Presentation and Pitch Tips

Take your project pitch to the next level with these expert tips. Impress the judges and make a lasting impact at the showcase. Get ready to deliver a compelling pitch that will captivate your audience.

Present Your Best Self

  • Professional Presentation: Ensure you present yourself professionally at all times. Dress appropriately for your industry to make a positive impression. Good hygiene and a well-groomed appearance will also contribute to your professional demeanor.
  • Stay Engaged at Your Booth: Dedicate team members to be present at your presentation table throughout the event. Stay attentive and be ready to engage with judges, visitors, and potential collaborators. This demonstrates your commitment to your project and ensures that no opportunity is missed.
  • Embrace Media Opportunities: Local media may be present at the showcase, so be prepared to put your best foot forward. If approached for interviews or coverage, seize the opportunity to articulate the importance and impact of your project. Be articulate, confident, and enthusiastic about your work.

Perfect Your Pitch

Client-Centric Approach

Demonstrate a deep understanding of the client’s goals and needs. Tailoring your pitch to address these specific requirements showcases your ability to focus on delivering value to the client.

Team Collaboration

Highlight the teamwork efforts involved in your project. Provide insights into how your team effectively divided the work, emphasizing the strengths and synergy of your collaborative approach.

Problem-Solving Abilities

Showcase your team’s problem-solving skills. Discuss the challenges you encountered and how your team skillfully transformed them into valuable learning opportunities. This demonstrates your resilience and adaptability in the face of obstacles.

Clear and Confident Communication

Effective communication is crucial. Be confident and concise while explaining your project. Use language that is easy to understand, especially when discussing technical terms that may be unfamiliar to some audience members. Your ability to convey complex ideas in a clear and accessible manner will be highly valued.

Oral Presentation Priority

Keep in mind that your verbal explanation of the project takes precedence. While your poster and printed materials are important, they should serve as complementary visual aids and account for only 10% of the final score. The majority of the judging will be based on the quality of your oral presentation. This will last approximately 9 minutes, beginning with a 90-second pitch followed by a question-and-answer session.

Remain Alert and Prepared

Note that the judges do not enter the presentation area at the same time. Stay alert and prepared at all times to engage with each judge effectively.

Handling Unexpected Questions

  • NDA or Confidential Information: If a question pertains to information under a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) or cannot be shared publicly, politely inform the judges of the confidentiality constraints. They will then ask another question.
  • Future Project Stages: If a question concerns a later stage in the project or was not initially within the project scope, communicate this to the judges and assure them that the topic will be addressed later in the presentation.
  • Unavailable Team Member: If the question is best answered by a team member who is not present, inform the judges that the individual is currently unavailable. Offer to follow up with them later to provide the necessary information.
  • Honesty in Responses: If you don’t know the answer to a question, it’s important to be honest and transparent in your response. You can express your willingness to follow up with the relevant information after the presentation.

Being aware of these potential scenarios and handling them with professionalism and honesty, you can navigate the question-and-answer session with confidence, composure, and being well-prepared to leave a lasting positive impression.

Good luck with your presentation!