TetraStack Robot (aka Jeffrey) – CTV Ottawa

Yesterday one of our incredible student projects, TetraStack Robot (aka Jeffrey) was highlighted on CTV Ottawa. Watch the clip to see how Algonquin College, its staff and students are leading the charge in robotics in the National Capital Region.

Jeffrey is an autonomous robot designed to see, scan, touch, pick up, and place objects. The team used a Tetrix robotics kit, a National Instruments MyRio controller and a webcam to design, build and Program a custom robot prototype. Custom sensors were built using what they have learned in Computer Interfacing. The blob detection algorithm is being developed using the C programming language and OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library). This project shows exactly what our Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science students can do with their advanced skills in analysis, design, algorithms, hardware, software engineering and troubleshooting.

Robots that can process and react to real-time sensory input such as video are important in many Artificial Intelligence applications such as self-driving cars, space exploration and environmental cleanup. Jeffrey is being developed to compete in the World Robot Olympiad (WRO) Canadian finals in 2019. In 2020, the WRO international finals will be held in Canada for the first time creating an opportunity for Algonquin students to show off their skills and innovation to the world. Jeffrey must learn to pick up TetraStack blocks and stack them in a real-life version of the Tetris video game.

Partner: Algonquin College
Professors: Leanne Seaward & Todd Kelly
Presenters: Nicholas Richer, Curtis Mccartney, Armando Arenas and Tiago Donchegay


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