner: A-I-M Recycling Ottawa
Presenters: Cristopher Gore, Leander Christy, Antony Babu, Hansley Pataroo
Professor: Hooman Abdi

Zip Zap the Electric Scooter group

RE/ACTION Showcase Winners (August 2019)

Musclebound Mama Process Explanation Video

1st Place Winning Project

A live-action video explaining the 60-day challenge process with a combination of on-screen and full-screen overlay motion graphics. The graphics will define and help clients understand difficult and complicated concepts in a simple and effective way.

Industry Partner: Musclebound Mama
Presenters: Morgan Nordskog, Mona Eltahery, Stephen Gagne, Frah Aliaman
Professors: Adam Jarvis & Ken McGinn

Musclebound Mama Process Explanation Video group

Energy Efficiency and Performance Simulations of PEX Water-Heating Systems

2nd Place Winning Project

The aim of this project is to validate the performance of new hot water delivery (HWD) technology-both quantitatively and qualitatively. In particular, the study is to test, categorize, and benchmark the performance of new HWD systems using Cross-Linked Polyethylene (PEX) Piping against conventional piping materials and their associated installations.

Industry Partner:
Presenters: Karl Murray, Kuwar Dalal, Michael Stevens
Professors: Ali Elwafi

Energy Efficiency and Performance Simulations of PEX Water-Heating Systems group

ARCC – Autonomous Robotic Chimney Cleaner

3rd Place Winning Project

We have developed an autonomous chimney cleaning robot intended for the consumer market. It is capable of scaling the walls of a chimney, measuring distance both above and below, all while cleaning the walls of the chimney.

Industry Partner: Algonquin College
Presenters: Steve Sokolowski, Dhaval Khodiyar, Rajesh Kangar, Venkata Sai Yath Chakka
Professor: Gino Rinaldi

ARCC - Autonomous Robotic Chimney Cleaner group

Musclebound Mama shows strength at RE/ACTION August 2019

Musclebound Mama group at RE/ACTION August 2019

The live-action video—built to provide fitness and nutrition coaching for women—placed first at Algonquin’s summer Applied Research Showcase. It was one of 36 projects featured at RE/ACTION on Aug. 9. The event drew a crowd of about 300 people to the DARE District to check out the innovations from more than 100 students and roughly 37 faculty members.

“It’s a nice surprise. I don’t believe it,” said the winning project’s video editor, Mona Eltahery. It’s a day she’s not likely to forget anytime soon. Aside from being awarded top honours, she was also awarded her Canadian citizenship the same day.

The team created the video for Musclebound Mama, a subscription-based, online nutrition-coaching business for women to help change their relationship with food. Their client, Musclebound Mama founder Sophie Smith, said the video does away with documents and 17-minutes of video explaining the “60-day challenge process.” In its place is a live-action video that explains how women can change the way they feel and think about food. The video combines full-screen overlay motion graphics and animation to help clients understand difficult and complicated concepts in a simple and effective way.

“Our team has Mona, who did video editing for 30 years in Egypt, so she did the bulk of the editing work,” explained Media and Design student, Stephen Gagné. “I’m a photographer. I did the green screen replacement, some of the colour keying and a few of the graphics. Frah (Ali Aman) drew everything, and Morgan (Nordskog) who is our lead, did all of the animations, said Gagné. Nordskog couldn’t be at the event because she is currently in Toronto working on a photography project. (Professors Adam Jarvis and Ken McGinn were the project’s faculty advisers.)

Taking to the podium to announce RE/ACTION’s top three winners, incoming President Claude Brulé couldn’t resist snapping a photo of the crowd.

“It’s a real pleasure for me to attend these events. It’s a combination of a lot of effort on our students’ parts, our faculty’s parts and staff, and it shows!” he said proudly. “You guys go all out to create a wonderful moment for our community and for our industry partners to come and visit, explore and discover Algonquin College. This is where the magic happens. This is where discovery happens. This is where development happens in applied research and today is no exception.”

Claiming second place was Energy Efficiency and Performance Simulations of PEX Water-Heating Systems by students Karl Murray, Kuwar Dalal, and Michael Stevens and Professor Ali Elwafi. Their project validates the performance of new hot water delivery (HWD) technology — both quantitatively and qualitatively. In particular, the study is to test, categorize, and benchmark the performance of new HWD systems using Cross-Linked Polyethylene (PEX) Piping against conventional piping materials and their associated installations.

Third place went to Autonomous Robotic Chimney Cleaner (ARCC) by students Steve Sokolowski, Dhaval Khodiyar, Rajesh Kangar, Venkata Sai Yath Chakka, and Professor Gino Rinaldi.

Their “autonomous chimney” functions as a cleaning robot intended for the consumer market. It is capable of scaling the walls of a chimney, measuring distance both above and below, all while cleaning the walls of the chimney.

“This edition we are featuring a very impressive list of projects. The quality of the projects speaks to the calibre of all of you students,” said Cristina Holguin-Pando, Director of Applied Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, during her opening remarks at the tri-annual AC Applied Research Day.

Algonquin’s applied research projects created a lot of media buzz this week. If you missed any of the headline-making projects you can catch them here:

Watch Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technician students demonstrate their Voice-Activated Bionic Arm, featured on CTV Morning Live on Aug. 8.

Listen to the CBC Morning Ottawa segment from Aug. 8 about Vision glasses, a prototype for the blind that allows the user to identify objects, read text, and identify faces.

Photo: Left to Right: Frah Ali Aman, Sophie Smith-Doré (industry partner & founder of Musclebound Mama), Mona Eltahery, Stephen Gagné and incoming President Claude Brulé.