April 2024 Applied Research Day Winners

Applied Research at Algonquin College is proud to announce the winners of April 2024 Applied Research Day.

Research Achievement Award

The Research Achievement Award, which recognizes the remarkable research achievements of AC faculty. To browse more Faculty project with the Research Development Institute here.

Award Winner | Applying Neurovine Concussion Recovery Technology to Support Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

Research Achievement Award - April 2024

Project Description: Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is common among survivors of intimate partner violence, though many remain unaware of their condition and face barriers to medical assistance. The project, aimed at understanding and providing accessible treatment for these injuries, highlighted the pilot testing of Neurovine’s app and sensor band for survivors suffering from mTBI.

Team Leads: Dr. Alyssa Ferns and Dr. Pasan Fernando
Research Team Members: Diana McGlinchey, Zeyu Wan and Anna Van Leeuwen

Student In-Class Projects Awards

To browse all of the student, visit the virtual project showcase.

1st Place | Ingenium Automatic Lighting Display Case

Applied Research Day - 1st Place

Client: Ingenium (Erin Secord)
Professor(s): Carolyn Lorimer, Jim Catton
Program: Electrical Engineering Technology
Student Team Members: Zachary Franks; Kristopher Kshonze; Jacob Malcolmson; Tyler Ross

Check out the project here.

2nd Place | UXD/UID Mobile App Project

Applied Research Day - 2nd Place

Client: Tina Mackey
Professor(s): Sean Sytsma,
Program: Interactive Media Design
Student Team Members: Zarmeen Malik; Vanessa Isabela Denny; Yik Hang (Vicky) Fong; Aiden Famili; Yuka Ishii

Check out the project here.

3rd Place | Inspect This Car Educational/Marketing Videos

Applied Research Day - 3rd Place

Client: Ali Yaqub
Professor(s): Sucheng Lee
Program: Interactive Media Design
Student Team Members: Tanner Green; Dawson Peddie; Thomas Stanton; Nate Smith; Uluhan Orhan; Colin Clothier

Check out the project here.


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