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Ask EC – Validate electoral information as easily as texting a friend

Introducing Our Project: Investigating False Information in the Electoral Process

We are excited to present an overview of our collaborative research project with Elections Canada, an independent and non-partisan agency responsible for administering federal elections and referendums in Canada. Elections Canada’s mandate is to ensure fair, transparent, and accessible elections in Canada. With the rise of digital media and the prevalence of misinformation and disinformation, there is a growing concern about the impact of false information on the democratic process.

Our team, composed of four members from the Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Centred Design program at Algonquin College, brings together diverse backgrounds in political science, product design, naval architecture, and electrical engineering. This multidisciplinary approach allows us to tackle problems from different angles and find innovative solutions.

After consulting with Elections Canada, we identified the critical problem of misinformation and the lack of validation among Canadians regarding the electoral process. To delve deeper into this issue, we focused our research on Canadians aged 50 years and above, as they were found to be most susceptible to misinformation and also the most likely to share it. Through thorough investigation, we developed four key research questions:

To what degree does false information impact Canadians’ level of trust in the electoral process?
How widespread is misinformation and fake news regarding elections and the electoral system in Canada?
What validation process do Canadians aged 55+ use for information about the electoral process?
What are the factors influencing false information in Canada, and how do they impact Canadian elections?

To find answers to these questions, we conducted surveys and interviews with subject matter experts and participants representing our target demographic. Based on the insights gained, we have devised an innovative solution that aims to combat misinformation and foster a culture of information validation among Canadians.

Our solution involves the creation of a trained API powered by Chat GPT, using Elections Canada’s database and vast knowledge related to elections. This API will be integrated into a user-friendly platform accessible through text messages. By providing our demographic with easy access to reliable and accurate information related to Canadian elections, we aim to empower citizens with the tools they need to make informed decisions.

Here’s how our platform works: When users encounter information related to Canadian elections, they can simply send a text message containing the query to our dedicated number. Our trained Chat GPT API will then analyze the question, cross-referencing it with Elections Canada’s verified database. Within moments, users will receive a response that includes validated and trustworthy information related to their query.

Our long-term vision is to combat misinformation and enhance trust in the electoral process by equipping Canadians with a reliable and accessible source of information. By leveraging the power of Chat GPT and integrating it into a user-friendly text message platform, we hope to foster a culture of information validation, enabling citizens to navigate the digital realm with confidence during elections.

Our long-term plan is to combat misinformation and foster a culture of information validation among Canadians. By empowering individuals to verify information, we aim to enhance trust in the electoral process and equip citizens with the tools needed to navigate the vast online landscape during elections.

Throughout the development of this solution, our team has learned valuable lessons. Collaborative work has been essential, utilizing platforms such as Slack and Miro board to facilitate effective communication and coordination. We have appreciated the feedback received from Elections Canada and our partners, allowing us to make necessary adjustments and pivot when required. Each team member has brought their unique ideas and strengths, contributing equally to the success of the project.

We invite you to explore our website and learn more about our initiative to combat misinformation and promote information validation during Canadian elections. Together, let’s empower Canadians with the tools they need to navigate the digital realm and make informed decisions.

Thank you for visiting!


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