Message from the Office

Algonquin College is one of Canada’s Top 50 Research Colleges

Canada's Top 50 Research Colleges 2015Once again, Algonquin College has made it onto the list of Canada’s Top 50 Research Colleges by Research Infosource!

Since last year, Algonquin College has moved up seven spots and is now ranked #24 among all Canadian research colleges in terms of research dollars! With a 26.5% increase in research funding, the College continues to rank strongly in terms of number of partnerships and projects – taking #3 and #2 nationally.

To learn more, read the full article.

Interested in doing ‘big data’ research with Algonquin’s Data Analytics Center?

Data Analytics ManagementThe Office of Applied Research and Innovation at Algonquin College Ottawa is proud to announce Algonquin’s new strategic research initiative, the Data Analytics Center (DAC). Building upon the College’s traditional strengths in IT and software engineering, the DAC will create new research and commercialization capacity in the ‘big data’ arena. This includes predictive analysis, machine-learning, classification, clustering, and decision support…basically ‘all things Data’. Continue reading

Most Productive Research College in Canada: Algonquin College

ARI-top-50-research-collegeCongratulations to Algonquin College for being named the most productive research college in Canada! In the office of Applied Research and Innovation, we are definitely proud of this accomplishment as many research projects are organized through our office and completed through the hard work of students and faculty. We especially thank our industry partners for continually providing our students with hands on opportunities.

2014 Algonquin College Entrepreneurship Week

Traction PosterStudents, faculty, community partners and the general public are invited to experience TRACTION, an entrepreneurship simulation game recently featured in Forbes magazine. The game, developed at and through a collaboration with Algonquin College Applied Research & Innovation, enables participants to develop their entrepreneurial skills in creating a start up company through two phases of pre and post revenue. The simulation includes both academic content and practical experience in which teams of 2-3 participants will learn and experience team collaboration, funding, product development, and business modeling while competing against other teams to envision and bring a start-up to market. Continue reading

Introducing the Spinmaster Innovation Fund


For the fourth consecutive year, CYBF (the Canadian Youth Business Foundation) and Spin Master Ltd., Canada’s most innovative toy company, are teaming up to offer financing, mentoring, access to specially designed workshops and more to innovative entrepreneurs through the Spin Master Innovation Fund.

The official launch is May 1, with applications being accepted until June 20. The fund will support up to ten innovative start-ups with each recipient receiving:

  • Up to $50,000 in financing;
  • 2 years of business mentoring;
  • 2 exclusive innovation workshops;
  • Expert advice from Spin Master executives; and
  • Access to helpful business resources & CYBF’s community of over 5,000 members.

Applicants must be between the ages of 18-39
More information is available at

Director’s Note

Photo of the Applied Research Team

Not an imaginative title, but certainly accurate. This will be the first of a series of blogs that will be published by the Office of Applied Research and Innovation. The intent of the blogs is to inform, entertain, anger, encourage, advocate and stimulate the grey matter of the bloggers and readers. Continue reading

Executing Victory

You’ll have to pardon my arrogance, seeing as we hardly know each other, but I’m going to make some assumptions about you dear reader. I’m going to assume you’re either interested or involved in the Algonquin College community in some way, seeing as you’re currently on the website. I’m going to assume that you have a particular skill set that has drawn you to post secondary education (and the Office of Applied Research and Innovation specifically), which is great. Whether that skill set is technical, design, or humanities based is inconsequential, you still have it, and that is fantastic. Finally, I’m going to assume you have an idea. Again, it doesn’t matter what kind of idea it is, the fact that you have one is awesome. But would you like to know a secret? I know how much your idea is worth: absolutely nothing. Continue reading