Want to Make our World a Better Place? Join Algonquin’s Social Innovation Lab – SLiDE is Hiring for Winter 2022 positions.
The Lab operates SLiDE (Service Learning in Design & Engineering) with a mission of “Empowering our community by sharing student creativity and technological knowledge to drive social change”. We are looking for students that demonstrate Authenticity, Integrity, Ambition, Curiosity and Humility and want to help others in our community. #slideintoimpact Open Positions: All positions are part-time (~20 hours a week) for current Algonquin College Students and paid at Ottawa’s current Living Wage ($18.60/Hour).
The target start date for Winter Interns is January 10, 2022.
Note* All positions offer flexibility to meet students’ schedules and tentatively will include both in-person (Social Innovation Lab, Woodroffe Campus) and remote work components. All positions will be subject to the College’s Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Policy.
To apply, email your CV and a cover letter by the deadline of December 10, 2021: SLiDE@algonquincollege.com
Details can be seen on HireAC – Job ID 70117: https://hireac.algonquincollege.com/home.htm
IBM/SLiDE Intern – Social Sector Client Projects (5 Positions)
Applicable for students with digital technology skills (design, development, mobile, integration, adoption) or communications skills (branding, marketing, social media, written word, and videography).
Please note Intern Eligibility Requirements:
- Proof of full-time enrollment at Algonquin College in an Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, STEM or Business program during the internship period
- Proof of Canadian Citizenship/ Permanent Residency/Refugee Status, Unfortunately, due to 3rd party funder requirements, International Students are not eligible for these positions at this time.
Students who self-identify within one of the following under-represented groups are encouraged to apply: Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), Indigenous students, Newcomers (immigrants who immigrated within the last 5 years), students with disabilities, visible minorities and first-year students.